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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dungeon Finder

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the whole point of MMO is to actualy interact with people, by talking and not push button -> enter flashpoint -> kill boss = DONE !!!! :D:D:D .... WTB old gameplay back.. no easy button mode to get loot.. do some work in the game and the rewards are better...


Spamming General chat for an hour is not exactly a good way of social interaction. Grouping up wih guildies is better in this department, but you'll just have to be lucky to find enough people at your level range to actually get a group - Unless you go all the way to level 50 without doing any Flashpoints.


Your way basically changed "push button -> enter flashpoint -> kill boss = DONE !!!!" into "spam chat -> wait hours -> enter flashpoint -> kill boss = DONE !!!!". And you still did not explain how dungeons get easier when you waste less time getting a group.


Please formulate your statements before posting them.

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the whole point of MMO is to actualy interact with people, by talking and not push button -> enter flashpoint -> kill boss = DONE !!!! :D:D:D .... WTB old gameplay back.. no easy button mode to get loot.. do some work in the game and the rewards are better...


I don't... what... the ****? So by your logic the boss fights are already easy? By a long shot. First time in Raiders, the first boss with the beasts? Yeah that guy, the 12 or so people I've ran with didn't understand that they need to focus the beats before the boss and to move away from other players when the boss is focused on them.


Interaction? Of course you'll still interact with other players, you will have to teach fights or even... ask for help... take that in for a bit. It's will not remove the social interaction at all. Or are you basing this off Warcraft when you entered a group and posted all kinds of obnoxious **** about how easy a instance is and no body said a word? That is because your were obnoxious. Tone it down. Now that was all based on your post that I've quoted sorry if I pinned you as someone else.


A tool to speed up or even in some cases allow players to get a group won't by any aspect make the game easier.

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Spamming General chat for an hour is not exactly a good way of social interaction. Grouping up wih guildies is better in this department, but you'll just have to be lucky to find enough people at your level range to actually get a group - Unless you go all the way to level 50 without doing any Flashpoints.


Your way basically changed "push button -> enter flashpoint -> kill boss = DONE !!!!" into "spam chat -> wait hours -> enter flashpoint -> kill boss = DONE !!!!". And you still did not explain how dungeons get easier when you waste less time getting a group.


Please formulate your statements before posting them.


when i said iv spent an hour i did not mean spam /1 all the time, every 10-15 minutes i would post, and yes Guilds are the best way to get groups and its the way i get them, but sometimes i might have to find some random to join, its even better if your social and get freinds, i loged in the other day and got invited to do flashpoint within 5 minutes of been logged in...


people just need patients and stop trying to rush everything they do, get freinds ingame/join a guild and its alot easier...

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I don't... what... the ****? So by your logic the boss fights are already easy? By a long shot. First time in Raiders, the first boss with the beasts? Yeah that guy, the 12 or so people I've ran with didn't understand that they need to focus the beats before the boss and to move away from other players when the boss is focused on them.


Interaction? Of course you'll still interact with other players, you will have to teach fights or even... ask for help... take that in for a bit. It's will not remove the social interaction at all. Or are you basing this off Warcraft when you entered a group and posted all kinds of obnoxious **** about how easy a instance is and no body said a word? That is because your were obnoxious. Tone it down. Now that was all based on your post that I've quoted sorry if I pinned you as someone else.


A tool to speed up or even in some cases allow players to get a group won't by any aspect make the game easier.



not once did i say Boss fights are easy, becouse theyr not easy for players who havnt been in certain instances, nor would a LFG button make it easy, not once said that so your first coment is wrong.


as for the bashing of wow, no i enjoyed wow for a long time, even enjoyed the LFG system when it was introduced, but then again wow has what 30x more players then this and holds more people on one server then SWTOR can.. wow needed a LFG system becouse of the amount of players and it wasnt as if LFG system came into wow a month

after release..


anyways love too carry this on but having new internet installed so maybe when im back we can continue this :D Have fun ingame

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when i said iv spent an hour i did not mean spam /1 all the time, every 10-15 minutes i would post, and yes Guilds are the best way to get groups and its the way i get them, but sometimes i might have to find some random to join, its even better if your social and get freinds, i loged in the other day and got invited to do flashpoint within 5 minutes of been logged in...


people just need patients and stop trying to rush everything they do, get freinds ingame/join a guild and its alot easier...


Well, like I said, being able to group up with your guildies is fine. The problem however is that unless you're level 50, you likely aren't going to find enough players within the same level range to do a Flashpoint. You'll either have to be in a very large guild or a leveling guild, or you just need to be plain lucky.

As for friends, you might level faster then them. Or they may level faster then you. That makes it rather difficult, as well.


The Dungeon Finder is really the better alternative, if you ask me. You'll still have your guild for social interactions, and if it's possible with the members that are online, you'll still be able to group up with your guild members. You won't even need a full group anymore; Just group together and hit up the Dungeon Finder to fill up the empty spots. Better then you having to wait for hours with your guild buddies, who may not have the same amount of time and patience as you do.

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Well I have read all your posts, many of you make good points. But it seems to me that two crowds are clashing together here, whit the few expectations. One group wants to have a LFD system and the other doesn't, bit whoop. There are also more people define on where they stand, one side wants more community other wants more community through the LFD system.This is like two types of formulas trying to figure out of a problem whit the math,both work well, but neither is perfect.


LFD system: They join, PvE or PvP guilds, getting fun times whit the guilds. rush throe lvling,and a more focused on the endgame then the other who doesn't.


No LFD system: They often join PvE or PvP guilds, but for those people they don't focus mainly on what guild there in, but often do it .There are these people who want,to have a stronger and bigger "world" community. The math is something like this, if we have a LFD system, there are a fewer people in the game and fewer to be able to talk to,but they still have the people there are there,like an illusion.


Im at both sides of this argument really, as I play all of the three servers, Rp,PvP and PvE.

I would actually like to have this server based, I mean your always gonna screw some one over that's for sure, for the RP community i would suggest a LFD because you mainly always get your dose of talking and blabbing from Rping, then when you want to hit the lvls you don't want to keep on talking, then a LFD system is perfect.

PvP I actually don't care about these people, Ye I'm sorry, mainly because they join guilds, and Its always gonna be that way, whit or without.

PvE, is dived into two parts, lvling and dungeoning/raiding.


Sorry of the typos, but if I had to choose i would pick not.:D

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Read most of this and just like to say, I'm in a guild,made friends and still find it hard to put flashpoints together due to different levelling paces between guildmates/friends, so those solutions don't always work.


I really want to do all the flashpoint as i level up but as it stands now i waste a lot of time trying to get a team together to no avail, time i could spend enjoying my class story, so please bioware add a dungeon finder system.

Edited by deags
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LFD system: They join, PvE or PvP guilds, getting fun times whit the guilds. rush throe lvling,and a more focused on the endgame then the other who doesn't.


No LFD system: They often join PvE or PvP guilds, but for those people they don't focus mainly on what guild there in, but often do it .There are these people who want,to have a stronger and bigger "world" community. The math is something like this, if we have a LFD system, there are a fewer people in the game and fewer to be able to talk to,but they still have the people there are there,like an illusion.


You make a good point, though at the moment it's a problem that doing Flashpoints while leveling is really hard - To the point of being nearly impossible, unless you either have a lot of luck, spare time, or both. This also means that we'll get very little practise with the Flashpoints themselves for when we reach max level; We'll either have spent the majority of our time doing quests, meaning that we're only really experienced in solo play, or we'll have spent the majority of our time in the Warfronts, meaning that we're only really experienced in PvP.


The Dungeon Finder would combat this problem. Sure, it has its disadvantages, but it will likely make the endgame less painful for those who were forced to give up on Flashpoints - Like me.

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do the old skool way :p




put in the search window what ever u r looking for,




powertech if u after a tank


or lvls




and unlike the /1 it will cover everyone, not just people in the fleet. just give em a /w and see if they want to join.


last night i did mand raiders on my 25 healing sorc, took me 40 mins to get group and finish the FP. just did /1 to get the dps then searched lvl range 25-28 for a tank, got one on my 3rd /w who was infact lvling on tatooine, if i had just been spamming /1 i wont not have got him.


just sitting in fleet and spamming /1 wont get you far.

Edited by snowmon
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This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.


This is the exact reason why they havnt put one in. Yes its convient but it takes away one of the main reasons people play mmo's.

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I liked not having the feature in WoW (way long ago) when I was in high school. Now that I have a 9-5 job + other responsibilities, I usually want to be able to jump in the game, get in a group, and get other stuff done while I'm waiting for a group to be formed (rather than just sit at the fleet). I'd be fine if it remains with a single server to promote community, but it's a real time sink to just sit at the fleet not completing my other quests.
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Type LFG in the search box.

enjoy the result, you dont need to be in the fleet and spam to find a group.

if we all start to use it, is not that bad


There is a LFG tool. Open your social, click LFG, and type out what you want in the comment. More people do this, then you can just search it


Wait your LFG tool isn't in the game? Mine's been working since I got off Hutta. Its that forsaken green chat that some people seem to not be able to find. Helped me run all the hardmodes I've wanted every day, no problem. Where's yours?


do the old skool way :p


/who, put in the search window what ever u r looking for, either: powertech if u after a tank or lvls 25-30 and unlike the /1 it will cover everyone, not just people in the fleet. just give em a /w and see if they want to join.


last night i did mand raiders on my 25 healing sorc, took me 40 mins to get group and finish the FP. just did /1 to get the dps then searched lvl range 25-28 for a tank, got one on my 3rd /w who was infact lvling on tatooine, if i had just been spamming /1 i wont not have got him.


just sitting in fleet and spamming /1 wont get you far.


I think there needs to be a sticky on how to use the /who system cause most to all the things asked for in a dungeon finder it can do, that and it actually needs to be used.

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i find it funny how people come down on a que system for pve yet ever mmo has a que system already for pvp i wonder what it would be like if people had to spam in gen for pvp groups and run into a zone to pvp bet that would get fixed fast :rolleyes:
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I agree we need to have the option of a DF.


If your community would die from having it added for the people who want to use it, the problem isn't the DF it's the people.

i.e. you didn't have a community to begin with.

Edited by MandraMoody
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Back in TBC, i did alot of HC's


And i find it strange that you dont have the system there was back then:

While being solo you could either tag you as a LFG, and list what dungeons you wanted to go to, or go to the list, looking for members to the dungeon your wanted to go to.


This way, you could find people who maybe didn't look in general, or you could passively put youself LFG, and wait for someone to whisper you, you would still need to talk / ask people, and being on your own server, you just ignore all those people, you were having a bad experience with...


Can't see why this isn't ingame...


and to people who says, how this is different than the current:

1. you can LFG in a zone, where people might not look for you ( lets say you're doing your class quest somewhere )

2. it filters the general chat to a certain point


A simple midway solution, i would love...

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I love not having it, people are forced to be friendly and polite and actually TALK to other people.


No, ppl are forced to stand around in a space with nothing to do while they hope and prey for a healer or tank to become available. Last night during what was a pretty high pop time, Istood around for 20 min waiting for a healer to do Foundry. Then i went and did two space missions and dropped down to the planet to try and get a little questing done while the team leader had to sit up there with his hand out. I don't know what the other guy on the team did.


If you're not going to give us a LFG tool, then you need to at least put in a globalLFG channel and subscribe everyone to it. Mayb even set it so that if you put yourself in LFG mode it automatically turns on. You guys see what goes on on general chat, stop with this community nonsense. A constant stream of political talk and LFG requests is not a community. It's bad enough ppl don't rp on the rp servers



Just read a few more and I'm going to try seaarching for lfg.

Edited by Dudemanjac
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I dont' understand why people think a tool that helps get people together to do something, questing, flashpoints whatever, does not establish a community? Just wait til people quit because they can't ever get a group to do anything. Where's your community then? I am not paying a monthly subscription to play a single player game, I pay it to play with other people. The LFD did not kill wow for me, swtor did. I used to love loggin on wow, get a group instantly, being a tank helped, and logging off not feeling like I wasted my time.
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I liked not having the feature in WoW (way long ago) when I was in high school. Now that I have a 9-5 job + other responsibilities, I usually want to be able to jump in the game, get in a group, and get other stuff done while I'm waiting for a group to be formed (rather than just sit at the fleet). I'd be fine if it remains with a single server to promote community, but it's a real time sink to just sit at the fleet not completing my other quests.


What? You mean spamming LFG Colicoid War Games on the Space Station doesn't do much to "build community?"

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not once did i say Boss fights are easy, becouse theyr not easy for players who havnt been in certain instances, nor would a LFG button make it easy, not once said that so your first coment is wrong.


as for the bashing of wow, no i enjoyed wow for a long time, even enjoyed the LFG system when it was introduced, but then again wow has what 30x more players then this and holds more people on one server then SWTOR can.. wow needed a LFG system becouse of the amount of players and it wasnt as if LFG system came into wow a month

after release..


anyways love too carry this on but having new internet installed so maybe when im back we can continue this :D Have fun ingame


If your honest aim is to have fun in game, then consider spamming LFG Colicoid War Games over and over and over agin on Fleet Station isn't actually fun. A LFG tool is just that, a tool for those that want to use it. Purists like you are free to spam LFG and build your kind of "community."

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