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Stop complaining about Hard Content.

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Stop it, its annoying.


My team wiped about 2-3 times on Lost Island bosses each until we got the strats, now we can nearly do it all in 1 go without dying.


Denova is hard. GOOD! Our Guild is up to last boss on HM.


Hard content is GOOD! If you cant handle it, DONT DO IT.


You do not HAVE to do any of the 1.2 FP's or Raids.

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I agree.


I think the difficulty and complexity of the fights is on the spot in Lost Island (the bonus boss still a bit too simple). Interrupts, positioning - all that stuff is MMO basics and Hard Mode is supposed to be Hard - not faceroll.


Those fights are at last fun!


I haven't seen the ops yet but having seen Lost Island I expect the difficulty to be nicely tuned in there as well.

Edited by vandana_
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I agree quite griping about hard or easy content.


I too look forward to trying the new op, but if the mechanics are anything like what they have done in Lost Island I look forward to it.


Definitely like the new challenges and coordination involved in these fights.

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My main issue is that I felt certain mechanics punished specific group compositions. The 1st boss of Lost Island would have involved much less headache if we our Merc DPS had been, say, a sniper instead. I'm also unsure of how a 1 Melee, 1 ranged DPS setup would work there.


Also, Columi drops on a flashpoint that basically requires full Columi don't make a whole lot of sense.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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I don't mind hard content. I just don't like how medpacs have been limited to one per fight. That really annoys me. Hard =/= nerf. It means UPGRADING an enemy, not downgrading a person. How come nobody ever understands this?
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I don't mind hard content. I just don't like how medpacs have been limited to one per fight. That really annoys me. Hard =/= nerf. It means UPGRADING an enemy, not downgrading a person. How come nobody ever understands this?


Whats the difference? Either way it makes it harder...

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There's a difference between hard and unfair content.


Lost Island for example is ...as usual...unfair towards melee groups.


Bioware is just incapable of designing fair encounters when it comes to melee vs. ranged. It's just a world of a difference between the two it's not even funny. It's despicable and infuriating.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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this could all be alleviated by making him target people outside of a 10 meter range with plasma bombs. And only targeting inside that range when here is no one outside to aim at.


Lets be completely honest. This is not a small upgrade in difficulty to the 4 man content. This is 4 man content that requires specific group makeup to even achieve it with a reasonable gear level. Can you do this with melee. yes. Will it punish you and force you to want to quit. Likely.


For example Driod:


1 tank 2 ranged 1 healer = ranged and healer run around the boss avoiding bombs. Tank interrupt incinerate.


1 tank 2 melee 1 healer = 2 melee maintain an interrupt rotation the entire fight, healer prays they dont mess up, no one to dps adds bc if melee misses a single one. death


1 tank 1 ranged 1 melee 1 healer = don't bother. Cant do a rotation bc you don't have 3 interrupts. cant do the circle bc melee is gonna get the center blasted.


Is this hard content? No this is content tuned to a specific makeup that alienates half the player base.

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this could all be alleviated by making him target people outside of a 10 meter range with plasma bombs. And only targeting inside that range when here is no one outside to aim at.


Lets be completely honest. This is not a small upgrade in difficulty to the 4 man content. This is 4 man content that requires specific group makeup to even achieve it with a reasonable gear level. Can you do this with melee. yes. Will it punish you and force you to want to quit. Likely.


For example Driod:


1 tank 2 ranged 1 healer = ranged and healer run around the boss avoiding bombs. Tank interrupt incinerate.


1 tank 2 melee 1 healer = 2 melee maintain an interrupt rotation the entire fight, healer prays they dont mess up, no one to dps adds bc if melee misses a single one. death


1 tank 1 ranged 1 melee 1 healer = don't bother. Cant do a rotation bc you don't have 3 interrupts. cant do the circle bc melee is gonna get the center blasted.


Is this hard content? No this is content tuned to a specific makeup that alienates half the player base.


Did it today HM with

Ptech tank


Sorc DPS

Sorc Heals


Only problems WERE on the first boss, everything else we 1shot. Died 3 times on First boss.

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My complaints about the new stuff from what I've seen so far (Toth & Zorn, the two tanks for Explosive Conflict Story and up to Sav-rak in LI HM) is that for the droid in LI, the Tank, mDPS, rDPS, Healer combination is damn near, if not totally, impossible. I finally cleared that droid today with 2 rDPS (mercenaries). I had them stack on me (Operative Healer) and whenever the Plasma Arc came up, I moved our camp. Our mDPS that we started with left voluntarily because we couldn't come up with a solution that would work.


The droid punishes melee DPS far too much, and while I don't have a problem with it if I have 2 rDPS...


Aside from that fight just being unfair, I've enjoyed actually working on content. Figuring out the strategy, tuning, and refining is something I haven't really done since WoW classic. So even though all I got out of my 1.2 experiences so far is hefty repair bills, I've been having fun, if being sometimes frustrated.

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Did it today HM with

Ptech tank


Sorc DPS

Sorc Heals


Only problems WERE on the first boss, everything else we 1shot. Died 3 times on First boss.


Don't quote me and make you case that its doable and then list 4 classes that can interrupt. I Should have specified merc ranged bc you are right. Sorcs have an interrupt.

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this could all be alleviated by making him target people outside of a 10 meter range with plasma bombs. And only targeting inside that range when here is no one outside to aim at.


Lets be completely honest. This is not a small upgrade in difficulty to the 4 man content. This is 4 man content that requires specific group makeup to even achieve it with a reasonable gear level. Can you do this with melee. yes. Will it punish you and force you to want to quit. Likely.


For example Driod:


1 tank 2 ranged 1 healer = ranged and healer run around the boss avoiding bombs. Tank interrupt incinerate.


1 tank 2 melee 1 healer = 2 melee maintain an interrupt rotation the entire fight, healer prays they dont mess up, no one to dps adds bc if melee misses a single one. death


1 tank 1 ranged 1 melee 1 healer = don't bother. Cant do a rotation bc you don't have 3 interrupts. cant do the circle bc melee is gonna get the center blasted.


Is this hard content? No this is content tuned to a specific makeup that alienates half the player base.


I'm a marauder and my group did it most of us were 3/5 rakata with rakata gear with tank in full rakata. sure it took 15 wipes. but once we realized the balls only target dps we just had tank tank on corners of inner square and I as melee dps run out after the arc to prevent the electricity from moving the tank. I also think there might be a pattern it follows but didnt think about it until after we did it. the last boss gave us a little trouble to with i think 4 or 5 wipes. mini boss and pillar jumper were a joke. but it is definately doable. Also even with me only getting about 800 dps overall for the fight with the droid cause of the bobbing in and out we still down it only a few seconds after his enrage timer.


jugg tank

marauder dps

sorc heals

sniper dps


Edit: and for the most part we didnt even interupt the arcs only the incenerates. arcs are no where as nears as bad as incinerate.

Edited by demonskies
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Don't quote me and make you case that its doable and then list 4 classes that can interrupt. I Should have specified merc ranged bc you are right. Sorcs have an interrupt.


My group yesterday didn't interrupt the plasma arcs either (I was the only one doing so, and that was mostly because I wanted to make it marginally easier - nobody else was bothering and it isn't the strat the guild I ran with uses). But really there are multiple ways to approach it, and you can easily make up for having a merc that can't interrupt. The only thing we interrupted was incinerate, and that was just the tank and the marauder.


For the record we wiped twice and we did it with:

Sniper (me)

Assassin (tank)


Sorcerer (healer)


If you're in a group where all 4 members can interrupt, then by all means go ahead and set up an interrupt rotation on the plasma arcs and the incinerate as well. Or you can do what we did and just kite around the room and avoid the plasma arcs. You'll have to run through the arcs and lava a few times while kiting, but as long as you don't stay in them it's nothing you shouldn't be able to handle.


The incinerate dots can also be cleansed. So that's another option if you want to focus on arcs instead of incinerate, but it's more work for the healer.


And it's not like it's a cakewalk for range dps if you're kiting him, either - I had my fair share of running through lava or plasma arcs as I had to get line of sight or within range while avoiding the mechanics. But again, if you're quick enough it should be well within your ability to take the hits.


It's definitely a harder fight than what we have in other flashpoints, but it's far from impossible regardless of class makeup. Sitting down with a cool head and figuring out a strategy is much more productive than simply throwing your hands up and saying that it's not worth bothering without a particular group composition.

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I agree that fight punishes melee way too heavily in comparison to ranged.


However I will never under any circumstances support dumbing down of any content. Currently this game has BT, BfI, FE, D3, BP and Foundry with all stupidly easy mostly tank and spank bosses. If you can't or aren't willing to step up your game then stick to the easy stuff. Kaon is a a small step up in the right direction and Lost Island I consider the first real content that Bioware has put out for single groups. Everything else has been an insult to gamer's intelligence and skill.

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Stop it, its annoying.


My team wiped about 2-3 times on Lost Island bosses each until we got the strats, now we can nearly do it all in 1 go without dying.


Denova is hard. GOOD! Our Guild is up to last boss on HM.


Hard content is GOOD! If you cant handle it, DONT DO IT.


You do not HAVE to do any of the 1.2 FP's or Raids.



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I have no issue with content being difficult, I and my friends love it. But, as with my other post, highlighting many bugs, and the punishment we took by simply bringing one melee DPS, the content is not tuned nor fair. Been playing all varieties of MMOs for nearly 13 years now, and this is the only MMO with consistent bugs on bosses like Soa and in Lost Island, and that punishes having a melee character in your group so heavily.


The simple fact is that they make content in the Hard modes exasperatingly frustrating and don't care about fixing bugs or releasing content when it is ready.


Yes, we finished Lost Island, even with a melee DPS, myself as a melee tank, and one ranged dps and one healer. Was it easy, hell no, not even for seasoned veterans of MMOs, geared to the teeth with full or near-full Rakata gear and weapons. It seemed like we had to be lucky to not get a bug, or not end up in a specific circumstance of stacking mechanics that meant wiping nearly every time. Should we be spending over three hours in an instance because we brought a melee DPS, NO!


Just because you easily breezed through Story mode, or had all ranged taking on bosses, even if in Hard Mode, does not mean that the content is properly tuned, fair, or without bugs. Stop shaming people and calling them noobs. This is a forum where people express issues they have with content, you may not have had those issues, but that does not make those people poor players.


We downed Lost Island Saturday in under four hours. Brought the same group in on Sunday, and the crap was no different. We needed too much luck, even with our exemplary skill and already-tested strategies, to make it through, again. It is too buggy, there are too many overlapping BS mechanics that punish melee, and too much blind luck is needed to make it through. Why? Cause we had one melee DPS. That's the only difference between you and me.


Hell, we even had one instance where the pillar boss randomly did twice as much damage the entire fight, no reason, just a bug. Even with two people healing, we could not keep up. Went back, did it the next time, no problem, breezed through it.

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As I stated before there is very little reason to nerf this place. Yes 1st fight is a bit tough, and certain changes could be made to make it easier but honestly there's no point.


I've done the fight with 2melee, and 1melee 1 ranged dpsos. The only one I haven't is 2 ranged dps. And in all honestly, a little bit of learning and its very doable.


To say you shouldn't have to try so hard is silly. It's hard mode tier 2 flashpoint that rewards 2 columi pieces and a rakata. That's like just a step below hm ev and kp, so it should be harder, more risk for more reward as they say.


Now the story difficulty of the flashpoint is still there for those who simply want to experience the content. And as stated about the loot, none of the main loot is exclusive to hm Lost Island, so completing it in hard is not mandatory whatsoever.


And frankly - that should be the end of discussion. Further complaining seems ridiculous considering the content is still there to play in normal. And the rewards of hard mode are still available from other places.

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As I stated before there is very little reason to nerf this place. Yes 1st fight is a bit tough, and certain changes could be made to make it easier but honestly there's no point.


I've done the fight with 2melee, and 1melee 1 ranged dpsos. The only one I haven't is 2 ranged dps. And in all honestly, a little bit of learning and its very doable.


To say you shouldn't have to try so hard is silly. It's hard mode tier 2 flashpoint that rewards 2 columi pieces and a rakata. That's like just a step below hm ev and kp, so it should be harder, more risk for more reward as they say.


Now the story difficulty of the flashpoint is still there for those who simply want to experience the content. And as stated about the loot, none of the main loot is exclusive to hm Lost Island, so completing it in hard is not mandatory whatsoever.


And frankly - that should be the end of discussion. Further complaining seems ridiculous considering the content is still there to play in normal. And the rewards of hard mode are still available from other places.


If the fights are tuned to players in full Columi or better, it is over tuned.


If the fights are set up so that melee / non-interrupt classes become a burden, there is a problem.


Not saying either of the above are true, but those are valid points to consider.


Hopefully Bioware are watching and collecting metrics and will only make adjustments based on data, not forum whiners on either side.


And lastly, I think Bioware will find themselves in a bit of a bind a few weeks from now given how easy the content was at launch.


Now that they are increasing the difficulty, many 'hard mode' players are going to find they aren't really good enough for the new hard modes, and they will be quite vocal I imagine.

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If the fights are tuned to players in full Columi or better, it is over tuned.


If the fights are set up so that melee / non-interrupt classes become a burden, there is a problem.


Not saying either of the above are true, but those are valid points to consider.


Hopefully Bioware are watching and collecting metrics and will only make adjustments based on data, not forum whiners on either side.


And lastly, I think Bioware will find themselves in a bit of a bind a few weeks from now given how easy the content was at launch.


Now that they are increasing the difficulty, many 'hard mode' players are going to find they aren't really good enough for the new hard modes, and they will be quite vocal I imagine.


Yeah, however I feel people are (as they always do) over exaggerating. It is a little birder with pure melee group or lack of interrupts. But this has always been somewhat true. I know this is just a FP and not an Op, but nobody complained that Jarg and Sorno favours dos with interrupts, or how Boarding Party last boss favours melee due to Jorlands aoe.


In this case the general difficulty is just a bit higher that people are hunting for reasons for their failure.


Personally I actually find this to be a brilliantly made fight purely because it can be tackled with a few differenttactics dependant on your group composition.


And yeah I agree with you about the difficulty increase will cause a bit of trouble because people have become accustomed to the easymode first tier. and for a lot of people this is their first MMO, so their gonna take a while longer to adapt to the difficulty. And as a result will probably complain its too hard.

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this could all be alleviated by making him target people outside of a 10 meter range with plasma bombs. And only targeting inside that range when here is no one outside to aim at.


Lets be completely honest. This is not a small upgrade in difficulty to the 4 man content. This is 4 man content that requires specific group makeup to even achieve it with a reasonable gear level. Can you do this with melee. yes. Will it punish you and force you to want to quit. Likely.


For example Driod:


1 tank 2 ranged 1 healer = ranged and healer run around the boss avoiding bombs. Tank interrupt incinerate.


1 tank 2 melee 1 healer = 2 melee maintain an interrupt rotation the entire fight, healer prays they dont mess up, no one to dps adds bc if melee misses a single one. death


1 tank 1 ranged 1 melee 1 healer = don't bother. Cant do a rotation bc you don't have 3 interrupts. cant do the circle bc melee is gonna get the center blasted.


Is this hard content? No this is content tuned to a specific makeup that alienates half the player base.





We tried this with 1 melee DPS (myself) and wiped so hard every time it wasn't even funny. Bioware needs to finally realize they are screwing melee over with every fight they include. As it stands there's absolutely no reason to bring a melee over a ranged ever. Might as well just reroll snipers/sorcerers and face roll as the devs seems to implying at.

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Stop it, its annoying.


My team wiped about 2-3 times on Lost Island bosses each until we got the strats, now we can nearly do it all in 1 go without dying.


Denova is hard. GOOD! Our Guild is up to last boss on HM.


Hard content is GOOD! If you cant handle it, DONT DO IT.


You do not HAVE to do any of the 1.2 FP's or Raids.

Just a gentle reminder that literally everyone who thought like this in WoW was not only wrong, but dead wrong and it cost Blizzard millions of subs. This game doesn't have millions of subs to lose.
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