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To all of those who are claiming sorc healing is broken...


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Intentionally wording threads/titles to cause a fight is Trolling.


If you actually wanted to be of help you could try posting your link as something more positive.


Ie " Here is a video of our guild downing XX"... fullstop no commentary required.


Smarmy aggressively worded titles and posts just draw counter troll responses.


It is very unlikely that this thread can now achieve any positive outcome for the game.


Good luck, hope you enjoy the game.

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Some of you take this game waaayyy too seriously it's like you were getting paid to play it. My sorc gets slaughtered routinely but I'm the first to admit it's my fault and NOT THE GAME's. She's also the highest level and most powerful character I have and she slaughters stuff with DPS...as long as she doesn't come near melee...lighten up folks this is a game stuff's gonna get nerfed respec and enjoy yourself.
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You have admitted that you don't pvp. People are complaining that we are useless in pvp, not pve.


Before you start bad mouthing all the sorcerer's who have put a lot of time and effort gearing, getting valor ranks only to be shat on by the devs, go play a Warzone. Then come back here and say we aren't broken.




This about sums it up. Nuff said-

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Yeah grass is always greener....but you overestimate the amount of damage mitigation and CC a merc has over a sorc. Like i said I have a War Hero of both classes and I choose to play the Sorc with the 21/20/0 spec over the Merc for healing because it's not really even close in terms of effectiveness on the battlefield at this point. Mercs have no escapability at all and heavy armor means little when so much damage in pvp ignores armor.


It's not an overestimation.. you have 10% more damage reduction than we do.. and to top it all off you can take 25% reduced damage for 12 seconds when you are in a bind.. we can't do it. Damage in PvP doesn't ignore armor.. things that ignore armor ignore armor.. which is Internal damage and Force damage.. a majority of attacks aren't internal or force damage.. they are Kinetic and Energy.. which armor reduces dramatically. Let me put it to you this way.. Lightning Strike is currently the most worthless ability that sorcs never cast unless they are full lightning.. Why? Because Lightning Strike is supposed to do at maximum 1k dmg as the tooltip says.. however, in all reality it hits for 850ish on light armored targets and takes harder dips the more armor something has. Armor plays a roll in damage.. especially when sorcs mostly deal Energy damage.


I would rather have a 3.5k damage bubble I can spam over and over with a built in no resolve effected 2 sec stun than self only 25% damage reduction on a 2 minute timer. Plus 20 sec cooldown sprint and instant cast slow to get out of LOS. The sorc bubble is worlds better than the merc kolto shell that mitigates NO damage and only heals for a small amount.


You can't spam it.. it's a 17 second cd or a 20 second cd for the debuff on yourself. 20 Sec sprint is absolutely meaningless when a mara can jump and root you for its duration. Kolto shell is a healing ability.. sorc bubble isn't.


Like I said I don't know what it was like to heal with a Sorc before 1.2 - but imho post 1.2 Sorcs with the proper spec are better PVP healers than Mercs.


Yeah, well you are very much wrong on the subject. The numbers and research on it have already been done.. Mercs and actually get away with taking some damage and heal.. Sorcs however are a free kill.


Free Kill is not better than having some mitigation.


Btw, we're talking about the spec you posted.. you know the one were you have reduced healing across the board but more cc abilities... Sorry, doesn't work in a world were CC is almost completely meaningless.

Edited by Ravenbrand
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My guild (Annex) just completed Hardmode Explosive Conflict. guess what? we used 2 sorc healers. our class is not broken, just learn how to play better.


The name is Hatraide, Sorc healer.


Here's the link for all you who wouldnt believe.




Nope, not in PvE (it's just more challenging than before). Now go do some WZ's, then come back and tell me it's not broken. Good luck getting any cast off at all. Also have fun with that trauma (-30% healing debuff).

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I am afraid to play PvP... :) so I will just stick to PvE.

To be honest, I think I might manage in PvE with some of the nerfs, but the thing I am missing the most is the emergency heal and I think it's the same in PvP. They really need to fix this.

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try surviving against a marauder in pvp for 5sec then get back to us




0: Force Charge/Deadly Saber

1.5: Rupture

3: Batteingr Assault

4.5: Rupture

6: Annihilate

7.5: Ravage

10.5: Ravage Ends/Force Scream.


0: Force Charge

1.5: Massacre

3: Battering Assault

4.5: Gore

6: Ravage

9: Ravage Ends/Force Scream.


You guys can totally survive for more than 5 seconds!

Edited by Uchoo
Forgot to include Annihilate
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As someone totally disinterested in the QQ and arguing, I just want to know what people are doing to adapt to the changes (other than ragequitting).


They're rolling Marauders/Sentinels, or quitting.


It's also not ragequitting if people have a smile on their face when they hit the cancel button.

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its certainly worse than it was but its not unplayable. Your example however is meaningless. Being able to beat trivial content with a class doesn't mean a class isn't broken. would it have been easier with 2 op healers, or two mercy healers? If the answer is yes then the sorc class is gimp. If the answer is no then its fine.
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