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Cross Server Legacy Race Unlocks


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Does anyone else think this would be a good idea? In case you don't understand what I mean, here is an example:


I have a 50 Sith (race) Assassin on one server, but I have started playing Republic on a different server due to low population. Now, since Legacy seems to be per server, I can only make a Sith Republic on my old server. I think they should make the Race Unlocks (And only the race unlocks) cross server, so in case you prefer to be republic on one server, and imperial on another, you can still be your favorite race (once you put in the work to get to 50 on it, of course)


See what I'm sayin'?



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I completely agree and believed that this was what they were planning on doing any way. When one of my guildies commented that he would have to make a Sith Pureblood on his other server (where his Republic toons are) I was really confused. After watching the legacy video again I was somewhat upset. Why should I have to make a Imperial toon on the server I want my Republic toons just so I can make a Chiss Jedi when I already have a lvl 50 Chiss Agent on another server? It just seems to be time sink. As I already have hit 50 with my Chiss I should be able to make a Chiss of any class on any server...Please change this so we don't have to waste time making characters simply to lvl their race just so we can play that same race on the actual class we want.
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I think the bigger problem here is that with only 8 slots, by the time you get the legacy and unlocks, you don't even have the option to roll a new toon of a new species without deleting one. As it stand you can't even play each AC without being on two separate legacy and servers. You can only play 50% of each AC per server.
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As someone who plays on two servers, Imp and Rep, I'd like to be able to link them together as well. I got a lvl 50 chiss already, don't really feel like dropping 1.5mill to unlock it on my Rep server..
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i might agree if were the race unlock only even if perhaps you had to start a whole new legacy minus the races you have leveled to 50. but it am willing to be that they way it is coded or written or whatever the techies call it, that in order for a legacy to be cross server it would be all or nothing, and I am definitely opposed to THAT.


but i wouldn't min being able to start a sith (race) on the rep side either.

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i might agree if were the race unlock only even if perhaps you had to start a whole new legacy minus the races you have leveled to 50. but it am willing to be that they way it is coded or written or whatever the techies call it, that in order for a legacy to be cross server it would be all or nothing, and I am definitely opposed to THAT.


but i wouldn't min being able to start a sith (race) on the rep side either.


I agree that the entire Legacy shouldn't be cross server. But I do think once you have a Race unlocked you should be able to play it on any server. Due to the wide selection of races and classes and the limited space of how many characters per server I don't think a lot of people would want to roll both imp and repub on the same server. So it really doesn't make much sense as it stands. I understand you don't HAVE to level a character to 50 to unlock it, you can pay 1.5 mil credits instead, but let's face it, that's a lot of credits. Especially if you've already leveled that race on another server. And since there is no such thing as server transfers in SWTOR, it would only make sense they would let you use these unlocked races cross server.

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legacy should be account wide.


This is what I would like to see happen. I have 2 servers that have full character slots, and I would love to be able to share the legacy feature. Making the Legacy for the account and not just per server would be nice. Especially since one server is all Imperial and the other server is all Republic :)

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I agree entirely on this. I have 8 characters, all a different speicies. Unfortunately I find myself with purchasing the Human unlock for the 100 Presence to by my only option unless I delete and existing character. They either need to tie Legacy to account or give us more character slots to play with. Although I would prefer the later I'll settle for Account wide Legacy.


Beware though that many will complain because they don't like their legacy name and some names may already exist on other servers. Perhaps a new server could run like your first server, but have the legacy unlocks opened before actually gaining Legacy on said server.

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How are the racial unlocks even tied to Legacy? Unless I'm missing something here, the way I understand it is you either pay for them, or you level a specific race to 50 to unlock it for all classes. There is absolutely no reason for this not to be a cross server, account unlock.
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How are the racial unlocks even tied to Legacy? Unless I'm missing something here, the way I understand it is you either pay for them, or you level a specific race to 50 to unlock it for all classes. There is absolutely no reason for this not to be a cross server, account unlock.


I don't understand your question. The unlocks are tied to your legacy, however you unlock them. The legacy is currently tied to server. They have said in the past they have no idea how to even unlock it cross-server yet. I am certain they are looking into how to do it.


However, if they do that, then they will have to let us change legacy name, if we so choose. But One issue with it is, it will lock that legacy name across all servers. I use a very uncommon, made up last name that I have used since EQ. However, some people use very similar names to each other, and I see an issue with it being locked across every server.

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On a side note, I don't have a legacy open on another server yet, however I did create a character and he had sprint. I imagined that this would be the same for race unlocks seeing that my level one toon with no legacy has sprint.
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This would require your legacy to be account-based, rather than unique to each server. Not a good idea.


This is why I suggested making it it's own unlock. I don't like the idea of Legacy being account-based, but I do think the Race unlocks should be account-based. Sorry, I thought I made that clear. I didn't expect it to happen in a week, I just thought it was something worth looking into for BW. And from the looks of it, people agree.

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Agreed. I can't see any reason not to let your legacy cross servers. And if you want to have different legacies on different servers, you can just start a new one, right?


Then your legacy name is locked across all servers. Not an issue with mine, it is very original. However, a lot of people use simliar ones, and would be upset if every variation they tried was locked because somebody on server 134 used it. So no.

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Actually thats a wonderfull idea.


I could not agree more. What if I want to role my next character on a PVP server? Or what if I would like to have Rep/Imp character in a different guild on a different server from where my Legacy is?


Right now, my incentive is to stay on my PVE server so I can leverage my Legacy perks for my alt and apply the XP of my new alt toward my Legacy.


I'm really enjoying the Legacy stuff, there's obviously more coming in 1.3 (and beyond) so why would I not want the advantages on all our characters no matter what server they are on?

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Actually thats a wonderfull idea.


No it's not. I don't want to have to use the same legacy name on every server. Plus then I'd be even more limited in my choice of names, because instead of one server worth of people I'd have have a name unique across the whole game.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd really like to see at least the racial unlocks (and preferably everything but legacy name) be account-wide. I don't want to have to delete characters to start a new set with the unlocked races.


(It's possible I'm just an altaholic, but the legacy system seems designed to encourage that - except that it's restricted to eight characters per legacy.)

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Maybe a quick fix until they take action on some of the things being said here. When they open up character transfers, just make a new toon with the unlocked race on the server your 50 is on then transfer it. Thats what im doing... Edited by Lithore
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