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What the hardcores aren't mentioning-


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But here's a thing. Real PVP'rs. The guys who want a good fight... they want people to get those comms. They want their adversaries to get rewarded so that they can fight skilled players who are equally geared.


The way it looks to me with all the "L2P" crap I'm seeing spouted is "I've got my rewards- sorry new PVP'rs or under geared pvp'rs. I'm going to keep winning and maybe sometime next year you'll catch up but by then I'll be so far in the clouds you won't touch me anyway."



It's pretty standard human behavior that will unfortunately lead you to diminished returns over time.


Food for thought.

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Im a hardcore pvp and I dislike this move.


I think those you call hardcore pvp'er are mostly self proclaimed imba kings, they just enjoy that this is now a zerg fest and that you dont have to use your head to kill stuff.

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But here's a thing. Real PVP'rs. The guys who want a good fight... they want people to get those comms. They want their adversaries to get rewarded so that they can fight skilled players who are equally geared.


The way it looks to me with all the "L2P" crap I'm seeing spouted is "I've got my rewards- sorry new PVP'rs or under geared pvp'rs. I'm going to keep winning and maybe sometime next year you'll catch up but by then I'll be so far in the clouds you won't touch me anyway."



It's pretty standard human behavior that will unfortunately lead you to diminished returns over time.


Food for thought.


I did not know there was a difference from a real PVP'er to a Fake PVP'er thank you for clearing that up. Also you are not as one man wrecking crew. Win or losses base largely on the group working and less about gear. I thought applaud you for you lack of oversight into other peoples problems.

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I've always been on the side of you should look better the more you have pvped. As in the gear is standard to get but the hard set to get is the same stats but has a much better look. Gives a reason to want to get better but doesn't kill game play, but that's just how i think anyway. (Sorry if english isn't perfect here. It's not my main =). )
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I did not know there was a difference from a real PVP'er to a Fake PVP'er thank you for clearing that up. Also you are not as one man wrecking crew. Win or losses base largely on the group working and less about gear. I thought applaud you for you lack of oversight into other peoples problems.


Gear has a lot to say still. Where is your oversight?

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I did not know there was a difference from a real PVP'er to a Fake PVP'er thank you for clearing that up. Also you are not as one man wrecking crew. Win or losses base largely on the group working and less about gear. I thought applaud you for you lack of oversight into other peoples problems.


Way to not read my OP.


And yes. Someone who claims that PVP should be based on how well you perform should not have to rely on gear. Unfortunately that is what this game causes- and those who are telling others to L2P are the same people who already have their gear.

Edited by zerosaint
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I've always been on the side of you should look better the more you have pvped. As in the gear is standard to get but the hard set to get is the same stats but has a much better look. Gives a reason to want to get better but doesn't kill game play, but that's just how i think anyway. (Sorry if english isn't perfect here. It's not my main =). )


I agree


Looks, title, pets, shining aura, whatever



it should be about recognition.



And this is coming from someone who's already well geared enough to tear appart the new 50 but it's not fun at all.


I want long, tactical and hard fight. And less time grinding, more time having fun.

Edited by Bocherel
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I say get rid of PvP gear in general. Just give everyone the same base stats once they enter PvP and call it a day. Then these horrible players will have nothing to complain about. Edited by Nmaharg
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Let me be clear- I am not schilling for GW2, but I understand the they are basically giving you base stats and a weapon if you go into the world PVP zone.


It would be really nice if BW were able to do something like that.

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I can't determine the make up of the other 4 people in my team, i can't determine the make up of the opposing team in any fashion whatsoever, so the player matchup is like rolling a dice, see who gets the guys with 13k hps and who gets the guys with 17+


It's impossible to have real pvp while the match making is so bad (coupled with class balance being blown up by a pve patch), it's like being an amateur sporting team and having a 1 in 10 chance to meet someone from your own competition, and the other 9 either meeting a professional team, a high school team or a grade school team.


It doesn't even really effect me that much, I win 90% of my games (it was about 60% pre patch, but i queued solo or duo a lot more), but i'm noticing that the player base is fading even faster than it did last patch, it's not just boredom, and games are turning into 8v6 almost every single time i play.

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i kind of like how it's individual based and team based at the same time, you get medals (which is an individual task at it's root) you get rewarded, and by getting medals you generally have to work as a team toward the objectives.


i don't mind the system.


i think the flaw is elsewhere, the flaw lies with the gear gap and premades.

there wouldn't be any problem overall if not for the gear gap/premades.


that being said i'm not 100% happy with how it's become such a dps deathmatch pvp style now... i kind of liked the uniqueness that once was, where people actually survived awhile and there were good battles to be had. now it feels like a step away from wacraft and 2-3 shotting people with a gear gap... or premades destroying people.


just wait untill all the pathetic premaders get their wish and get their 8 man ques... to see how truly horrible it can become, and it will happen as the premade types/elitist guild types almost always get their way.



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The game mechanics are what they are. If people spent half the time they spent QQing on the forums talking strategy and forming premades they'd win a lot more.


Not sure when it became the norm to complain about a game's mechanics rather than to adapt and to learn to overcome them. It's pathetic.

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The game mechanics are what they are. If people spent half the time they spent QQing on the forums talking strategy and forming premades they'd win a lot more.


Not sure when it became the norm to complain about a game's mechanics rather than to adapt and to learn to overcome them. It's pathetic.


Yes. Overcoming a BM pre made with a fresh 50 and an unknown PUG. Yep. Thank you for making my point.



just wait untill all the pathetic premaders get their wish and get their 8 man ques... to see how truly horrible it can become, and it will happen as the premade types/elitist guild types almost always get their way.




Quoted for emphasis

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The game mechanics are what they are. If people spent half the time they spent QQing on the forums talking strategy and forming premades they'd win a lot more.


Not sure when it became the norm to complain about a game's mechanics rather than to adapt and to learn to overcome them. It's pathetic.


No you are pathetic. You act like a sheep and just suck it up. You know what that is ? Much worse than bad QQ feedback, cause its not feedback at all.


How do you spot a problem if no one is complaining about it?


Sure some people complain just because they fail as players, but some actually have merit to complain/give feedback.

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I've won more than 80% of my games since the patch, in solo queue. Not only that, but I stripped the mods from my BM gear and put them into my Rakata gear before the patch and used 4p Rakata to pvp with. I am still using 4p Rakata and even a PVE main hand weapon leaving me with only 537 expertise this patch. Gear is not why you are *always* losing. Much of what I do to "win" games, especially in huttball, doesn't even involve combating players at all.
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I agree


Looks, title, pets, shining aura, whatever



it should be about recognition.



And this is coming from someone who's already well geared enough to tear appart the new 50 but it's not fun at all.


I want long, tactical and hard fight. And less time grinding, more time having fun.


Long fights are boring, pre-1.2 I've been in several PUG Warzones vs. predominantly Healers/Tanks and noone dies on either side. It's dead boring.

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The game mechanics are what they are. If people spent half the time they spent QQing on the forums talking strategy and forming premades they'd win a lot more.


Not sure when it became the norm to complain about a game's mechanics rather than to adapt and to learn to overcome them. It's pathetic.


I believe if ranked WZs had been ready with this patch you would be complaining that your matched with equally skilled and geared premades and its much to hard to dominate now. Or depending on the server your on if ranked WZs had been implemented with this patch you might only be playing with yourselves for about 2 years till everyone else caught up to your elitist level gained by farming comms and valor from winning and LOSING. So all of you who are not at least BMs now, suck it up its going to be a long hard road to get to the level these elitist had reached in a few short months.

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Long fights are boring, pre-1.2 I've been in several PUG Warzones vs. predominantly Healers/Tanks and noone dies on either side. It's dead boring.


if tanks and healers don't survive for extended periods, then you have serious balance issues because their damage output is pretty pathetic.


The issue more than anything here though is warzone design, it's almost impossible to win any wz over in that other game by simply tanking and healing, because in some way you actually require the ability to kill people to actually win.


Whereas in this game, i can think of a way to win every single wz in this game, simply by surviving and not killing anyone, some more obvious and easier than others


Tanks and healers should be able to survive for extended periods, but simply surviving shouldn't be able to win you every wz, some very easily.

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I believe if ranked WZs had been ready with this patch you would be complaining that your matched with equally skilled and geared premades and its much to hard to dominate now. Or depending on the server your on if ranked WZs had been implemented with this patch you might only be playing with yourselves for about 2 years till everyone else caught up to your elitist level gained by farming comms and valor from winning and LOSING. So all of you who are not at least BMs now, suck it up its going to be a long hard road to get to the level these elitist had reached in a few short months.


This is exactly my point. The people who were able to take advantage of the system up until now (Including the Ilum farming when it first went live) are the very people who are telling those looking at an exponentially more difficult pvp trek to stop qq'ing and l2p.


And it's sad.

Edited by zerosaint
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