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Deception assassin?


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Deception has great DPS and is also great if you want to use stealth a lot, but be prepared rely a lot of med packs and Talos (the healing companion you get around level 37) to survive. I was playing a deception build for a while, but recently respec'd to into the darkness tree and the survivability is nice to have.
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I've played Deception since day one and I have loads of fun. (Mostly pvp.) It has its draw backs that's for sure. Like the guy above said, a Scoundrel will drop you in 4 moves, but only if you let him.


There is no denying the fact that Deception is squishy. This can however be overcome with some experience. It's all about the timing and tactics. You will get crushed if you just run in and try to stand toe to toe with opponents.


In my experience Deception doesn't have the best 'sustained' DPS compared to other specs, but if you can set up for, and execute a full opener, you can really blow people up. That opening burst is nice. Watch your procs and time out your finishing abilities along with escape abilities and you can sure cause some trouble.


I can't really say if we are that viable to teams. In pvp I look for the healers. I chase them down and try to keep them busy. I think we have enough burst to keep a healer focused on us instead of their teammates. I also will play clean up. Let the meatbags fight it out and you show up at the end and finish it off. I have stormed into fights already in progress and been able to help finish off 3 or so opponents, cause a ruckus with a few healers then get out.


Mass Mind Control / Mind Control is nice to help drop the amount of damage your opponent does to your teammates. Force Slow for the spazzies running around all crazy, lol that's the best. Sneak up to an objective and try and draw some people to you, and away from your team. You sneak up to some guy who's left alone to defend an objective and open his *** up he will start screaming for help. You might get worked, but you might also take some pressure off you team.


If your squishy you can at least annoy them. It's good times. :)

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Speaking as a strictly solo PVE player, the Deception tree looks way cool and that's the route I'm going--I can't speak to the PVP side as I've never done any PVP nor do I ever plan to


I am thinking of making an assassin to play as a deception exclusively.


Saw a friend play one and now I want to.


How is the DPS on this class after 1.2??

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If you want to DPS as an Assassin in PVE go Madness, all other specs are obsolete for it as Madness dose way more damage than the other two specs AND is a lot more fun to play as you have more tools to use and actually have to pay attention to what you are doing and in what order you need to do them.


For instance a Deception assassin:


Stealth<Maul<Voltaic Slash x2<Shock<Dishcharge(Surging Charge) = OK damage.




Death Field<Shock(Procs Unearthed Knowledge granting a bonus to damage)<Lightning Charge Discharge<Creeping Terror<Thrash(until Raze Proc)<Activate instant Crushing Darkness Repeat = Insane damage.


I have learned from playing madness that if you play it right meaning by popping everything as they are supposed to be you can keep three dots on your target and just sit there whittle them down with Thrash. My thrash hits for around 1.5k to 1.6k non crit on each hit which is way more than the damage i was doing in deception using voltaic slash.

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I play as a deception, i have no problem standing toe 2 toe with most classes, marauders can be a pain but i f you know what you are doin then they will go down too. Everyone saying that deception is unplayable in PVP is not playing it right. OPS/Scoundrel will do alot of damage but you can easy survive their burst and then the fight is yours.


Its true that a darkness specced assasin will survive alot longer with alot more heat on them, but thats fine it all depends on your playstyle and preferences. I love picking my targets and taking them down and go back into cloak.


I my WZ group i am the one killing the healers and deception is good at doin just that.


In PVE while leveling madness or darkness is to be prefered in my opinion, i did level all the way to 50 as a deception but it was a pain at some times.

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If you want to DPS as an Assassin in PVE go Madness, all other specs are obsolete for it as Madness dose way more damage than the other two specs AND is a lot more fun to play as you have more tools to use and actually have to pay attention to what you are doing and in what order you need to do them.


For instance a Deception assassin:


Stealth<Maul<Voltaic Slash x2<Shock<Dishcharge(Surging Charge) = OK damage.




Death Field<Shock(Procs Unearthed Knowledge granting a bonus to damage)<Lightning Charge Discharge<Creeping Terror<Thrash(until Raze Proc)<Activate instant Crushing Darkness Repeat = Insane damage.


I have learned from playing madness that if you play it right meaning by popping everything as they are supposed to be you can keep three dots on your target and just sit there whittle them down with Thrash. My thrash hits for around 1.5k to 1.6k non crit on each hit which is way more than the damage i was doing in deception using voltaic slash.


My VT in PVE hits for around 1.2k 1.7k with crit which it almost always does, never use maul without a proc, discharge easy stacked to 5 stack hits for around 5k on crit, mail with proc 4K, shock around 4k aswell. I have no doubt that madness with the dots have the ability to sustain very high DPS, where as deception is a little to depending on the procs for different attacks to go all out DPS but overall i lead my raid on DPS as a deception spec.


In my opinion madness spec is boring but we all have our preferences.

Edited by Griad
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Dont go Deception go Darkness. Its has good damage and great survival. As deception, a scoundrel will have ya dead in about 4 moves.



Darkness only puts off at about 600 dps, Deception is up around 1150-1200, and Madness goes about 1300-1400.

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I've played Deception since day one and I have loads of fun. (Mostly pvp.) It has its draw backs that's for sure. Like the guy above said, a Scoundrel will drop you in 4 moves, but only if you let him.


There is no denying the fact that Deception is squishy. This can however be overcome with some experience. It's all about the timing and tactics. You will get crushed if you just run in and try to stand toe to toe with opponents.


In my experience Deception doesn't have the best 'sustained' DPS compared to other specs, but if you can set up for, and execute a full opener, you can really blow people up. That opening burst is nice. Watch your procs and time out your finishing abilities along with escape abilities and you can sure cause some trouble.


I can't really say if we are that viable to teams. In pvp I look for the healers. I chase them down and try to keep them busy. I think we have enough burst to keep a healer focused on us instead of their teammates. I also will play clean up. Let the meatbags fight it out and you show up at the end and finish it off. I have stormed into fights already in progress and been able to help finish off 3 or so opponents, cause a ruckus with a few healers then get out.


Mass Mind Control / Mind Control is nice to help drop the amount of damage your opponent does to your teammates. Force Slow for the spazzies running around all crazy, lol that's the best. Sneak up to an objective and try and draw some people to you, and away from your team. You sneak up to some guy who's left alone to defend an objective and open his *** up he will start screaming for help. You might get worked, but you might also take some pressure off you team.


If your squishy you can at least annoy them. It's good times. :)



Deception - Go in, blow the dude up, deal MASSIVE DAMAGE at one given time, Force Cloak..****.

Madness - Go in, Ohh AoE..MORE DOTS MORE DOTS, Awwman, look at my 70k healing done in one match, and Im a beast.

Darkness - Im oddly mistaken as a dps spec! :o While I'm clearly a tank spec and my dps is considerably lower then my brother trees.



If you wanna survive and tank in PvP, Darkness...but your damage output wont be nearly as much as Deception or Madness. Yeah, in the end you'll have 220k (only because you outlived half the PvP team) like the other dude who is Deception, but..significance, you didnt blow up the healer and have him waste his clutch heals on himself and not the ball carrier.


If you wanna carry the ball, Darkness.


If you dont and wanna be useful and pin down healers and stuff and be that clutch ball runner, Deception.


And if you just wanna mess people up with Damage over Time that eats their life away, Madness.

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My VT in PVE hits for around 1.2k 1.7k with crit which it almost always does, never use maul without a proc, discharge easy stacked to 5 stack hits for around 5k on crit, mail with proc 4K, shock around 4k aswell. I have no doubt that madness with the dots have the ability to sustain very high DPS, where as deception is a little to depending on the procs for different attacks to go all out DPS but overall i lead my raid on DPS as a deception spec.


In my opinion madness spec is boring but we all have our preferences.


Your Voltaic Slash hits for 1.2 to 1.7? No way..

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Your Voltaic Slash hits for 1.2 to 1.7? No way..


Yes way on crit 1.7k is the highest crit not sayin it will do that everytime but a nice place in between, when use use it it will basicly always hit about 1200 damage.

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Don't play deception.. Just don't do it.

Someone above said something about how awesome it is about being able to annoy ppl in pvp. Great. Wonderful. Well done, you've slightly distracted someone. A Darkness or Darkmad hybrid would have slaughtered the same target in the same time it took you to simly divert their attention and probably kill you. I can actually kill Deception sins 1v2 on my Darkmad, the difference is that vast.

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Don't play deception.. Just don't do it.

Someone above said something about how awesome it is about being able to annoy ppl in pvp. Great. Wonderful. Well done, you've slightly distracted someone. A Darkness or Darkmad hybrid would have slaughtered the same target in the same time it took you to simly divert their attention and probably kill you. I can actually kill Deception sins 1v2 on my Darkmad, the difference is that vast.


Actually, I have killed people 1v3 while Deception specced, all these Darkness fanboys and stuff....its a tank spec for a solid reason and that is TO TANK.

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Actually, I have killed people 1v3 while Deception specced, all these Darkness fanboys and stuff....its a tank spec for a solid reason and that is TO TANK.



And also to not use it as a clutch dps spec to cover up for your ability of how much you cant play a dps specc'd toon. Instead you need to outweigh the odds.

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Everyone has their own playstyle. That being said each spec fills its individual niche.

The best advice i have would be to experiment with each playstyle and see what suits you most.


As for darkness , i dont see the dps comparison. Its also still relatively squishy.

Unless the object is to keep several people occupied while teammates perform their

Duties i cant see the merit in darkness in pvp.


Thats just my 2 cents. And for the record im 5/33/3 and i see 200-300k dmg per wz

In a decent pug.

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I've been playing strictly PVE and I had a lot of fun with my Deception Assassin up to level 39. Recently I was dying all the time on Hoth. I switched to a Darkness build and I'm back to having fun with my Assassin again.


I agree with you, cept I respeced Madness and I began having fun on my Assassin again LOL



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I am thinking of making an assassin to play as a deception exclusively.


Saw a friend play one and now I want to.


How is the DPS on this class after 1.2??


To actually answer your question, Deception's DPS is EXACTLY the same as it was before 1.2, not counting diminishing returns changes. Now, I will also explain all the bickering you have seen.


As a Deception, you'll be underpowered, there are no two ways about it. A Jack of all Trades sort of thing. You can taunt, CC and dps, but you're not really good at any of them. Better at DPS than the others, but it's still not as good as it should be. The problem lies in that fact that we do indeed have access to a tanking tree. Bioware has seemed to have said "because assassins CAN tank, they don't get the DPS they should." Which, if you think about it, means that Mercs, Sorcs and Agents should be doing crap dps as well since they can heal. But, we all know how good those three classes perform.


The main problem with Deception is that our DPS is nowhere near where it needs to be to make up for our complete lack of survivability. We wear LIGHT ARMOR and do less damage (unless max geared and played stupidly well) than those wearing Medium and Heavy armors. And they can do it from range, or with AOE or actual openers.


Insultingly enough, 1.2 brought a bunch of positive changes to a lot of classes, but it ignored the two (shadow) specs that needed the most help. Our main problem is that they can't do much to increase Deception DPS without upping the dps of Madness or Darkness who both already do more than enough given their actual intended functionality.


I'm personally a big fan of (as I've said in the past) of Exposed weakness being applied while we are in stealth, and increasing the proc rate of Saber Conduit (our force regen talent) to once every 3 seconds instead of every 10. Venturing into the possibly OP section of buffs would be adding an guaranteed crit to decpetive power when attacking from stealth.

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