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Investors considering pulling out, problems inside EA/Bioware before released.


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Until I get something other than "an EA developer said _____" it ain't worth paying attention to. That bit has no source cited. For all we know it's some stupid intern who only plays Madden.
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So what's your point? Does that article change the game we're playing? Does it make us like it more or less than we like it right now? What are you trying to say?


I don't see why it was important to post that on the forums, unless you're just trying to stir something up.

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Really, really???


You post an article written in October of 2010 and expect any kind of response? Some individuals blog that is so poorly written my 8 year old could have done better.


Gosh I feel bad for even responding since a post like this is obviously meant to flame.

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this game is by no means dying.


take a gander at city of heroes, 120,000 subscribers and still frequent updates, then tell me this game is dead.


good point, to many people who left world of warcraft think every mmo is that huge. Champions Online had a worse launch then this and was dropped by atari. It is still chugging along putting out new features and updating content. SWTOR does not have to be the greatest mmo ever.

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Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

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