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Legacy Promotion now expanded


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So you just freeloaded, in other words. You were not on to group and help other subscribers progress past the mandatory group content (heroic 4`s, flashpoints), nor did you follow up a story up until its end (which is at level 50)... but you want the gift those players get?


Oh and btw.. you still have time until the 20th for Legacy 6. The onus is on you, sir.


I didn't "freeload". I paid the same sub as everybody else. I love grouping up and did it more often at the beginning, but now I find the planets are so empty that it's virtually impossible. I have been following my class storyline, completing the quests at the appropriate levels.


I'm unlikely to get to level 50 in the next few days, although I'll give it a go. I've tried to find out how to increase my legacy level quickly but the site here isn't very clear, so I don't know if that would be quicker than trying to level up my main character. Either way, it seems I have to play a certain way or else be financially penalised.



[EDIT]And it`s more like that boss in your example rewarding some milestones, as opposed to supporting a chair all day long, picking your nose. Work brings rewards. Sitting idle doesn`t.


No, you've got it the wrong way round. We work (some of us) in exchange for money. We give money to Bioware in exchange for game time (which allows us play). In my example, my boss would be giving people money but without them having to work (i.e. leave time). Bioware is giving people game time without them having to pay.


None of us are entitled to free game time, but if you're in a minority who don't get it (whilst having paid the same as everybody else), you're likely to feel disgruntled in the same way as if you'd worked as hard as everybody else at work but were in a minority who didn't get a month's paid leave.

Edited by Danathur
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No, you've got it the wrong way round. We work (some of us) in exchange for money. We give money to Bioware in exchange for game time (which allows us play). In my example, my boss would be giving people money but without them having to work (i.e. leave time). Bioware is giving people game time without them having to pay.


None of us are entitled to free game time, but if you're in a minority who don't get it (whilst having paid the same as everybody else), you're likely to feel disgruntled in the same way as if you'd worked as hard as everybody else at work but were in a minority who didn't get a month's paid leave.


No, you didnt meet the 'sales goal' for the year. Doesnt mean youll get fired, doesnt mean you wont get the play and definitely dont mean youll take a pay cut - but what that DOES mean is that the people that DID meet the sales goal - WILL get a 'month off'.


You go to work, you work the way you want to. Thats fine. But when you dont meet the end goal and you think you deserve the award - well thats just dumb.


Youve got a week - not bad. I did 1-50 in 6 days /played time. Im sure you could AT LEAST get a character past level 30 to get legacy unlocked and then level some alts right? No? Well then dont expect free stuff you dont deserve.

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No, you didnt meet the 'sales goal' for the year. Doesnt mean youll get fired, doesnt mean you wont get the play and definitely dont mean youll take a pay cut - but what that DOES mean is that the people that DID meet the sales goal - WILL get a 'month off'.


You go to work, you work the way you want to. Thats fine. But when you dont meet the end goal and you think you deserve the award - well thats just dumb.


Youve got a week - not bad. I did 1-50 in 6 days /played time. Im sure you could AT LEAST get a character past level 30 to get legacy unlocked and then level some alts right? No? Well then dont expect free stuff you dont deserve.


In my example, everybody had done the same amount of work, but I didn't get a month off work. I'm being expected to work for a month when other people don't have to. It's not the same as the others being rewarded for extra work. That would be similar to Bioware rewarding people for paying a higher sub. In this case, I'm being expected to pay for a month when other people don't have to.


But Bioware doesn't pay us to play. It's the other way around. We want to play. We pay to be allowed to play. I've met the goal by paying my sub. There is (normally) no obligation for me to play in a certain way. There's still no obligation, but if I don't play a certain way (and give up my free time), I have to pay for something that everybody else gets free.


I already have legacy unlocked, but I don't have a great deal of free time and don't want to spend all of it playing SW:TOR. I also wanted to play at a leisurely pace. The irony is that if I do get to 50 in time, being "forced" to play will probably make me lose enthusiasm for playing during the free month!


Edit: we're getting penalised for an arbitrary game play "choice". It's as if, say, Bioware had rewarded players like me with a free month because we took our time, and the minority who hit 50 in the first week were penalised. In that case, I wouldn't expect those few early levellers to feel OK about having to pay when the rest of us don't.

Edited by Danathur
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1 more raid and 1 more warzone means endgame is no longer lacking (and no ranked warzones on top of that)?


It's something. Gobble it up and check out all the features of 1.2. Rateds weren't ready, would you have liked to get buggy, unfinished, unbalanced rated warzones? really?


Check out what happens in your free month.


So it's Bioware's fault for not making a more punishing level grind, which would have left everyone in the same position of trying to hit 50 after 4 months, which would have given them time to polish the endgame?


You support the game by running the same bugged, lacking content over and over? I thought players supported the game by paying the bills-silly me.


I was responding to someone who felt they their sub $ was going towards elements of the game that did not effect them since they were not level 50 yet.


Also I was emphasizing the importance of advancement in end game content and giving props to people who have done something I personally cannot fathom. Leveling a character on the Public Test Server to level 50. Now that's real dedication to this game.


On your point: Leveling is too easy but with legacy and it's mechanics, it's encouraged to do it multiple times so I'm glad it's not a pain in the *** to do. But your logic in leveling would only require more leveling content or more tedium between questing most likely. Biowares intent was to make leveling easy I believe.


Yes, I do. I play warzones a lot. If you've been playing in them since Dec. or Jan. you have faced frustrations and questioned the direction of PvP. To step back and not go forward with the awful rated warzones proposal in its entirety was the best call they've made to date imo.


If you're not serious enough to gobble up minimal content after four months of playing this game you're simply not that into it.

Edited by Nakazia
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Why's it so hard to understand that Bioware isn't going to throw free subs at people who really haven't bothered to really try the game yet?


If you played to 50 free month, If you've reached legacy level 6 free month.


The small minority of people who don't get a free month simply have not played through enough content to qualify.


It's not that hard to get to level 50, and it's not that hard to attain legacy level 6.


People leveled to 50 on the PTS, and others have maxed out legacy at 50 already.


It's been out a while now. If you really don't have the time to play to 50 or get legacy 6... I'm surprised you even noticed this thread and wonder if you realized that there was even a patch or what this free month is really for.

And that's the definition of a most loyal customer?


So someone who has enough free time to grind to legacy 6 in less one month and as such not even had a sub running because (s)he was able to max out during her(his) free time will get 30 days more. And people who left the game gets 7 days free?

This when people who've been there since launch and kept subscribed won't?


Seriously that's a shame.

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We pay to be allowed to play. I've met the goal by paying my sub. There is (normally) no obligation for me to play in a certain way. There's still no obligation, but if I don't play a certain way (and give up my free time), I have to pay for something that everybody else gets free.


..I also wanted to play at a leisurely pace. The irony is that if I do get to 50 in time, being "forced" to play will probably make me lose enthusiasm for playing during the free month!


I agree totally with your posts.


Having to work while others get a surprise paid vacation, would probably be enough to make me quit. I think anyone would really, you'd totally lose the will to work there and do your best. That's how I feel about this game right now.


I think EA/Bioware should have information somewhere on their website that players who level up quickly get to play cheaper. Now there hasn't been info about that being the preferred way to play. It came as a total surprise that those of us who don't, are considered unhelpful or lazy.


It also doesn't make any sense.

In my experience, the people who rush to max level in a game, are usually the ones who get tired of it first, and quit playing. It doesn't seem sustainable to "pay people" to level up as fast as they can.


I am afraid that this promotion is going to hurt EA/Bioware a lot. The effects might be for example,


- People who wanted to go slow, get burned out, more likely to quit

- More level 50's with nothing left to do, more likely to quit

- Slow levellers get angry that they have to pay more than others, more likely to quit

- People taking a break from the game and come back later, will miss out on future promotions they probably give to those who never quit etc


It's just a dumb promotion.


One reason that I've gone slowly with my Smuggler (lvl 37 now) is that I had a lot of problems with the companion quest. I enjoyed the romance quest and it got stuck. Support helped me and he started giving them again, only for it to get stuck again when he gave me a quest to kill some lvl 45's. I couldn't kill those on my own and I also didn't want to rush my toon up to 45-46 since I knew that on 46 he proposes and then the quest chain will be over.


I really don't feel like going in there and leveling up to 50 now and losing out on all that. I think this will rush some people way too much and they won't be able to enjoy the game.


Whoever thought of this promotion must be very inexperienced. There's a reason Blizzard to my knowledge never handed out free months, only free days if there had been severe problems. They are no dummies.

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The small minority of people who don't get a free month simply have not played through enough content to qualify.


And that's the definition of a most loyal customer?


So someone who has enough free time to grind to legacy 6 in less one month and as such not even had a sub running because (s)he was able to max out during her(his) free time will get 30 days more. And people who left the game gets 7 days free?

This when people who've been there since launch and kept subscribed won't?


Seriously that's a shame.


A loyal customer could be defined as someone actually using the product actively over the course of four months, yes.


If you do not have legacy level 6 or a level 50 at this point, there are reasons for it, and that's okay. Just don't expect to get a free month when you've been blissfully enjoying the beginning leveling still after four months and don't think you have a clue about why this free month sticky is up here. Surprised you have the time to peek at the forums and see it.

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Very disappointing to me. Good job ruining good will among day one players who have limited play times. Your customer service department screwed up with this one.


Comments from "holier than you" players are not solicited, nor will they be read. This statement was to Bioware. Feel free to make snide comments about me that I won't read since I'm done with this thread.

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Very disappointing to me. Good job ruining good will among day one players who have limited play times. Your customer service department screwed up with this one.


Comments from "holier than you" players are not solicited, nor will they be read. This statement was to Bioware. Feel free to make snide comments about me that I won't read since I'm done with this thread.


I have a friend he's at legacy level 5. It does suck that he won't qualify but he's busy with college and hasn't had time to play. He's actively leveling 7 different characters on one server and he's content with the content and just wishes he had more time to play. It's not a big deal to him and he's still going to continue to play. While he tells me about lowbie quests and the different outcomes. I tell him about all fun (and frustrations of) a level 50. Different strokes for different folks.

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Last night I went out on my story quest to try to grind some. Am level 38. In one hour (this already was midnight now due to me working 11 hours a day) I only managed to get half a level.. Im thinking there is no way I could get to 50 in a week like this. (Also I got hit with that reverse airlock bug.. so until CS fixes it. Im stuck in TOR) But honestly, I realized something. I am not enjoying TOR now. Im "rushing" it just for 30 free days? Just to prove I am a "valued" customer. (As if having paid since launch wasnt good enough, or crafting and keeping stuff on the GTN for others to enjoy)


Im ready to write a real letter to bioware about this. How I have to sacrifice my enjoyment of the game, just to get 30 days? Its not worth it it seems. Almost better to pay the 15$ and say screw it.


Anyone know where one could write to bioware about this?

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Last night I went out on my story quest to try to grind some. Am level 38. In one hour (this already was midnight now due to me working 11 hours a day) I only managed to get half a level.. Im thinking there is no way I could get to 50 in a week like this. (Also I got hit with that reverse airlock bug.. so until CS fixes it. Im stuck in TOR) But honestly, I realized something. I am not enjoying TOR now. Im "rushing" it just for 30 free days? Just to prove I am a "valued" customer. (As if having paid since launch wasnt good enough, or crafting and keeping stuff on the GTN for others to enjoy)


Im ready to write a real letter to bioware about this. How I have to sacrifice my enjoyment of the game, just to get 30 days? Its not worth it it seems. Almost better to pay the 15$ and say screw it.


Anyone know where one could write to bioware about this?


Lemme refer you to this thread



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Good work BW, now the promotion is more to the point, the ones that has been in the game along time usually either have a lvl 50 or atleast legacy level 6.


Now it will catch more (maybe still not all, but alot more) of youre Loyal and Valued customers.

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Anyone who has been playing since day one and doesn't have either a level 50 character or a level of 6 in legacy, doesn't deserve the free 30 days, imo.


Bioware didn't have to give ANYONE anything other than a game to play for 15 bucks a month. They rewarded the most dedicated and there is absolutely no reason for ANYONE to ***** about it. If someone leveled a character to 50 in a month or two and stopped playing for a while, that doesn't make them less dedicated than the lot of you who have been subbed since day one.


It takes a lot to reach 50. They did in a short time what you couldn't do in four or five months.


Get over it.


Actually it does make them less dedicated-if they really like the game they would have paid to support it. If everyone with a 50 had left after that last ding then how would they have afforded to make the 'what may be the biggest free patch ever for an MMO'?


"Subs went from 2 million to 500K-let's work on a major patch and give away free time to the MMO locusts that travel from game to game consuming all content then move on." I bet that would have gone over well-Bioware appreciates you badmouthing endgame before leaving-please have 30 days on us to keep badmouthing it!


There were people that spacebarred through, got to 50, were upset about endgame not being as expansive as they wanted/were used to, and unsubbed-all before New Years. These people are more valued than those who have been playing since Dec? Bioware appreciates their support and loyalty more?


BTW if it takes a lot to get to 50 then why do so many then turn around and say "it's not hard, I have 10 kids and work 30 hours a day and still manage to have a level 50"?

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everyone will have until April 22nd at noon CDT (5:00pm GMT - click here for a time zone converter) to have a Level 50 character or Legacy Level 6 on their account to get 30 days of game time on us.[/size]


Grats to mostly all those outside Oceanic servers who are able to have this!


I would guess quite a few Oceanic players who did not hit Amazon to sneak past the official embargo for this region are still not up to meeting that requirement yet.


30 free days for those in Europe/America is cool for sure, a great gift for the loyal subscribers from those regions.


So, maybe in 2 or 3 months you can repeat this just for your founding loyal Oceanic players similar to how we are now in the midst of qualifying for the Founder title, with that closing at the end of April. Those Oceanic players with you from the start of when the embargo was lifted and we were allowed to officially play getting our 30 free days too?


I don't want to rush to 50, so I will hope you will play fair for all the new Oceanic ex-embargo players. :D

Edited by Bhaers
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So you just freeloaded, in other words. You were not on to group and help other subscribers progress past the mandatory group content (heroic 4`s, flashpoints), nor did you follow up a story up until its end (which is at level 50)... but you want the gift those players get?


Oh and btw.. you still have time until the 20th for Legacy 6. The onus is on you, sir.


[EDIT]And it`s more like that boss in your example rewarding some milestones, as opposed to supporting a chair all day long, picking your nose. Work brings rewards. Sitting idle doesn`t.


Group content isn't mandatory though-the rewards can be gotten elsewhere and the storylines do not require them in any way. By your logic the reward should only have been given to active guild members, as they likely help other customers more than the player that occasionally teams.


Also, I should be rewarded for answering 'lfm for Hammer Station' or queueing for a warzone? I wonder why my Warrior didn't qualify then (I said Warrior-screw ACs).


BTW my story ended after chapter 1-I stopped the Havoc traitors. That's like saying Luke Skywalker didn't have a complete story until Episode 3 came out (or until they stop producing crap books if you want to go that direction).


If they couldn't make a story that started in the prologue last until 50 then I don't know what to say-it would be like Shepard stopping the Reapers halfway through and fighting some NEW super enemy for the rest of the game-lame.

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It's something. Gobble it up and check out all the features of 1.2. Rateds weren't ready, would you have liked to get buggy, unfinished, unbalanced rated warzones? really?


Check out what happens in your free month.




I was responding to someone who felt they their sub $ was going towards elements of the game that did not effect them since they were not level 50 yet.


Also I was emphasizing the importance of advancement in end game content and giving props to people who have done something I personally cannot fathom. Leveling a character on the Public Test Server to level 50. Now that's real dedication to this game.


On your point: Leveling is too easy but with legacy and it's mechanics, it's encouraged to do it multiple times so I'm glad it's not a pain in the *** to do. But your logic in leveling would only require more leveling content or more tedium between questing most likely. Biowares intent was to make leveling easy I believe.


Yes, I do. I play warzones a lot. If you've been playing in them since Dec. or Jan. you have faced frustrations and questioned the direction of PvP. To step back and not go forward with the awful rated warzones proposal in its entirety was the best call they've made to date imo.


If you're not serious enough to gobble up minimal content after four months of playing this game you're simply not that into it.


Actually I don't get a free month-and wouldn't take it if I did. The features in the patch don't impress me (nerfs, useless Legacy features-gotta keep the good ones until 1.3 and squeeze out another month!, 1 raid and 1 warzone, customizable UI-only 4 months late!)


So they created a system to make leveling easier-to support a system that wasn't ready until now-while expecting players tol roll alts endlessly rather than play in their lacking endgame-and now want to reward those players that saw behind the curtain and noticed that endgame was lacking rather than just roll an alt like they were supposed to?


If anything PvP is worse-healing nerfs and expertise changes mean dps burn down other players in a few seconds. If players want twitch Bioware can go build a Star Wars FPS.

Not to mention thanks to compensation nerfs there is no reason to stay if your team starts to lose-too iffy that it can be turned around and getting jack for your efforts is not worth it.


The reason ranked warzones are out is because of Bioware stubbornness regarding cross-server matching. They won't do it for PvE (it will ruin the nonexistent community!) or apparently for PvP for some time. There aren't enough 8 man teams to run against each other on any server but maybe Fatman.


Again, some people have concerns outside of this game-you're 'not serious enough' reminds me of raiders in WoW that when they saw players complaining about how their ISP caused lag told them to move.


They said that those complainers chose to get married, have kids, a job that required more hours, live in an area without good enough broadband-they made those choices so they didn't deserve to get the things that the guys who attuned for months to be allowed to even enter the raid had 'earned'.


I thought games were supposed to be fun-apparently they are SERIOUS BUSINESS.

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Actually I don't get a free month-and wouldn't take it if I did.


That's noble, and why don't you qualify exactly? re-roll? didn't make it to 50? haven't played much?


The features in the patch don't impress me



Some needed, the classes were unbalanced, still are. It's called a work in progress atm.


useless Legacy features-gotta keep the good ones until 1.3 and squeeze out another month!,


I'm actually more impressed with legacy than I though I would be but everyone has an opinion.


1 raid and 1 warzone,


If you haven't leveled to 50 this won't even apply to you.


customizable UI-only 4 months late!

Late, yep, amazing and worth the wait... I think so.


So they created a system to make leveling easier-to support a system that wasn't ready until now-while expecting players tol roll alts endlessly rather than play in their lacking endgame-and now want to reward those players that saw behind the curtain and noticed that endgame was lacking rather than just roll an alt like they were supposed to?


If you got to 50 just one character - that's end game and you get a free month.


Most people are in it for the end game or will be in a few more months. Are there serveral things that need to be done to fix it and make it more enjoyable yep. Rateds would be nice when they're ready, LFG functions are non-existant practically, there are issues.


Some people only have one fifty and they've been wallowing in end game for months. They aren't the people who spaced bar'd through everything the first time either and who weren't really all that privy to wanting to roll an alt.


If anything PvP is worse-healing nerfs and expertise changes mean dps burn down other players in a few seconds. If players want twitch Bioware can go build a Star Wars FPS.

Not to mention thanks to compensation nerfs there is no reason to stay if your team starts to lose-too iffy that it can be turned around and getting jack for your efforts is not worth it.


I think if you look at the big picture improvements have been made and hopefully will continue to be.


The reason ranked warzones are out is because of Bioware stubbornness regarding cross-server matching. They won't do it for PvE (it will ruin the nonexistent community!) or apparently for PvP for some time. There aren't enough 8 man teams to run against each other on any server but maybe Fatman.


The main reason ranked warzones didn't come out was insufficient testing. Although I believe cross-server matching may have been part of it as well. They did intend originally to go live with cross-servers after rateds warzones so I think they will still coincide together most likely.


PvE needs cross-server queues too once they get a good grouping functionality in place.


To expect a game four months in to have all the bells and whistles you're accustom to is unreasonable.


Are you 50? Why wouldn't you get a free month? Have you experienced the content or are you basing your reply on things you've read?


Again, some people have concerns outside of this game-you're 'not serious enough' reminds me of raiders in WoW that when they saw players complaining about how their ISP caused lag told them to move.


Not really, getting one character to level 50 or having a legacy of level 6 isn't all that "hard core" after four months of game play time.


They said that those complainers chose to get married, have kids, a job that required more hours, live in an area without good enough broadband-they made those choices so they didn't deserve to get the things that the guys who attuned for months to be allowed to even enter the raid had 'earned'.


I thought games were supposed to be fun-apparently they are SERIOUS BUSINESS.


If you do not have legacy level 6 or a level 50 at this point, there are reasons for it, and that's okay.


Please take time away from the forums, play the game and reflect on if you're having fun playing it. See if what Bioware is providing you is adequate. I'm going to go do just that too...

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