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Legacy Promotion now expanded


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I check this thread several times a day in hopes that Bioware will change it's tune. However it's the last work day before this promo is handed out and nothing changed.


I really enjoy the game and even pre-ordered a collectors edition...but I can't stand knowing everyone in my guild gets 30days free and I don't just because I play so many alts. I've spent the week reinstalling Rift, DCU & LOTRO....you just can't ask players like me to ignore that your giving a unprecedented amount of free time to other players....AND ask us you pay for you while you do it.


I've made the suggestion that the 30days be pulled back to 1 week for everyone who was active as of 2months ago... because that would probably be just about as equal of a hit to Biowares bottom line. And it wouldn't single out groups who have been as active as other players.


Bioware...if you change the promo before Sunday please send a email to all players, because I'll be rediscovering LOTRO & Rift after 5 months away.

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Sucks. I have two level 3 legacies. There didn't seem to be any point to having cross-faction alts before this latest patch, because you couldn't actually mail things to them. So rather than fill up my character list on one server with two groups of characters that would essentially be completely walled off from each other, I went and made my Republic characters on a different server. It seemed reasonable enough at the time, but I didn't know it'd cost me fifteen dollars. God knows I've put in the kind of time and energy that they're trying to reward here.
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Bioware...if you change the promo before Sunday please send a email to all players, because I'll be rediscovering LOTRO & Rift after 5 months away.


Tera and Diablo 3 are both having open betas this weekend too. I was like you, hoping BW would wake up and realize that throwing away subs from Founders would actually cost them more than fixing this. I think they're trying to ignore this even happened. If you look at the survey they send out after canceling, 'poor customer service' isn't given as an option for why you are quitting. They have no idea how much business they've lost because of this, and I think that's by design.

Edited by Gizbang
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Why do people that claim to have no time to play the game, complain about not getting free time to play the game?

The fact that someone doesn't have time to play the game constantly, doesn't mean they don't have time to play once or twice a month.


Personally, I'm not sure what I'm going to do this weekend. I've had SWTOR since early access and am still only Legacy Level 5 with my highest character at level 38 (I also have a 32, 3 20s, a 19 and a 9 on that server, and a few chars in their teens on a different server). I think I could probably race to legacy level 6, but I'm not sure if it's worth the effort.


I do know that, no matter what I do, this promotion is going to reduce my desire to continue my subscription (either because I'll overdose on SWTOR in order to hit legacy level 6, or because I'll feel like I got shafted out of free game time).


Edit: Also, despite my lowish levels, I would bet my total time /played is a lot higher than most 50s (or at least people with legacy level 6). I spend a lot of time looking for datacrons, doing PvP, and playing PvE content that doesn't give experience (because I've outleveled it by doing PvP). I really don't feel like I should be punished for those choices.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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I came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth it.

This 1 month free is a desperate move. Nothing else.

One could claim that people playing the least are the one who have the most to win from a free month ($15 / X number of hours = $ value per hour) .

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lol.. GUYS. This promotion isn't MEANT for the people who don't have time to play. Like I said earlier, it was supposed to be for all the people that played hardcore, finished everything in 2-3 weeks, and all of a sudden had nothing left to do but wait for 1.2 with a month and a half left of time paid for. They only changed it to legacy 6 for all the crybaby casuals (probably the EXACT same people who complained about the hardcore players making criticism posts about swtor).


how do you people not understand?

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how do you people not understand?


I realize that the purpose of the promotion is to stop the hemorrhaging of players who feel like they've run out of things to do (because they raced to 50 and are not interested in the 1-49 content). That said, it also feels like a slap in the face to the rest of us who have been just as devoted to this game (perhaps more so), when we don't also benefit.

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So what happens say, my Sub runs out today, but i meet all the requirements to get 30days free,


But my sub runs out just short of the expanded date, does that mean i wont get it? (I don't use my card online so i have to travel to get a time card).

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Well done Bioware


EDIT: Why do people that claim to have no time to play the game, complain about not getting free time to play the game?

To answer your question: Why would anyone NOT want a free month of game time no matter how or when they play? I'm sure everyone who recieved the free gift sure like it.


Some of its available time to play some of its not. In order to get the free 30 days they would have to compromise how they play the game.

I choose not to compromise,yeah i get excluded for it , I'm legacy 5 been here since launch, Trooper and a Jedi.

And the free month isnt worth acting like i drank a 6 pack of red bull.

This will pass soon enough, I like the game alot,If they want to do the next free month by excluding everyone who bought the game March 1st who recieved the free gift for being level 50, next time fine by me.

Or Exclude everyone who didnt Pre-Purchase the game that would be a good gift.

Or Exclude anyone who had Legacy 6 Before April 22nd Is a pretty good idea too.

Edited by CygnusMX
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So what happens say, my Sub runs out today, but i meet all the requirements to get 30days free,


But my sub runs out just short of the expanded date, does that mean i wont get it? (I don't use my card online so i have to travel to get a time card).


In order to receive your thirty (30) days of game time, you must meet the following requirements:•Have an active subscription and have a Level 50 character by April 12, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

•OR have an active subscription with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

Your account must not be banned.

To be an active subscriber:

•You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

•You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code

Edited by CygnusMX
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Sucks. I have two level 3 legacies. There didn't seem to be any point to having cross-faction alts before this latest patch, because you couldn't actually mail things to them. So rather than fill up my character list on one server with two groups of characters that would essentially be completely walled off from each other, I went and made my Republic characters on a different server. It seemed reasonable enough at the time, but I didn't know it'd cost me fifteen dollars. God knows I've put in the kind of time and energy that they're trying to reward here.


Another reason :


So rather than fill up my character list on one server with two groups of characters that would essentially be completely walled off from each other, I went and made my Republic characters on a different server. It seemed reasonable enough at the time


Seems Alot of Active players got sucker punched on this promo for the wrong reasons.

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I realize that the purpose of the promotion is to stop the hemorrhaging of players who feel like they've run out of things to do (because they raced to 50 and are not interested in the 1-49 content). That said, it also feels like a slap in the face to the rest of us who have been just as devoted to this game (perhaps more so), when we don't also benefit.


I think you are too caught up in what words they used. It has nothing to do with devotion, bioware wanted to sound fancy pantsy and got caught with their foot in their mouth. On the face of this, they were trying to refund the money spent by hardcore gamers, who may have paid for up to 6 months, when for some of them almost all of that time was contentless. On a deeper level, I don't think this is anything even close to a "hail mary pass."


It was definitely an attempt to grab back as many of the hardcore subscriptions they lost (people unsubbing due to lack of content, the ease of doing anything in this game) as they could by luring them back with a free month, but i don't think they are in anything close to a situation that calls for a hail-mary pass yet. This is especially so when probably 99% of the playerbase is made up of casuals, and a sizeable portion of the casuals are players who are going to love Bioware no matter what they do because this is a Star Wars game.


However, I do think they timed this wrong. Patch 1.2 was incredibly underwhelming in my opinion. They should have waited until the new nightmare mode was released, and they are probably busting *** trying to get it ready within this free month. I just hope it is actually ready for live when it is released. I definitely don't have all the information though, so they could very well know they will have the new "nightmare-ish" nightmare mode ready during the free time.


Anyways I completely de-railed from what I set out to say in this post, but again, they weren't trying to say you (casuals) weren't devoted to the game. They did probably make the dumbest choice of words they could have, but it wasn't their intention to belittle your appreciate/devotion/etc of/to the game. It was an attempt at damage-controlling the loss of hardcore player subscriptions.


edit in reply to georgethomtas: I would say we most definitely do not have account wide legacy benefits. My level 25 legacy on Daragon Trail (dead server) isn't doing much to help the toons I rerolled on Swiftsure.

Edited by ApotheosisLanyx
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If your sub runs out before the 22nd & you have not paid, you dont get the free 30 days.


•You must have an active subscription with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

Your account must not be banned.

To be an active subscriber:You have to PAY before the 22nd.

Basicaly If you did not reactivate your sub before the deadlines you get no free 30 day gift because your account is inactive.

If you activate you subscription after the dead line you dont get it, because your account is not active.


This is wrong. The original date of the 12th still stands as well as the 22nd, confirmed by Bioware multiple times via Twitter.

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This is wrong. The original date of the 12th still stands as well as the 22nd, confirmed by Bioware multiple times via Twitter.


Ok so If their account is inactive on the 22ND do they or dont they get free 30 days.

Found This __________________________________________________________________________________

We've also got another significant piece of good news: everyone will have until April 22nd at noon CDT (5:00pm GMT - click here for a time zone converter) to have a Level 50 character or Legacy Level 6 on their account to get 30 days of game time on us. (Your 30 days of game time will be applied to your account on April 25th by 11:59pm CDT.)


Found This___________________________________________________________________________________

In order to receive your thirty (30) days of game time, you must meet the following requirements:•Have an active subscription and have a Level 50 character by April 12, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

•OR have an active subscription with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

Your account must not be banned.

To be an active subscriber:

•You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

•You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code


Going to EDIT that other post then if its wrong.

I dont twitter so .......

Edited by CygnusMX
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There are an awful lot of easily impressed people out there apparently. This game is going down hill fast and now they're bribing people not to quit. 2.1 was a shameful kick in 80% of the players' faces, now they dangle the carrot to try to make donkey forget and keep following... and all the donkeys do. LOL at you donkeys.


I cancelled, so as a recap, when it's done I will have played this game 90 days, been billed twice and refunded both times. I payed for the download, that's all and it wasn't even worth it. I gave BioWare a chance and they proved that they don't have any idea what they're doing. At least I never got charged a monthly fee. Bet working at their billing dept is easy.

Edited by bahdasz
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There are an awful lot of easily impressed people out there apparently. This game is going down hill fast and now they're bribing people not to quit. 2.1 was a shameful kick in 80% of the players' faces, now they dangle the carrot to try to make donkey forget and keep following... and all the donkeys do. LOL at you donkeys.


I cancelled, so as a recap, when it's done I will have played this game 90 days, been billed twice and refunded both times. I payed for the download, that's all and it wasn't even worth it. I gave BioWare a chance and they proved that they don't have any idea what they're doing. At least I never got charged a monthly fee. Bet working at their billing dept is easy.


Smacks of attention seeking. If you quit, cool. Why bother smack talking unless you want something from it or you feel SWTOR has committed some terrible wrong on your person. Catch yourself on mate.

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You don't quite understand anything about this. Leveling to 50 doesn't take long, and people can be 50 in a week and stop playing, not active players. Yet, those who continue to pay them don't see any reward for their active gameplay (yes, most of the people complaining actually dedicate at least an hour or two a day to the game). Another thing, many of the people have a very similar issue. They have the ability to be Legacy Level 6, if all their characters were on one server. However, because of how an MMO is and causes people to play with friends across multiple servers, these people are having their active gameplay ignored due to a technicality that should not exist in the first place. The unlock should be account wide, not server wide


Jhartel - please read posts before responding. Your lack of comprehension of what I have actually posted is abysmal...


The point is - the promotion is NOT a "reward" for just playing the game. No-one has ANY entitlement to the the 30 days bonus, it is a GIFT, a BONUS given out according to Bioware's criteria. If you don't match the criteria BioWare have set for the promotion, don't complain like you have had something taken away from you - you haven't! . Some will get it some wont, as is the case in all bonus promotions, but we all were prepared to pay our subscription regardless so if you dont get the bonus - nothing has changed for you! (regardless of how you have levelled / played the game.)

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lol.. GUYS. This promotion isn't MEANT for the people who don't have time to play. Like I said earlier, it was supposed to be for all the Cry Babies that played hardcore, finished everything in 2-3 weeks, and all of a sudden had nothing left to do but Cry Baby for 1.2 with a month and a half left of time paid for. They only changed it to legacy 6 for all the crybaby casuals (probably the EXACT same people who complained about the hardcore CryBabies making criticism posts about swtor).


how do you people not understand?

Origonal post re-edited for different perspective in White

So the Promotion was Intended for cry babies maybe?

I guess a one time freebie is ok but next time they deserve a spanking for eating all their halloween candy in one night.

Edited by CygnusMX
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I'm sure I'll just be lumped in with one subset of forum posters or another, but this "reward those who play the most" saddens me and I feel compelled to add my opinion to the mix. It's one thing to reward people in-game with better items, unique titles, etc but it's another one entirely to pay them with real currency. Say all you will about this, but that's exactly what it is. Spend enough time in-game either on a single character or multiple ones and Bioware will pay you the value of one month's subscription, $14.99. I pre-ordered and have been playing since launch and since I signed up for the 3-month reoccurring billing cycle, I've now paid for 6 months of subscription fees. Due to real life responsibilities, I don't have as much time to devote to playing as others but that shouldn't make me any less important to Bioware as an active, long-standing subscriber. Unfortunately, that's not the case. It really is sad. I thought Bioware was different.
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I just dinged my first char to 50 a couple of hours ago, and I've only bought the game 3 weeks ago. Thank you Bioware for giving me this opportunity to enjoy your game for free longer, because we all know free things are always better ^.^
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Due to real life responsibilities, I don't have as much time to devote to playing as others but that shouldn't make me any less important to Bioware as an active, long-standing subscriber. Unfortunately, that's not the case. It really is sad. I thought Bioware was different.


Question is are the ones they are catering to just going to quit again after 30 days?

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