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Everything posted by enokmagic

  1. Well this seems promising, looking forward to it!
  2. So yeah this question might seem a bit stranger, but I'm a sub as you might have figured out from the title. I recently begun playing with my friends, and don't have subs nor are certain if they are. As any team, we play together but it creates a problem as I level a lot faster then them. Currently I got at level 11 when they were level 6, it just feels a bit meh. Is there a way to stop the experience increase?
  3. Well I have read all your posts, many of you make good points. But it seems to me that two crowds are clashing together here, whit the few expectations. One group wants to have a LFD system and the other doesn't, bit whoop. There are also more people define on where they stand, one side wants more community other wants more community through the LFD system.This is like two types of formulas trying to figure out of a problem whit the math,both work well, but neither is perfect. LFD system: They join, PvE or PvP guilds, getting fun times whit the guilds. rush throe lvling,and a more focused on the endgame then the other who doesn't. No LFD system: They often join PvE or PvP guilds, but for those people they don't focus mainly on what guild there in, but often do it .There are these people who want,to have a stronger and bigger "world" community. The math is something like this, if we have a LFD system, there are a fewer people in the game and fewer to be able to talk to,but they still have the people there are there,like an illusion. Im at both sides of this argument really, as I play all of the three servers, Rp,PvP and PvE. I would actually like to have this server based, I mean your always gonna screw some one over that's for sure, for the RP community i would suggest a LFD because you mainly always get your dose of talking and blabbing from Rping, then when you want to hit the lvls you don't want to keep on talking, then a LFD system is perfect. PvP I actually don't care about these people, Ye I'm sorry, mainly because they join guilds, and Its always gonna be that way, whit or without. PvE, is dived into two parts, lvling and dungeoning/raiding. Sorry of the typos, but if I had to choose i would pick not.
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