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  1. Electrified gas (maybe a thunderstorm). Granted the questions are done but I think this would be a fun mechanic to theory craft (buffing PT tanks by adding onto existing abilities rather than just dumping on new ones).
  2. 2 things (for pvp) 1. the hybrid spec relies on 2 extra gcd's for setup 2. dots being cleanseable isn't just annoying for lost dot dps but cull as well For these reasons sticking to full lethality is the stronger route (unless you really like eng.) This is not even mentioning cull procing execute (+ execute dots)
  3. It's really up to you. For RP armor or weapons makes sense if you like that. Bio & Cybertech have reusable consumables (flasks & potions/grenades) that are WORSE than buying the consumables everyone can use. I personally have cybertech & like using the cc grenades in pvp but this is just personal preference. If you are looking for professions to make money go to the crew skills section & do a little light reading. Most of it is just understanding how crafts & consumables work off each other
  4. What about CGC stacking like mage ignite from wow (3 stacks, cleanseable only one @ a time i.e. a 3x cleansed goes to 2x). Could make effective pve dps increase w/o making burst out of control.
  5. Thanks for the response! Anyone have feedback on full tank in 4v4/solo que?
  6. Like the title says I'm looking for advice b/t ST, AP, & Pyro. If it were not for 2.6 it would be a no brainer. I am comfortable w/ all 3 specs, but do not have a lot of time to play & do not want to waste time experimenting and grinding out 3 different sets. So for ranked solo que (4v4 seems to be the only thing that pops from forums but I have not tried it yet)--which of the 3 is the most solo friendly (please no responses "play what you want to play"). Thank you!
  7. Yes Eliminator>Combat Tech for full Pyrotech. Even with the PPA nerf you still rely on RS procs for burst. There may no longer be the lucky consecutive proc chains but almost every kill is going to have 1 or 2 RS's in there. You simply cannot ignore RS because of its relatively low downtime & raw damage.
  8. Whenever I see these posts my head explodes. Before getting into a pissing contest over "I do X amount of damage" I will say that maras/sents played correctly have no achilles heel. They have mobility, excellent damage, amazing group utility, and some of the strongest defensive CD's in the game--better than some tanking classes. If you feel immobile as a melee look at Operatives & DPS Powertechs (in before lol AP). Not enough Damage? I do not know what to tell you other than the damage is beyond fine. A few classes have better burst windows but nowhere near the same level of consistent output coupled with amazing defensive cooldowns. Squishy? Look anything other than tanks. Marauders still have comparable/better defensive cooldowns. Which is fine except they already have extremely good damage & irreplaceable group utility (predation, bloodthirst, & mortal strike). I see comments like "we get CC'd" or "we get focused" as if no other class melee or otherwise doesn't die or lose LOS/range/etc. from CC. No other melee class holds a candle to the combined damage, tools & group utility Marauders offer. When it comes to rated teams the best team compositions will be built around Marauders and then filling the gaps (namely guard/taunts, knockbacks, heals, & grips). Classes that fall through the cracks will benchwarm or simply be a spot better filled by a Marauder (especially Operatives & DPSins). The two "irreplaceable" classes if rated warzones were to come out with 1.2 are Marauders & Sorcerers. Marauders for all the reasons listed and Sorcerers for life grip. And that's just Hutt Ball. As they are Marauders simply have too much. Whether it's the damage, utility, or defensive cooldowns something needs to get tweaked. I know this is going to get flamed but before you type out some situation where you got "pwnd" or why your Marauder sucks think about: Could I have used LOS/poitioning more effectively? Did I mismanage my cooldowns? Was I in a situation that most or all classes would have had difficulty (1vmultiple, simply being on a bad team, getting jumped while fighting, etc.)? Did I fight someone at a significant cooldown disadvantage (completely out of cooldowns v. a fresh rez, etc.)? Note: I stuck to directly comparing melee classes because they more than likely will be competing for the same spots as Marauders. Tanks will have their spots but they do not completely outshine each other like Marauders do to melee dps. As for ranged dps, Sorcerers just took a pretty hard nerf & Snipers & Mercs are still on the weak side but hey that's my opinion.
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