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Pod racing ideas!


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There should definitely be pod racing. They would get upgrades and stuff like there are for spaceships. Might have weapons, maybe not. Who knows. Anywho, At least have pod racing on tatooine and whatnot. I think this would be a great addition to the game and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people would want it too. Who's with me?


Also, don't forget to post your ideas about pod racing.

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There should definitely be pod racing. They would get upgrades and stuff like there are for spaceships. Might have weapons, maybe not. Who knows. Anywho, At least have pod racing on tatooine and whatnot. I think this would be a great addition to the game and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people would want it too. Who's with me?


Also, don't forget to post your ideas about pod racing.


my ideas are that it doesnt exist yet.

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Swoop racing would be fun. But a lot of people would prefer to forget the prequel trilogy exists, and besides, Podracing isn't supposed to be possible for species with humanoid reactions (I.E. All the near-human species in this game) Edited by KorinHyvek
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Rather then make it a mini game they could make it an extra addon for the game, and set it up so we have monthly events where people earn extra credits / mods and have it as some sort of racing league changing the planet that the races happen on each time and giving the 'swoop bike league theme' to the hosting planet - Players would also be able to make bets and win credits etc and the swoops / pods can be modded and upgraded like our current space ships :)


It would be a steop forward for MMO's, so instead of having the option of PVE or PVP, you have the option of PVE,PVP, or SWOOP / POD RACING! I know what I would do :)


There is lots that could be done with this idea to make it a brilliant adition to the game, but its always easier said then done, heres to hoping Bioware have something in the pipeline though :)

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Anchorhead has enough room to make an interesting track, I have been looking at organising a Anchorhead 500.



where's anchorhead? No clue what you're talking about :confused:

Edited by Xurokeez
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I recently sent in a customer service comment with an idea much along these lines, and was directed to post said ideas here - rather then start another thread I thought I'd tack my thoughts on here, if that's alright!


Essentially, I was trying to work out a framework by which swoop racing could be included in the game. I'd come up with the following;


One option is to have races function similarly to a duel between players – one player challenges the other, and when the challenge is accepted a point to race to is generated on the map. Not sure this is really workable, though, and it only allows for two-player races.


An alternative would be to set races up to operate more like a flashpoint. Players sign on to race by accepting a mission, form a group amongst themselves, and when they're all ready they enter a specific area to race. Perhaps they'd have to talk to a race starter, and the race wouldn't begin until the conversation was complete, hopefully preventing false starts!


Obvious problems are of course the different Speeder grades. On the one hand, if someone has a faster speeder or some ability to upgrade their travel rate (I vaguely recall seeing something about this in the legacy panel?), they'll obviously win, and I haven't yet worked out how that could be prevented.


On the other hand, if everyone is on equally matched speeders, it would make it quite difficult to win. It might require some tricky course designs where players have to find the shortest, most efficient route in order to win, or perhaps randomly operating obstacles and temporary speed-increasing pickups (something like 'pilot your speeder over the pickup and get a 10% speed increase for 5 seconds', for example) would help mix things up a little.


Another problem could be rewards. I guess there would have to be some incentive to race, or not a lot of people would be interested. I'm not sure if giving out credits or commendations would leave Speeder racing open to abuse, with people constantly racing to accumulate a large reward. Unless the flashpoint style implementation is feasible meaning the mission could be set to be only repeatable once per day, this isn't something I've really thought of a workable solution for.


So anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter. Maybe there's something promising within them! Regardless, I wouldn't mind hearing other player's thoughts, comments or criticisms.



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Great idea! I'd much rather everyone have equal speeders so it's a matter of skill not who has the best stuff. And maybe have runover things like defense or weapons or speed ups, similar to Death Race, or mario cart >.>
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I think putting a POD RACING mini game in SWTOR like the space Mini game would a lot of fun in my opinion, but only if it was not a Roller Coaster ride a free play racing game. I think we could have 3-4 different pod designs or even just the Czerka Pod Racer you could use with 3-4 different color schemes. I also think it would be cool if we could choose to use our Czerka Pod Racer or any of our speeders to race with. I think there should be at least one track per planet not asking too much, but I think Tatooine, Hoth, Voss, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and Belsavis would have some of the coolest race tracks. There would be a lot more popularity, I think with this game, if they had a mini game like this I know I would like to see something like this other than combat all the time.


I would like it to be like Pod Racer N64 where we could buy or make, using Cybertech, Upgrades to make our racers faster, and have boost abilities. That would ensure that we have to use skill to win not just good equipment. :rak_03:

I also think that if that is too cliche with Bioware maybe linking our Pod Racer/Speeder racing equipment with our stats from our armor, like making Racing Suits, and having stats that would improve racing abilities like our combat abilities. These suits could just be the Pilot Suits that are already in the game or just make new mods, armoring, and enhancements base just for racing (CYbertech) that would be geared for Racing Only. I think the armoring could be our Pod Racers toughness, Mods, and Enhancements could just improve stats. I think that maybe using an armor linked system for the Pod Racer Stats would be cool since you could use any armor you want for it.


Another Idea that might work for Pod Racer Stats would be that Endurance or Armor rating could be uses as the Toughness of the Pod Racer, your main stat like Aim, Cunning Or Willpower could have an advantage. Like Willpower could make it more difficult for you to lose control of the racer, cunning could repair your racer faster, and aim could give you longer boosting time or something like that. This would basically link your stats of your combat gear to the racer abilities making your racer as good as you are.


I also think racing should be a level 10 to level 50 ability or to level 55 when the new cap comes into play. There should be a weekly race mission or weekly events for it. I also think that we could have guild competitions, like a rating system to judge a Weekly Guild Winner or Which guild won the most races that week or maybe some kind of championship. This could be monthly or weekly. I also think that we could possibly have it controlled by the Hutts like the GRAND HUTT CIRCUIT RACING or something like that or maybe The HUTT CARTEL POD RACING.


Also this could be a huge new part of PVP! I think making this a PVP only game would widen PVP much more, you could even making the Expertise rating increase boost speed or damage reduction like in PVP. I also think that there could be like 20 players per race perhaps more!

Well so far that is all I got as an Idea please Bioware at least read this and think about it, this could be a lot of fun! :cool:

Edited by Solissdeadstar
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