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Everything posted by TydusX

  1. I think there needs to be a sticky on how to use the /who system cause most to all the things asked for in a dungeon finder it can do, that and it actually needs to be used.
  2. accessible yes, that could be better, being able to type "/who search details" in your chat log would be nice. Easier idk it's almost like using google as is. Ex. if i want a tank lfg lvl 20-25 you can do "assa jugg powe 20-25 lfg" and see all assassins juggernauts and powertechs lvls 20-25 lfg and that can be in pretty much any combination. This is why i suggested a sticky, use what's there just make it more /commandable, no big overhaul or much work needed to be put in. there is a server wide lfg with the /who system by clearing and typing "lfg" in the search terms box. ppl just need to use it
  3. I think there needs to be a sticky made on how to use the /who system cause half to all of what is being asked for can be done with this system you just need to do some typeing. Well that and ppl need to actually use it
  4. i was having the same problem myself and i happened to find something that worked for me. for me 1- i got the FP and didn't do it 2- got the heroic later that day and killed one or 2 things in it and didn't finish 3- came back to the FP and got this bug in a group and solo 4- what solved it for me was abandoning the heroic i did alittle of and i was able to enter the FP so what i think the problem might be is if anyone has a some what done group instance (heroic for me) that they started after (or maybe even before not sure) starting the instance (FP for me) you are trying to do it will give you this bug hope this can be helpful it if is right
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