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1.2 Hybrid Build


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Let me know what you all think, I'm liking it a lot more than any 31-point build so far. It's a pretty beast solo-capper class, which is what I end up doing most of the time, but also has all the core tools I need to keep people (and myself) alive. I went healer in 1.2 and absolutely loved it, but I felt like I had no teeth and while I was winning 1v1s, they never actually finished before someone else came along in Warzones, which is only to be expected. Being able to dish out more damage really helps, but what shines for the solo-capping thing is that gem that makes tranq dart apply a 50% damage debuff for 10 seconds on the target. Just having SRMs up before the fight and applying that debuff means I'm basically untouchable for the first 10 seconds of a fight, which is huge.

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Looks fairly solid, although I think you'll find sucker punch to not be worth it as you'll want your UH procs for EMP. I also don't think the Diagnostic Scan talents are worth the 4-point investment for the limited regen, and you really should almost never use scan anyway.


As an alternative: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701MffMdhoRzcZZurboM.1


If you go into Dirty Fighting, you'll come out with better energy regen through Pugnacity giving you 10 energy every 20 seconds, plus you'll get some utility with Dirty Escape and Shrap Bomb.


Don't get Open Wound, by the way. It actually lowers your DPS.

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Looks fairly solid, although I think you'll find sucker punch to not be worth it as you'll want your UH procs for EMP. I also don't think the Diagnostic Scan talents are worth the 4-point investment for the limited regen, and you really should almost never use scan anyway.


As an alternative: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701MffMdhoRzcZZurboM.1


If you go into Dirty Fighting, you'll come out with better energy regen through Pugnacity giving you 10 energy every 20 seconds, plus you'll get some utility with Dirty Escape and Shrap Bomb.


Don't get Open Wound, by the way. It actually lowers your DPS.


I was just playing around with a Dirty Fighting theoretical build, since it fits the "keep the enemy the hell away from me" thing I have going on now. It was surprisingly easy to make the switch from 4m range Scrapper to 30m healer, but that's probably from playing Arsenal Merc, which I now loathe even more now that I've re-discovered mobility! (used to be Pyro). From what I've read on the forum though, Dirty Fighting is useless, though I don't have a clear idea why and I really don't like respeccing a bunch of times. I give myself plenty of time to learn how to play a spec first, since I was feeling really gimp with Sawbones at first until I realized I could chain Emergency Medpack into any other heal, and infini-spam it on 30% or less health ( = D! ) After looking at a 23-18-0 build though, I was kind of leaning more towards keeping the bare minimum of heals, but I love the 30% stronger crit heals ability, it basically negates Trauma debuff when you crit, which is awesome.


-Edit- http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701rff0dh0ozZGcMoZRr0z.1 I also had wondered if that would be at all decent, but you say Open Wound -lowers- DPS? How is that possible, getting 2 more GCDs before having to Vital Shot again would be good, no? It's definitely just a filler ability for me, so if I can throw in two EMPs before the next one, that'd be nice, or at least that was my thought. I think you're right about Diagnostic Scan actually, I don't think I really use it much at all and 4 points is hefty indeed. I just got pulled in by that huge +24% crit =p Btw, the 1 point in No Holds Barred is literally just to bump me from 29% to 30% because I like round numbers and to get to second tier of Dirty Fighting, 4% alacrity is more valuable imo.

Edited by Daiyukie
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Really, so they calculate it by total damage divided by duration? That's lame o.0 I figured it just added ticks, since that would make sense. Having a set total damage beforehand to be able to calculate it like that seems.. odd, or I could just be totally wrong. I dunno, it seems easier to implement AND makes more sense to just add ticks. I shall test this myself when I have a chance.
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I like that one, though I would definitely put Brawler's Grit 2 points into Element of Surprise. Will definitely try that! As for the myth, I totally forgot to test it and just did a bunch of Warzones, liking the added punch of the Hybrid versus 31 or 33 Sawbones.
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my version of scrapbones http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701rscMkhRozZhIdozzoZ0M.1


i use this for pvp, kragga's, soa and hard modes


Pretty similar to what I'm running, I think I've got element of surprise over browbeater though. Why the two in Holdout defense? Plugging them into stopping power (rooting the ball carrier if dirty kick/flashgrenade are on cooldown) or homegrown pharmacology (More healing on SRM is always good, EMP needs all the help it can get, especially as it's almost free) would be better, no?

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Pretty similar to what I'm running, I think I've got element of surprise over browbeater though. Why the two in Holdout defense? Plugging them into stopping power (rooting the ball carrier if dirty kick/flashgrenade are on cooldown) or homegrown pharmacology (More healing on SRM is always good, EMP needs all the help it can get, especially as it's almost free) would be better, no?


i like the 1,2 of the big blaster whips and sucker punches, most peeps will treat you like a healer, once they get in your face and you hit back HARD with whips and suckers its usually over for them. I use the 2 piece set bonus from battle master field tech for the extra fly by tic, more deeps, and pair that with the rakkata enforcers 2 piece to add back the 15% backblast crit i lose for taking browbeater over element of surprise. I only get to fire off a shoot first once in a blue moon, but i spam back blasts so it works for me.

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I like that one, though I would definitely put Brawler's Grit 2 points into Element of Surprise. Will definitely try that! As for the myth, I totally forgot to test it and just did a bunch of Warzones, liking the added punch of the Hybrid versus 31 or 33 Sawbones.


element of surprise is overkill, i would drop those two points for brawlers every time just for the bigger pugnancy tics, survival over crit rating IMO

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element of surprise is overkill, i would drop those two points for brawlers every time just for the bigger pugnancy tics, survival over crit rating IMO


I hadn't really thought of it that way, but from every calculation I've done the Pugnacity ticks are just insignificant. They negate like 1 good attack over 45 seconds, which is next to useless in a live-combat scenario. I guess I can look at it as just adding that much more healing to SRM, but for the point investment and needing to go that high in Scrapper... meh.

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So I ran a few hybrid builds after the new patch (thanks to that I now have respec costs back into the few hundred k lol), and what I found is the the sawbones-scrapper hybrid is down quite a bit of damage.


Hybrids usually shine the most in PvP and OPs. In HMs hybrids weren't that great, but now with the loss in damage, you don't belong in any HM (bosses will enrage with you in the PT).


PvP wise, we're still great, however we now lack quite a bit of killing power, and with the increase in damage output and decrease in healing in PvP, you'll find your margin for errors in fights much much harsher.


Ops wise I didn't get the chance to test it so can't really say much there.


The most effective hybrid I found was DF/SB hybrids. You either grabbed WS and dropped EMP, or dropped WS and grabbed EMP. The WS build had great damage with some potentially insane burst, but very rough energy control. The EMP build had moderate DPS but significantly higher survivability (due to the less time spent in close range) and energy is never a problem.


My personal opinion on the overall hybrid build is, whilst yes it's still viable, it's a far tricker build to run in 1.2 with lower damage and survivability.

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How do you have lower damage with the expertise changes?


The expertise has only really increased the damage of shootfirst and sabo charge. SP is down 10% with expertise only making giving you an approx 6% boost (diff between dmg and DR) and that's excluding pre 1.2 expertise. BB has bigger hits now but overall damage is down now due to less re-usability, which impacts more on a build focused around survivability than it does for the burst pure scrapper whose fights don't last long enough for the difference to be all that noticeable.

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No EMP= not energy efficient or annoyingly survivable =p


don't need energy if everything that fights you is dead tho, just try the build, it will surprise you with how effective it is to rip half a health bar away with wounding shot every couple seconds.

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try this at least 1 time also, the hot and dot build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701rscMkhZZhrbkrMhd.1



vital shot and shrap bomb em then strip those off w/ wounding shot, repeat... keep SRMP up for the upper hand procs and go to town


Interesting build. I'm going to try it out tonight.

What gear would you suggest taking? Currently I only have enforcer gear due to the fact that i've always been a pure scrapper

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Interesting build. I'm going to try it out tonight.

What gear would you suggest taking? Currently I only have enforcer gear due to the fact that i've always been a pure scrapper


Anyone try this build out? I think I am going to give it a try.

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I have yet to try it myself simply from lack of healing power. Theoretically it's kind of nice, but I already have problems with energy whenever I throw in vital shots so how am I supposed to sustain any bleeds while healing? This is also assuming the other team doesn't cleanse at all, at which point your DPS takes a kick in the teeth as well as your energy (again) from trying to maintain DOTs. I will it give it a field test when I have more War Hero gear though, for now it's heals or be a non-factor at 50 =p
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Anyone try this build out? I think I am going to give it a try.


yeah, it works great as its about the only way to proc upper hands consistently from range as a dirty fighter. You can throw vital shot and shrap nade out, then run off, LOS around a corner to cast Underworld Medicine for the UH proc, then pop back out to hit em w/ wounding shot. If they chase even better to greet them with a blaster whip/WS combo, add in a dirty kick to backblast just cuz your pro.


The big draw back to pure dirty fighting is the inability to gain upper hand procs at range. The talented medpacs fix that beautifully!

Edited by Thoop
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