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Commando now worst class?


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30 meters is melee range in this game. The only thing that can't reach you within a single global cooldown is an operative, and just about every gap closer comes with the added middle finger of interrupting your casted abilities.
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IGN: LatinLegacy ( 4 alts )

Class: Gunnery Commando

Server: The Shadowlands

PvP: 72 War Hero

Gear: Full BM before 1.2 ( PvP ) - Full Rakata (PvE)


My gunnery commando can still do very well in a PvE environment but it absolutely sucks now in PvP. I was one of the first gunnery commandos to get to 50 on my server & yes, we were insanely OP at the early going. Those of us that stacked on the Surge/Crit stats anyways. We would hit hard as hell. That got scaled back & we were still hitting fairly hard. It was more tolerable however for the opposing players to deal with us. After 1.2 however, the class simply blows.


It doesn't help that at full battlemaster gear, we have one of the lowest HP amounts out of every class. We're right down their with the healers just about. The difference being healers have shields & a ton of utility at their disposal while we don't. So with the increased expertise & damage adjustments of some classes, we go down fast. Insanely fast. I almost feel like I am wearing light armor at times. Our set up ability lost a good amount of damage & with the expertise boost, a lot of our attacks hit for a lot less as well. They did fix mortar volley & it actually does more damage now than before. The AoE is so narrow however that it only takes a player to take a few steps in any direction & they are out of it. The bad heavily outweighs the good for patch 1.2.


So to sum up...


PvE = Still good, PvP = Terrible.


That is just my opinion though & everyone else may feel differently.



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So why does melee have loads of gap closers? If were "supposed" to bring everything down at range, why is it so extremly easy for melee to get to you? and why is it impossible to get away?


Im not saying i should win 1v1 vs all, but its way way to easy for melee to lock a gunnery commando down.


Because how else would melee stand a chance if they couldn't get close? You have the strongest Knockback in the game that will also snare. If you use your knockback, your stun, your mez and your other knockback and you still haven't been helped by someone on your team, either the team is bad or you're just in a losing fight. Having less resolve build would be a nice change, since you can't just smack all of those one after the other without them filling resolve quickly. Longer cooldowns on gap closers would help ranged, since there's *multiple* gap closers and I don't think melee should constantly have a leap option if well managed.


But that's overall game design and not really class balance, the Warzone design doesn't help either. Doesn't change the fact that you're playing a hard-hitting turret class and the fact of the matter is you're going to get eaten up by melee, that's their job. If they can't lock down a turret or a healer, they're not exactly good for anything.

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