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Everything posted by TroelsKruse

  1. I love this game, i know there are bugs - and i'm sure theres atleast 200 post covering this, but my question is: Why can't i add offline people to my friendlist? I find this extremly retarded, and making no sense at all? It's a minor thing, but it really annoys me - please fix.
  2. Back in TBC, i did alot of HC's And i find it strange that you dont have the system there was back then: While being solo you could either tag you as a LFG, and list what dungeons you wanted to go to, or go to the list, looking for members to the dungeon your wanted to go to. This way, you could find people who maybe didn't look in general, or you could passively put youself LFG, and wait for someone to whisper you, you would still need to talk / ask people, and being on your own server, you just ignore all those people, you were having a bad experience with... Can't see why this isn't ingame... and to people who says, how this is different than the current: 1. you can LFG in a zone, where people might not look for you ( lets say you're doing your class quest somewhere ) 2. it filters the general chat to a certain point A simple midway solution, i would love...
  3. I haven't tried a operation yet, but everyone seems to say the same, that it will auto-assign loot, does it maater if its on master loot / need-greed? no matter what, this system sucks... /signed for a standard master loot in operations, and a /roll or / random or something
  4. Me and some friends have been runningen Black talon HM everyday since we went 50, so far, i got 3 epic belts, 3 epic wrists, and 2 epic ears.... god, my companion even got those agent token bracers! But during ALL our HM's, we haven't seen a single tank items drop from a boss, not for any class, can any1 comfirm they have seen tank loot drop? P.S. the best way to get stable and easy gear upgraes, is during the H2 / H4 on illum / belsavis, giving epic mods / enchanment / armoring, resulting in a epic a day...
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