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Just like Rift, i have to make the same post on the PvP Expertise Stat and it's flaw.


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I don't get why ppl are getting their panties so much in a bunch over expertise atm. It is so fast to get BM gear that you hardly even wear the recruit gear imo. 2 weeks to get full BM can be done without breaking a sweat unless you have to work 16 hours a day.


And tbh, the gear difference isn't as gamebreaking as everyone wants to make it out to be. I still beat plenty of full BM ppl on my recruit + 2 pieces BM jugg. If their are decent players the better geared ones ofc beat me, and imo that's how it should be.


The whole "everyone is killing me because they have better gear" is the warcry of the facerollers who can't beat ppl even when they get full top tier gear.


Worst part of the whole things is, that now that Bioware put in recruit gear to actually give fresh 50s a decent set of competitive PvP gear, ppl still cry about it not being enough. Would you rather go back to having no expertise when you hit 50 at all and just have to eat death after death without contributing anything to your team until you grind out a full set of cent gear?


If ppl put half the amount of effort in to actually trying to better themselves as players as they do in to crying about gear, the average PvP player would be about 200% better than atm. Next time you get gibbed, take a second to try and figure out what the other guy did to you instead of just claiming it was all due to gear straight off the bat.


Lastly, I am getting sick of people's sense of entitlement in these games. I for one think it's perfectly fine that people who have spent the time to farm out the gear have a substantial competitive edge over someone who just started playing 3 weeks ago and is fresh to 50. Gear in MMOs also works as a sort of reward for time and effort put in to the game, but people seem to forget that and just expect epics to be thrown at them every time they log on and then run to the forums and cry when it doesn't happen.




and for the TL;DR ppl out there I'll quickly sum up the essence of this post:


Stop crying about gear and get better

Edited by HaxxorMcleet
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Gear > Skill,



PvP on Ajunta Pal is basicly full Imperial Exploited BM Premades (as its always been.)


Except now they do 20% More damage to you, take 20% Less, and have more healing since most Republic Players are in Champion/Cent gear/Trainee gear.



Fun Fun Fun Fun.


You used to beable to outskill them and beat them in matches... but thats impossible now.


Sorry but i'm not going to play until they revert the changes to expertise back.




People who say: Its fast to get BM gear, are probably imperials being carried by there exploited BM buddys, yeah its easy to get the new gear "IF YOU WIN", If you lose you get nothing or such little amounts of commendations its not worth running home to talk about, infact its a waste of time.


18 out of 20 Matches are losses.



WoW Players ruined another game by wanting such a huge gear advantage.

Edited by Daecollo
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Balance and lack of skill will always be a problem in a game in which everyone has gear with different stats. Gear based progression game + skill based competitive PvP do not go together, IMO. The moment you have two people with different tiers of gear, even if they're both wearing PvP gear, there's an imbalance that helps to invalidate skill. Sure, someone competent can beat someone incompetent, regardless of gear, but among two competent players, the one with the better gear will win, in a game like this.


Exactly this



And I agree with OP, I don't care if devs from rift listened to him or not, his point is valid


And this is coming from someone who had 1000expertise from day 1 patch

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Another entitlement player. Crying about gear, but even with the gear you will still cry since gear don't fix bad.

*snort*, another "I need gear to kill people"-loser.


For your information, I never saw any bodyguard outheal me, the republic best trooper had same levels of healing but always had 50-100k less dmg done. That is with champion vs. battlemasters like the rep trooper.


I usually play _underdogs_, what is perceived as sucky. Then again, I don't have the luxury of being a student with 80hours a week of free time or more to grind, so my pvp set wasn't BiS (my PvE set pretty much was almost BiS, it's not the a matter that can I get something or not, just that if something is _pure grind_ I probably won't be getting it fast).


So, you fail. BADLY. Is that so freaking hard to understand that lots of _good players_ want a level playing field, or nearly so, for PvP? I don't care a whit about PvE having grinds, since I can usually join a top guild on the server to get best raid gear with minimal time spent (by minimal I mean 3-4 raid nights for 3-4h a week, in Rift being active for all 1st kills in the guild I got into so not just joining for farming).


But for PvP? I win by _skill_, not by gear, and let me assure you I can easily offset minor differences like champion vs. battlemaster if the other guy isn't top notch, but the current champion vs. battlemaster gap is hugeeeee.

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People who say: Its fast to get BM gear, are probably imperials being carried by there exploited BM buddys, yeah its easy to get the new gear "IF YOU WIN", If you lose you get nothing or such little amounts of commendations its not worth running home to talk about, infact its a waste of time.


It was easier BEFORE this patch. All you really had to do was complete your daily, open a box, and hey! Battlemaster commendation. If you failed- well, try again tomorrow and play on an alt for the time being.

Now it's a slow and painful grind.

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This is a great idea actually.


I didn't PVP in Rift long enough to see them normalize things. How would this work exactly?


Like a PVE geared player comes in and has 0 Expertise.


A full Recruit player has say 500, so does a Full BM and a Full WH.


How did the game determine who to give the Expertise bonus too? If it gave it to everyone then there's no reason to have PVP gear. If it gave it based on a set bonus then you still have mixing and matching with potential PVE gear advantages. How did this work exactly?


EDIT: Nevermind I see it now. So you'd still have to collect a full set to get to the "Expertise Cap" but each set simply has the same amount of Expertise. Then they also have PVP specific Attack and Spell power to further ensure the gear is only good in PVP.


That's so simple. Seriously, Bioware needs to do this immediately. Even without the extra "PVP Only Attack/Spell Power" this is a simple fix that will go a long way towards PVP QoL.

Edited by Tenthletter
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Wonderful idea and a great post!!!


You, sir, have my full support!!!


I want to engage in a challenging PvP where great team tactics wins over mindless zerg fest. Dying in 4 seconds while being stunned is not fun. Having a long and engaging fight with other players on equal grounds is.


BioWare... BE AWARE of this thread! :cool:

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It's faster to get PvP gear now sure, However the Difference between Recruit and BM is pretty big already, then factor in once people start getting War Hero, Between More Stats, more Expertise, Set Bonuses, and Augment slots?


That's not a good way to start the game off for a fresh 50. They already have such a drastic disadvantage making the higher rank people do more damage to them, while taking less damage is simply silly.


Expertise should be Normalized across all PvP gear period.

Edited by Xsorus
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OP obviously failed to realize that PvP stat isn't to give pvpers an advantage over PvErs or raiders.


PvP stat is created so that PvPers do not skip dungeons using pvp gear. It is why there is no pvp stat in mmo pvp centric games like warhammer, daoc, and so on. Lastly, Blizzard doesn't have a problem giving the BiS(Best In Slot) Gear to the raiders. It is clearly shown with the best trinket and weapon being dropped in raid boss rather than being given in arena.


This is a PvE centric game which is why there is a pvp stat. They calculate the amount of stat that players need to survive dungeons first before creating pvp gear with pvp stat which is why there is a huge gear gap because there needs to be a huge gear gap in PvE dungeon crawling.



and to think how much better would be to reverse this stat: put it on pvp gear but make it so the more of it - the worse it is in pve environment

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