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All I can say is: ITS ABOUT TIME!


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Mara have always dominated. Only change is now bad mara dominate as well.


Really??? my sorc is trashing them fly(s) in a gas chamber.


Maybe they are worst then bad, perhaps they are retarded player who keep spamming 1-2-3 keys.

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rofl. once again. so many great players here. :cool: mara's have been beast since launch. i'm sorry 99% of you didn't get that


edit: to the guy vs. 3 players who don't notice a node being capped behind them. you're really losing to 3 players who don't notice a node being capped behind them? i 1v3 decent players

Edited by ApotheosisLanyx
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rofl. once again. so many great players here. :cool: mara's have been beast since launch. i'm sorry 99% of you didn't get that


Correction: ANNIHILATION Marauders have been beast since launch. Carnage was (and from what I've seen so far, still IS) a pile of garbage. Rage is just kind of "meh" because it's not quite that interesting.


Other than Ravage being insane now, Marauders are virtually unchanged. In fact, losing rage costs on some abilities is actually a BAD thing, because you're no longer building Fury off of them. I used to spam my interrupt on a 6 second cooldown and just gain tons of Fury. This is no longer the case. Fury is actually much harder to come by nowadays.


Carnage got it's buffs. The problem is that it's still not amazing for PvP. I've seen two Carnage Marauders/Combat Sentinels since 1.2. Two. And they didn't do well either, because Annihilation/Watchman is still better.


Ravage/Master Strike is now great for all 3 trees, as opposed to being great in Carnage and decent in Rage. Annihilation rarely used it. With the new 15% bonus, coupled with the insane Expertise changes (this is the real problem here), it's actually worth using constantly.

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Carnage got it's buffs. The problem is that it's still not amazing for PvP. I've seen two Carnage Marauders/Combat Sentinels since 1.2. Two. And they didn't do well either, because Annihilation/Watchman is still better.


Gore + Ravage with 100% Armor Penetration and immobilize? I've seen Marauders hit tanks for over 10k total with Ravage in Carnage spec. Maybe the players are garbage if they're not doing well. Everyone always says the same thing about Rage being better than Vengeance in PvP and I still own faces with Vengeance. Carnage is very similar, in fact, you guys even get the Force Scream crits.


Why is Annihilation apparently so much better? I just don't see it. I beat Annihilation Maras all the time in PvP as Vengeance, even if they cheese me with all their annoying cooldowns. I've learned how they work.


I hope you realize the only reason Carnage is underused is because everyone's going nuts about Rage finally being viable for Marauders, since it's always been the FOTM for Juggernauts in PvP. Since 1.2, I sometimes literally run into matches composed of 6 Rage Marauders and 2 healers - I wish I was even exaggerating, and when I said "6 rage Marauders" in chat, I honestly thought I was kidding until the end of the match and saw 6 warrior icons on the enemy team.


I saw one Combat Sentinel, and the only reason he didn't do well was because he was clearly a fresh 50 and I... well, I'm one of the best DPS Juggs on my server. I felt kinda bad to kick him in the teeth, I root for underdogs.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Whenever I see these posts my head explodes. Before getting into a pissing contest over "I do X amount of damage" I will say that maras/sents played correctly have no achilles heel. They have mobility, excellent damage, amazing group utility, and some of the strongest defensive CD's in the game--better than some tanking classes.


If you feel immobile as a melee look at Operatives & DPS Powertechs (in before lol AP).


Not enough Damage? I do not know what to tell you other than the damage is beyond fine. A few classes have better burst windows but nowhere near the same level of consistent output coupled with amazing defensive cooldowns.


Squishy? Look anything other than tanks. Marauders still have comparable/better defensive cooldowns. Which is fine except they already have extremely good damage & irreplaceable group utility (predation, bloodthirst, & mortal strike).


I see comments like "we get CC'd" or "we get focused" as if no other class melee or otherwise doesn't die or lose LOS/range/etc. from CC. No other melee class holds a candle to the combined damage, tools & group utility Marauders offer. When it comes to rated teams the best team compositions will be built around Marauders and then filling the gaps (namely guard/taunts, knockbacks, heals, & grips). Classes that fall through the cracks will benchwarm or simply be a spot better filled by a Marauder (especially Operatives & DPSins).


The two "irreplaceable" classes if rated warzones were to come out with 1.2 are Marauders & Sorcerers. Marauders for all the reasons listed and Sorcerers for life grip. And that's just Hutt Ball. As they are Marauders simply have too much. Whether it's the damage, utility, or defensive cooldowns something needs to get tweaked.


I know this is going to get flamed but before you type out some situation where you got "pwnd" or why your Marauder sucks think about:


Could I have used LOS/poitioning more effectively?

Did I mismanage my cooldowns?

Was I in a situation that most or all classes would have had difficulty (1vmultiple, simply being on a bad team, getting jumped while fighting, etc.)?

Did I fight someone at a significant cooldown disadvantage (completely out of cooldowns v. a fresh rez, etc.)?


Note: I stuck to directly comparing melee classes because they more than likely will be competing for the same spots as Marauders. Tanks will have their spots but they do not completely outshine each other like Marauders do to melee dps. As for ranged dps, Sorcerers just took a pretty hard nerf & Snipers & Mercs are still on the weak side but hey that's my opinion.

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Marauders have barely changed in the last 4 months. There wasn't a single change from 1.1.0 to 1.1.5 that 'buffed' Marauders. The only real change that Marauders saw was the fix to Annihilation's bleed crit talent, making it 30% crit bonus instead of 30% damage bonus (which is what it was supposed to be anyways, hence it being a 'fix'). That's it. Nothing else. Now, all of a sudden, 15% damage on Ravage and quality-of-life changes to our utility abilities transforms us from a peasant into a god? Don't make me laugh. Annihilation was brought down a tad, Carnage and Rage brought up to it's level via making Short Fuse accessable, Ravage is now worth using, and we can actually effectively use Obfuscate and Disruption without nerfing our damage output.




The best Marauders have been excelling since launch. You must have been paying attention elsewhere.


Yeah, it's pretty hilarious people think it's changed much at all.


because baddies couldnt figure it out


it didnt mean the class actually was bad


it was always dominant


This! :D

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