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Legacy Promotion now expanded


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And case in point, regardless of how much or how little someone plays, we've all committed to this monthly subscription- so why not base it on that (how many months one has paid since they started subbing).


It's a celebration of the Legacy patch. They tied it into the legacy system. This doesn't seem that weird to me.

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Seriously, I play with the free time I have available and am only a legacy 4, why the **** do I get excluded from this ****. I love this game but have a life of my own. STOP rewarding the players with no life.THIS IS *********** ********!!!


true dat i reached legacy 6 a couple hours after it and only reason i didnt have a 50 was because i had a kydney transplant but still paid for my account to be active i should be able to get a free 30 days i didnt or couldnt play in the hospital fu**ing g**

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For those still wondering why this is still an issue, here is a short hint:


1. Multiple servers is something that screws this whole thing. If you are part of guilds on multiple servers, you cannot combine your legacies to reach 6, screws the pooch.


2. I play through most quest, replay areas, explore the map and do everything else as well. No 50's yet. I am also a single father and work 40 hours a week. I have been in the closed and open beta. I pre-ordered. I play at least an hour a night and have dedications to my work place's guild, my community guild and a personal guild with my family and close friends, all on different servers so I am never at odds with another like a rational person should.


This would be a non issue if server transfers existed and I could combine legacies but alas, BioWare is still holidng on that for whatever reason they are that makes absolutely no sense.


OMG seriously are you STILL complaining? Wow is all I can say. Just wow.

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Not really no. All they did was make some who wanted the 30 days happy but they did absolutely nothing for those upset based on principle who never cared about the 30 days which is quite many.


Yes, for many I don't think it was the free time, it was the fact that BW seemed to be suggesting only level 50's were 'valuable' and 'loyal'. Many people including those with 6 month subscriptions were excluded from the original free time. If paying for 6 months upfront isn't loyal I don't know what is.

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Also if I hear one more person say that because I have 1 level 50 character 4 months after the game came out I spacebarred everything I am going to punch them. Seriously. 4 months is NOT rushing. To get legacy 6 or lvl 50 after 4 months is not rushing. Its being very very very casual. Man I just cant believe they bend over backwards to please you people and all you can do is complain.


Give it a rest already.

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I appreciate you saying that.


FWIW, I did unsub, yesterday. And like I said, I was a strong supporter of this company up until yesterday. Don't believe me, look up my post history. I'm a 6 monther, and up until yesterday the thought of unsubbing hadn't ever crossed my mind.


Bioware is still new at the MMO business, and right now they are establishing the basis of how they are going to run the game, and treat their customers.


IMHO, if they felt like they could get away with things likes yesterday's announcement, then we are just opening up ourselves to potentially worse things in the future. Bioware needs to learn how to run their game, and how to treat their customers now....not when it's too late.


Please there has been so much worse in the MMO world. How about all of the incidents with Greg 'Ghostcrawler' Street and his infamous 'blog'. If you are a part of this world and you have that thin of a skin I really fell sorry for you. No change that.. I feel sorry for your fellow employees that are going to have to put up with you running to HR every other day because you feel slighted.


Bioware has handled this in the best possible way that they could have. I have yet to see ANY.. ANY.. other MMO hand out a FREE MONTH after Launch and not attached to the initial purchase of their product.


You want to leave, fine. Me personally I'm staying. Because they have proven to me that they are in it for the long haul. They might have made some mistakes, it is true. But I guess I'm not the kind of guy to hang someone for a first offense.

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Are you still an annoying twit who has nothing better to do than troll instead of adding to discussion?


Just find it hard to believe they did what everyone wanted yet some people like you cannot be pleased no matter what they do. What would make you happy? Just have them give everyone a free 30 days regardless? Would you complain even then? You are why companies dont do stuff like this more often. Pathetic.

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Are you still an annoying twit who has nothing better to do than troll instead of adding to discussion?


I would tend to agree with you, except that people are not discussing. They are either loving or hating the game, and fighting like cats over it. I thought I knew what this was about, but the more I hear the dizzier I get from spinning around to try to find the reason for the unhappiness.


I just don't understand what people are unhappy about. In my mind "what's not to love?". But obviously other people disagree. I am just positive now that I don't know why...

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Just find it hard to believe they did what everyone wanted yet some people like you cannot be pleased no matter what they do. What would make you happy? Just have them give everyone a free 30 days regardless? Would you complain even then? You are why companies dont do stuff like this more often. Pathetic.


Please, I am not asking for anything, I don't need a pennance 30 days for a game I don't mind paying for because I enjoy it. I am just annoyed that I am not a valued customer when my dedication to the game has shown well more than otherwise.

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I would not assume this to be true.


Pobably not, will be annoying if we don't qualify now when we did yesterday due to game time running out between the 12th and 22nd though.

Edited by Kabaal
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I have tons of time on my hands to play SWTOR and other games. Many others do not as they have work restraints and family concerns that keep them from enjoying this game. Does this make them any less valuable than us who have fewer real world commitments at this point in our lives? For me, the answer is a resounding "No". Too many of my friends and families would love to have more time to play this really fun game but because of the responsibilities they have, they simply cannot. And case in point, regardless of how much or how little someone plays, we've all committed to this monthly subscription- so why not base it on that (how many months one has paid since they started subbing). It's poor form indeed to base "avid players" or "loyal players" on how much play time one can actually dedicate to a game when everyone's life responsibilities vary at different points of their lives. Why should they be punished when the true intent to play is there- otherwise, they would have not become continuous subscribers renewing their subscription month after month.


Oh and jhartel. You put things so eloquently and well. You rock!!!! :D Could I please friend you on this site? Thanks.


No prob, sent a friend request in return.

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Much appreciated Bioware!!! I already have two 50's, but it was great to see you expand the promotion for those that do not have level 50's. Thank you for the free thirty days, much appreciated! Was a nice surprise and bonus to a great game, that i am enjoying the heck out of!!! Really enjoy the game, and thanks again!!!


I've also been in game since early access and a paid subscriber ever since. Or a founder tag.


I have four characters close to 50 now (2 more on the way), I do not blow through content, really immensely enjoy the story lines. In fact I love bringing new characters up, I focus on all quests, and even side quests and I play about 3 nights a week. I have a really fast comp and fortunate to have that, which makes all the graphics and story content that much more immersive.


I really enjoy the game. So thanks again bioware, I have never seen a mmo company give 30 days of free time out this close from release, and the gesture both the initial and the expanded promotion, was a huge surprise and very much appreciated!!! Thank you again!!!

Edited by StormChanter
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I personally find it ironic that in all the months that led up to release Bioware said that it was the story that was going to matter. That each character would have their own story and so on and so on. They encouraged us to experience it all because it would be so different. It was why I enjoyed all their previous games and was looking forward to this...because of how different an MMO we would be experiencing. So amongst real life things when I have logged on I take my time like they encouraged me to do to experience their game. Don't rush. Well guess what that is what I have done. I haven't hit the space bar to bypass anything and I don't knock anyone who has either. Now they are encouraging me in my limited time to play to rush to get to max level for a loyalty reward that in my personal opinion should be directed to anyone who has played from the start without a sub lapse to this point. Does someone who started 1 month ago that played for 5 hours a day and hit 50 by blowing through content matter more to the game world than someone who has paid since day 1 and has 5 level 20's? It's punishing some of the very people that they enticed to play this game that just wanted to sit back and enjoy the experience and the ride. That is what I have an issue with on this.
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I would tend to agree with you, except that people are not discussing. They are either loving or hating the game, and fighting like cats over it. I thought I knew what this was about, but the more I hear the dizzier I get from spinning around to try to find the reason for the unhappiness.


I just don't understand what people are unhappy about. In my mind "what's not to love?". But obviously other people disagree. I am just positive now that I don't know why...


Some of us are just upset that ourexistence, us who reroll on other servers for guilds and/or take their time playing, aren't considered as valued, yet those who speed through to 50 in a week are considered MVPs.

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Just find it hard to believe they did what everyone wanted..


Actually no they didn't. Not everyone cares about the 30 free days which is who they made happy, the people who wanted the 30 days. They did nothing for those upset on principle like apologize and admit they effed up. There wouldn't have been nearly as much outrage if the promo was better worded and the requirements were more specific.

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I agree it should be available to all players who have been here since day 1 no matter what level there chr is. My highest is lvl 39 and my legacy lvl is only lvl 2 because i cannot play more than 2-3 hours a night because i have whats known as a RL = REAL LIFE.
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While I'm still irked about how the promotion was originally presented, at the very least BW has acknowledged the community's legitimate discontent with it. I would've liked to read some sort of apology attached to this update though, but at the same time I wasn't expecting one. Rare are the companies that publically fess up their mistakes and apologies. I really do hope however that they've learned something from this fiasco.


It never was about the money. This promotion could have never been offered that I still would've gladly paid my monthly fee to play the game because I feel that it is a great value product. It may have its detractors but I'm sure getting my share of fun out of it, and so I'm sticking by it. However when the company behind it treats you like a subpar customer, it hurts, and that's not easily forgotten. Fixing the promotion is a temporary band-aid, you're gonna have to do a lot more to win back your customers' trust and respect in the long run.

Edited by carthaholic
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I agree it should be available to all players who have been here since day 1 no matter what level there chr is. My highest is lvl 39 and my legacy lvl is only lvl 2 because i cannot play more than 2-3 hours a night because i have whats known as a RL = REAL LIFE.


Me too. I have a little girl to take care of by myself, no time to not work, live in moms basement and play games all day.

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