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DFA, an AOE without "Area of Effect"


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Arsenal was fine before the TM nerf, but you forum whiners didn't like the playstyle. Oh boo hoo. So instead of rerolling to a spec/class you might better enjoy, you whinge to BW to change the spec, and now look at the problems we have. Our biggest damage dealer is a channelled ability. We have debuffs not working properly. Our mobility and defence is shot to hell.



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I too, am unhappy with DFA...I simply do not see how it was overpowered before - especially when I am seeing and playing other classes with "like" abilities that now seem to be very much overpowered when compared to BH...but perhaps they are up for the next nerf, who knows.


To add to the discussion though, take a look at the latest (the May 4th) Bioware Q&A. This issue is actually addressed indirectly - but not by name. Here is a cut and paste from that Q&A so you know what I am talking about..I highlighted areas that are important:


Class change prioritization is a bigger topic. Without getting too long-winded on the subject, what we're aiming to do with any class change is get a class or spec as close to target as we can. These "targets" are objective math-based goals that apply identically to all like-roles. By that I mean that all DPS specs have the same target because they are all the same role: damage dealing. Tank roles have their own targets, and healing roles have their own targets. When someone is off target (too high or too low), we try to find non-invasive ways of bringing them closer to target. We don't try to bring classes closer to target because we're mean - we do it because the global game math assumes everyone hits their target. When someone doesn't hit their target, it has an adverse effect on the game at large. And since rebalancing the entire game to accommodate an outlying spec is completely infeasible, we address the outlying performers with class changes, individually, as appropriate. It's an ongoing experience that we'll never be done with, so prioritization is based on what we feel is the most egregious in any given patch. How we identify outliers and how we determine which is the most egregious is... another bigger topic.


What this means - or what I think it means - is that BH was likely nerfed as badly as it was because a small number of players who found an optimal way of doing things and became "outliers" in the math, skewing the math behind the game mechanics. Is this possible? It must be -- the reason for the nerf is right there in the discussion for May 4th's Q&A.


What I also think is this -- that every class is going to go through this process as long as "outliers", or for what I think is another term that most of us understand -- "min/max" players -- exist. Taken to extremes, it means that every class will likely be pigeon-holed to a certain extent, and nerfed in ways to force players into certain roles, despite the fact that many classes have potential multiple roles -- like BH, which theorectically can be a main spec healer or DPS.


Ah well. Just some thoughts. I certianly hope BW will rethink this...I don't play my BH as much as I used to anymore -- it isn't that it was overpowered before...maybe it was...but not hitting over 50% of a group of mobs -- or watching the ones you DO hit at first bounced completely out of your AOE with minimal damage is just plain frustrating...especially when other classes don't seem to have this problem.

Edited by ZTempest
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That quote worries me. I HOPE they don't judge each DPS spec by damage dealt alone. Not all DPS specs are meant to be equal in that, because there are other factors, like damage mitigation and utility. I don't mind being a squishy, stationary turret, but there should be good things that make up for that. My Jet Boost and Rocket Punch are awesome at Huttball, yes, but it's nothing compared to a Powertech harpooning me into fire or a Sorceror hauling butt past everyone and force pulling the ball carrier out of the Pit. And is there anything more depressing than seeing a Consular absorb your entire Heatseeker Missile? Kind of like how I expect Marauders to have more mitigation than me because they have to be in the thick of everything, at melee range, whereas I can at least try to stay on the outskirts.
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Well, I don't know that 1.2 is the end of SWTOR but it is the end of my playing a BH at least until I think he's fun to play again and unfortunately that makes it the first step of the end of my desire to play.


The BH's DFA nerf was really unnecessary. Let's break it down.

Balance wasn't an issue in any form of play be it PvP or PvE. It's 60sec CD (Cool Down) prevents it from being spamed. The Knockdown (not knockback) only works on Standard & Weak targets so it's really only effective for PvE. Even if the AoE radius was 10m a PvP player could out run the worst of it because you see the glyph as the BH has to jump in the air before the shooting starts. On top of that, the minimum distance is 5m so the BH can't even drop it at Danger Close for PvE or PvP. Then last but not least DFA uses 25 out of 100 heat and using any other AoE ability immediately before or after puts the BH on a High level of Heat buildup and a slower disipation which is not good. Low Heat = Use of abilities and the lower the better for disipation. The other AoEs of the BH Merc are Jet Boost (16Heat), Flamethrower (25H), Sweeping Blasters (33H), and Fusion Missle (33H). As you can see, heavy use of AoE would make a BH burnout and be practically useless. So, DFA was a nice start move against those really spread out mobs to get their attention.


So, why did the Devs change DFA? Because somewhere it was written down that it's AoE radius was 5m. WOW, really? Sure seems to be the only real reason. :(


Now that's what I call SNAFU.


BTW has anyone else noticed that the secondary effect from Fusion Missile seems to be glitchy for mobs 'at level'. ("Standard and weak targets enter a state of panic from the flames.") I rarely see it work for my BH.


Comparing that to the Sorcerer's AoE is just night & day and two different types of characters.

Too many times now I hear players comment, "It is very nice to have a sorcerer and their abilities for those fights." When it used to be said about the BH I would light up. Guess I just need to play my Sorc now.


OK, I'm done QQing and it's time to go back and play a bit. Hoping the best for all of us but preparing for more.

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i never understood the whole nerf approach. They should have tweak DFA in some areas, and offset it in others.

ihmo, they should:


1. add a 3-point skill in shared tree that increases AoE size up to original size fully feated. t1 feat.

2. add a 1-point t2 skill derived from skill above (have to fully feat the first to get to this one) skill that changes the damage from kinetic to elemental.


So rather than create a nerf, allow the players to to make their own decision on whether to sacrifice other skills to get the DFA fully feated, rather than nerfing it to hell and forcing the user into a 'have to play this way and only this way' cookie-build...

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Off topic, but the thing I hate the most about DFA is when you go to use it on mobs near you, and it says its available to be placed and your too close.... Although the skill of knowing is half the battle lol...


In regards to the nerf, I just think it needs to be a slightly larger AOE radius.


The thing I like about it now, is as a tank I know the damage is restricted to where your placing the skill on the ground where as before I would have to estimate and hope I dont break the CC. Being able to use it at a location when mobs are grouped up and one is CC'd and being able to know that the CC will not break is awesome. If the radius is increased, please increase the tool tip which diplays the placement of the skill on the floor...

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I really have no clue what everyone is whining about. DFAs damage didn't get nerfed and the radius still hits the majority of mobs I encounter. Quit ************ about DFA and start worrying about the real issues our class has.


On a side note, yes its irritating when the reticle lights up but you can't place it because it's "too close"......stop its fscking lighting up then!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry if this has already been suggested but thread is too long to fully read...


Make skill do full damage at the new diameter and half damage out to the old diameter.


It will still do enough damage in PVE to kill grouped mobs and grab aggro at full area.

It will also serve as area denial in PVP that makes it at least useable.

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