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Infiltration Parses


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Just curious to know what other people are getting.


Having seen one of the beta guys parsing 1350ish for inf, I was disappointed with my first parse last night. I only managed 1060dps :S


I was purely self buffed (+stim), ran the parse for quite some time as I was trying to measure sustained DPS.


Hopefully this link to AskMrRobot works: link to parse


Haven't got the best of gear, basically running unaltered rakata/columi gear but still, 300dps short of the beta bloke seems quite a lot to overcome! Will continue my testing as always striving to improve, but curious to see other's parses!

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Just curious to know what other people are getting.


Having seen one of the beta guys parsing 1350ish for inf, I was disappointed with my first parse last night. I only managed 1060dps :S


I was purely self buffed (+stim), ran the parse for quite some time as I was trying to measure sustained DPS.


Hopefully this link to AskMrRobot works: link to parse


Haven't got the best of gear, basically running unaltered rakata/columi gear but still, 300dps short of the beta bloke seems quite a lot to overcome! Will continue my testing as always striving to improve, but curious to see other's parses!


As I tried to point out in that thread, the Infiltration parse was a) shorter than all others, b) a very lucky one, if you looked at the crits. I'd parse and post results myself, but I am not happy with the current gear setup, as I am not completely decked out in PvE gear.


It will take another few weeks till I feel comfortable to post results that matter (what good would parses be with 1200+ Expertise).

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Just curious to see what others are parsing really. This first parse of mine was mainly to give me a benchmark to start from, but I'll admit I was trying hard to do well!


I consider myself a good player, so im putting the huge differences between PTS parse and my own to differences in the game (e.g. perhaps dummy has more armour now...?) but until I see other people's parses I wont know for sure. There might be something fundamentally wrong with my rotation!!

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Just curious to see what others are parsing really. This first parse of mine was mainly to give me a benchmark to start from, but I'll admit I was trying hard to do well!


I consider myself a good player, so im putting the huge differences between PTS parse and my own to differences in the game (e.g. perhaps dummy has more armour now...?) but until I see other people's parses I wont know for sure. There might be something fundamentally wrong with my rotation!!


I know a Inf Shadow in my guild full Rakata did low 1300s. Make sure you are properly using your Force regen abilities and cooldowns?

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I'm missing my rakata main hand weap otherwise full Rakata/BIS. Inf sustained dps was 1200ish with burst going to 1400s. I'm not near my computor so i cant link the screan shot. This was over a 5 min period. Use black out and vanish abilities for regen to keep dps up, trinkets and cd's on cd. Can't think of anything else an infiltration spec wouldn't do. The priority rotation is mind numbingly easy. I do fit SS in if I have time, proc and positioning.
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Been doing several parses with self buffs (all 4), Rakata stim and power adrenal and a mix of Columi and Rakata with no after market mods.


I'm bursting in the high 1300's and sustained in the low 1100s. Using ACT to track it live, I like it better than Mr. Robot.


Blackout and Cloak don't seem like enough to keep from having periods of multiple consecutive Saber Strikes, but we already knew that. That really eats into the sustained dps rotation, even with the 2 set bonus.


Obviously its not as high as it will be in a raid with Armor debuffs.


I swapped to the matrix shard over a 2nd rakata on use and produced more consistent results with less variation. This is probably because the shard always works and the 2nd relic can't be used with other cooldowns due to shared relic cooldowns. Excited to see this once I upgrade to some of the new proc relics.

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Averaging about 1200 +/- 100~ on the dummy over a 5 minute range, standard self buffs+rakata stim. Mostly Columi/rakata geared, RNG dictates the highest average, but I still feel our dps leaves a lot to be desired. At least some sort of persistent DoT or something for when we have to be out of combat in PvE would be helpful in keeping us competitive.
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Averaging about 1200 +/- 100~ on the dummy over a 5 minute range, standard self buffs+rakata stim. Mostly Columi/rakata geared, RNG dictates the highest average, but I still feel our dps leaves a lot to be desired. At least some sort of persistent DoT or something for when we have to be out of combat in PvE would be helpful in keeping us competitive.


Shadow Technique kinda serves this purpose. I personally feel the issue is force regen. It could be I just haven't figured out the best way to use Blackout and Force Cloak, but I feel like there are too many times when both are on cooldown and we spend too much time saber striking.

Edited by Rashne
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I consider myself a good player, so im putting the huge differences between PTS parse and my own to differences in the game (e.g. perhaps dummy has more armour now...?) but until I see other people's parses I wont know for sure. There might be something fundamentally wrong with my rotation!!


Hmm.. Is it possible that dummy is reflecting your stats when you are battle it?

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I think end game shadows will be doing between 1000-1200 DPS on a 5min encounter.


To me for Inf spec this is quite low. A Sentinel can out DPS us and have MORE utility. We have no utility at all that helps the group, nothing and do mediocre DPS. I was shocked at the numbers I figured we would be between 1500-1800 at least. As a straight up DPS class these values are low. Makes me wonder what purpose does a Inf spec shadow have in raids? It's not for utility, and DPS someone else can do a better job...


I never said it before but since I can see what is happening now with logs.


Inf tree needs help..I'm sure the Tank spec is pulling those numbers too. I ran comparisons with our MT raid shadow.


It makes me sad lol.

Edited by Darkerwarrior
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Hate to cross-post like this but I finally found the topic where it belongs =) Training dummies are not very good targets because they are not real-world bosses and you can output whatever "ideal" dps you want - it doesn't mean your attacks don't get e.g. dodged in a boss fight.



Did a guild run to Karraga's Palace 16 Nightmare Bonethrasher.


Link to fryingtime: http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=combat_2012-04-14_18_34_41_090917.txt#19_26_42_095000

Link to TORParse: http://www.torparse.com/a/21?q=MXwyMXgxMjAzMjFhMTIxMzk5eDE=


Parsers agree at ~1000 dps. If you take out 1st 5 seconds and last 35 seconds (to get actual Bonethrasher time), you get ~1060 dps.


Gear/spec: "standard" 5/33/3 build, full Rakata set with Rakata MH. Under raid buffs I have 38% crit / 72% surge / 408 bonus damage. I am also quite intrigued to dig where the actual crit% (58% Clairvoyant Strike, 50% Project etc.) come from because they are HUGE. Another big surprise is #6 position with 5.6% damage from Shadow Techinque (#5 position with 7% damage over the whole run).


Jedi Knight in comparison has 28% crit / 68% surge / 550 bonus damage, and he did ~500k. He's really good though, I have troubles pulling things off him when I'm tanking.

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I can verify that shadow DPS is subpar. I have 12/14 rakata with weapons on my shadow and do around 1200 DPS in a full raid with movement (Foreman Crusher, Karagga, etc). My engineering sniper is 6/14 rakata with a columi weapon and does 1350 with movement. And they say sniper is harder to play. Hm.
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Did quite a lot of parsing over the weekend but couldn't break 1080.9dps on the dummy. So, whilst that seems pretty rubbish, at least I've got somewhere to start from! I haven't modified any of my gear yet (1.2 was supposed to do that...) so will start switching it all over this week. Will be dropping accuracy and crit for more power.


On the plus side, real world DPS seems fine. Haven't had a chance to raid yet but every quest I've done with other people i've managed to grab aggro though DPS alone. In addition, our DPS on a dummy using only self buffs is about as low as it can get. Every other DPS class provides buffs/debuffs to improve us (force might, smuggler crit chance, armour debuffs etc) whilst we don't really improve them, so in raid situations im hoping I can catch up enough.



To those who are parsing 1200+ on the ops dummies, what specs are you using? im 5/33/3 atm and haven't yet tested anything else, I don't really like upheavel but guess it might provide something nice.

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I can verify that shadow DPS is subpar. I have 12/14 rakata with weapons on my shadow and do around 1200 DPS in a full raid with movement (Foreman Crusher, Karagga, etc). My engineering sniper is 6/14 rakata with a columi weapon and does 1350 with movement. And they say sniper is harder to play. Hm.

<off-topic>Looking at your signature, self-heals are fine. Try uploading your logs to TORParse, ACT doesn't handle them for some reason.</off-topic>

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For some reasons, both / all three parses here have a considerably higher rate of Clairvoyant Strikes than there should be. The damage difference between it and Saber Strike is relatively small, but CS costs considerable Force, while SS does not. CS should have second lowest priority, right above SS and even then only if you have about half of your Force left. Project use should be managed so that it's only used after 2 stacks of CS are up (i.e. not necessarily on cooldown).


So, rough priority:

1. Project (on 2 stacks CS)

2. Spinning Strike (under 30%, obviously)

3. Shadow Strike (on Weakness)

4. Force Breach (for Circling Shadows)

5. Clairvoyant Strike (if at over 50% Force)

6. Saber Strike


Modify a bit if needed, but this should work best. Try it out and report back.

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Why only use CS if over 50% force?


I'm assuming its so you always have some force available for project/force breach / spinning so that they can be used every single cooldown. In which case, that may well be the root of my problem as I use CS pretty much all the time (to get to 2 stacks of circling), which often meant I was using saber strike to regen force in order to use my bigger skills, rather than regenning in advance.



Will try again tonight and see what i can manage :D

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Why only use CS if over 50% force?


I'm assuming its so you always have some force available for project/force breach / spinning so that they can be used every single cooldown. In which case, that may well be the root of my problem as I use CS pretty much all the time (to get to 2 stacks of circling), which often meant I was using saber strike to regen force in order to use my bigger skills, rather than regenning in advance.


That's exactly the case. You should always have enough force to use your big hitters, no matter the situation. I think the minimum required is something like 45 Force.


LOL ty Captain Obvious =)


It may seem obvious, but given the difference in parse and theoretical values, I'm simply assuming Clairvoyance is used too much, therefore the obvious solution was to present the roughly optimum priority. It's my usual modus operandi - first I check the theoretical values and compare them to real ones, then I look for anomalies, such as extremely high or extremely low crit or proc values. This usually reveals any ability bugs or bad rotation decisions as well. Revise either theoretical or real rotations, then try again, until it fits :)

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It may seem obvious, but given the difference in parse and theoretical values, I'm simply assuming Clairvoyance is used too much, therefore the obvious solution was to present the roughly optimum priority.

No actually you're right, Clairvoyant : Project ratio should be much closer to 2 : 1. That's what I call obvious xD It is not obvious how people achieve it in real conditions, it comes from experience. Bonethrasher is a fight where you have to keep track of where you are relative to the boss 100% of the time (you can notice I got hit by his swipe only ONCE during the fight, and I'm melee).


You're welcome to post your logs, btw. This was my goal, no to go out on a limb and say, hey I'm using Clairvoyant Strike way to often, please keep throwing this back at me =)

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To those who are parsing 1200+ on the ops dummies, what specs are you using? im 5/33/3 atm and haven't yet tested anything else, I don't really like upheavel but guess it might provide something nice.


I think you are missing the dmg from Upheaval. You're losing out 1500-3K dmg per Project since you don't have it. I run 2/31/8. I'll post some ops dummy logs when I get home. Also, the weapon rank makes a huge difference. If you're using 128, it would be lower. I'm currently using a rank 140 weapon with the +41 power black/green crystal.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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Managed to up myself a little bit thanks to only using CS when above 50% force:


Link to Parse


So, still sitting at 1142.


Will experiment tonight with putting upheaval back in my build and see what happens. on the plus side, guild ran EC last night and we merged the combat logs afterwards and DPS seemed pretty even across the three dps classes there (gunslinger, sent, sage). On the training dummies, the sents had been parsing much higher than other two but in a live situation with shared buffs, it all worked out ok.


We're running EV/KP NM tonight so should get some nice logs from those to compare against other classes. Big test with will EV/KP HM on friday - our guild has both on farm so should have accurate dps comparisons between the various classes.

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I think you are missing the dmg from Upheaval. You're losing out 1500-3K dmg per Project since you don't have it. I run 2/31/8. I'll post some ops dummy logs when I get home. Also, the weapon rank makes a huge difference. If you're using 128, it would be lower. I'm currently using a rank 140 weapon with the +41 power black/green crystal.


Upheaval is a proc based on probabilities, it steals 1 charge of force potency and with the spec you are using you have 9% less armor penetration. Are u sure it's a good pve spec? And.. did you notice that in the new denova raid you are a puppet that will be killed in the first minute on the first boss without 2 points in kinetic field?

Edited by vegetji
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Upheaval is a proc based on probabilities, it steals 1 charge of force potency and with the spec you are using you have 9% less armor penetration. Are u sure it's a good pve spec? And.. did you notice that in the new denova raid you are a puppet that will be killed in the first minute on the first boss without 2 points in kinetic field?


(vs. Operations boss)


Technique Mastery offers about +0.9% more damage per skill point compared to not having it.


Upheaval offers about +1.5% more damage per skill point.


I agree on Kinetic Field being good stuff for running operations...so many big hitters against dps count as aoe.

Edited by Boarg
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