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How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


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It's actually quite important.


See, no one here remembers Meridian 59, but you can still play it, for free, and that game is a flawless example of how all this started... going in the wrong direction.


M59 spoiled us with fantastic, ruthless, rotten PvP. People from that time actually came to believe that all mmos were capable of that level of open free will - and since then we have seen a stream of games which have failed to live up to that early potential.


That isn't a bad thing, unless you come into every new mmo with expectations from the previous one. Like SWG players coming here and wondering why SWTOR isn't more like their old game.


It's the expectation that's the killer...


Mr. Grumpypants. :p



Uh lets look at what you said... You claimed that a person is "new to the game" because he stated UO was the 1st modern MMO. New to the game? This game is new and that's quite irrelevant. New to MMOs? Well, let's see. Anyone can look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_massively_multiplayer_online_games. Even a 10 year old who has never played a MMO.



We have the 1st commercial MMORPG, Island of Kesmai 1987.

The first graphical MMORPG was Neverwinter Nights 1991.

"The Realm Online was another successful early Internet MMORPG, launched by Sierra Online. Although released just after Meridian 59, the beta was active several months before."



Meridian 59 may be the 1st monthly subscription MMO with a 3d engine, but UO was "more involved, complex game than many of its predecessors." Making the comment of UO being the "First Modern MMO" a very viable statement. We're talking about games released 15-16 years ago. People who have been playing MMORPGs only since UO came out or even shortly after, are not new to MMOs in any way shape or form. Your statement is ludicrous. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kourage
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Its only a mistake in your eyes, there skip. There are a few million of us that are having a ball. If you want to consider this a public service, I guess that is your right, but I'm hear to tell ya that to many of us it is a hysterical and embarrassing display of emotion on a public message board. ;p


I often wonder if many of these people that pick something they don't like at a buffet just leave it on their plate and eat what they like or begin emoting to the entire restaurant about how its the foods fault. LOL


Really. After reading these boards for the last few months I am just amazed at some of the posts.


One is one, two is a couple, three might be considered the start of a few, you aren't even at a couple yet, easy there let's not get too carried away here fanboy.



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Your statement is ludicrous. :rolleyes:

"The game". As in, "the game of mmos", not this game. :p


Meridian 59 was the first 3D graphical "massively multiplayer online game" or MMO.


NWN did not follow the M&M clone format. UO was released in '97. M59 in '95.


Thanks for coming out.

Edited by Blistrich
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"The game". As in, "the game of mmos", not this game. :p


Meridian 59 was the first 3D graphical "massively multiplayer online game" or MMO


NWN did not follow the M&M clone format. UO was released in 97. M59 in 95.


Thanks for coming out.



Ohh someone actually remembers.... I was there


M59 then UO and then EQ, those were the origins of modern MMO’s


And there has not been a significant revolution ( only evolutions ) since.


I think it is about time

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M59 then UO and then EQ, those were the origins of modern MMO’s


And there has not been a significant revolution ( only evolutions ) since.

Could not agree more.


There have been attempts (EVE Online, Darkfall, Mortal), but they're too hardcore for the casuals. Unfortunately, what appeals to the casuals sends the hardcore people running for the hills, so what we end up with is game after game that make serious compromises to the point where they all look exactly like one another.

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No idea...ask me in 10 years. :)


A LOT can happen in just a few years with an MMO, nevermind 10. Be interesting to see where this one goes.


^ This.


But overall probably remember for one of the worst forum communities sinse WoW :p

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Ohh someone actually remembers.... I was there


M59 then UO and then EQ, those were the origins of modern MMO’s


And there has not been a significant revolution ( only evolutions ) since.


I think it is about time


How do u feel about GW2? Seems like getting rid of the tank/heals/dps format would be a step in the right direction.

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Ohh someone actually remembers.... I was there


M59 then UO and then EQ, those were the origins of modern MMO’s


And there has not been a significant revolution ( only evolutions ) since.


I think it is about time


Meridian 59 isn't even on the same level as Ultima Online. UO is a much more advanced or modern MMO. Just as the guy stated it was the 1st modern MMO.

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Asking this question right now is asking for either short sighted comments or what I'm about to say... we don't know right now. This game is an infant. You have no idea what it's going to grow up and become. You will, however, get a better idea the older it gets. You couldn't even begin to make an accurate prediction until after a couple years unless the game completely tanks before then. It could be remembered as the MMO that had loads of potential but failed miserably in the end or as the MMO that somehow, against all odds, surpassed WoW. We just have no clue. Anyone who tries to make a serious prediction at this point in time is quite simply being a fool.


I just had to quote this. The game is not in its infancy. There are huge mmo's that have come out before this game. The majority lived for a few years then fell off the face of the earth. These developers spent how many years on this game but never incorporated what worked and what failed in other games. This game was a polished turd, that was released due to EA wanting to hit the holiday sales. EA and Bioware had the means to make this one of the greatest mmo's of all time. Instead they gave us this, a beta test in which pve is slow and boring, pvp got worse after the second patch, gear became more than a grind it became a abortion, story lines were weak, voice overs with horrible lines (waste of five years) the list goes on and on.


Infancy is a term for brand new. MMO's are not a new concept, on the otherhandreleasing a good product to hold interest and keep subs after two months is new. When you take the dev's from warhammer (EA's first failed mmo) and place them on the new dev team what in the world did you think would happen?

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How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


As the game that became a target by bringing Hollywood (err ... Lucas Valley Ranch - same difference) to MMORPGs and changed how the genre views combat asthetics, crafting, quest interaction and especially companions. Here's guessing you'll be seeing more games add combat-effective & microable companions on a broad scale before long. Oh, it will also be remembered as the game that survived its first year without having to issue flak jackets to its forum community. :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Whoever said/believes UO was the "first mmo" is obviously new to the game.


Major credits to whoever is old enough to remember the real first mmo...


Gemstone, 1987, by Simutronics. Back when you had HOURLY rates...


Interestingly enough, Simutronics made the Hero Engine which served as the base for the engine here in SWTOR.

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How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


As the game that became a target by bringing Hollywood (err ... Lucas Valley Ranch - same difference) to MMORPGs and changed how the genre views combat asthetics, crafting, quest interaction and especially companions. Here's guessing you'll be seeing more games add combat-effective & microable companions on a broad scale before long. Oh, it will also be remembered as the game that survived its first year without having to issue flak jackets to its forum community. :)


Guild Wars already had "companions".


There isn't a single original idea in this game. Let it go.

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Guild Wars already had "companions".


There isn't a single original idea in this game. Let it go.


There was not a single original idea in the largest MMO when it launched ( or patched since ) either, what is your point?

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How can you say WoW didn't achieve greatness? It is the standard by which all others (AAA) are measured.


See, that was the funny part of the quote. I was just referencing to how enormously buggy WoW was at launch and that you cannot judge the future of a game by the amount of bugs at launch.

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There was not a single original idea in the largest MMO when it launched ( or patched since ) either, what is your point?


That Star Wars: The Old Republic has no original ideas?


I figured it was rather obvious.. I mean, how much further can I spell it out?

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That Star Wars: The Old Republic has no original ideas?


I figured it was rather obvious.. I mean, how much further can I spell it out?


Well, you can of course state completely proovable wrong facts.


Adding Star Fox to an MMO was original.

As was adding Mass Effect style voiceovers, including giving your character it's own voice.

Changing crafting to become less about grinding your own materials and more about 'managing a team of AI's to do it for you' was also quite original as far as I know.

Ah yes, and romances with NPC's, unheard of in MMO's.


I think the most original thing in WoW at launch was Cows as a playable race.


Then again, seeing the 'quote' in your sig says enough. You like living your own reality where you are always right and everyone else is always wrong.

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