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Remove the medipack change!


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Hello dear devs,


we dont want this medipack change!. The community should vote for it!. The game is for newbees and causal gamers very tricky now because you decided that a medipack is only used once in a fight. Not the best idea and should be removed asap. Improve the ingame complexity, difficulty or leave this fix for PvP only...

Edited by Melcus
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or leave this fix for PvP only...


For once it's not the whiney PvPers that has broken something, the medpack thing was actually due to them being used in Operations of all things. Heaven forbid players healing themselves once every 90 seconds, that puts healers completely out of a job...


Don't like the change either but it's not likely they'll ever backpedal on it.

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They did improve the in game complexity and difficulty......they took away your reusable medpack.


No they didn't. They limited it to 1 use per combat.


And the reason they did it was so that they could better design encounters in operations and FP where they will know there is not virtually unlimited heals.

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Hello dear devs,


we dont want this medipack change!. The community should vote for it!. The game is for newbees and causal gamers very tricky now because you decided that a medipack is only used once in a fight. Not the best idea and should be removed asap. Improve the ingame complexity, difficulty or leave this fix for PvP only...


Im after some clarification on this.... beause stealth classes have the ability to put themselves out of combat, and would be at a huge advantage, (if it infact works how im thinking) with this system could I fight someone use a med-pack, and if i find myself losing, put myself out of combat. reset the "once per combat" med-pack clause. and jump straight back into combat whilst the person I was just fighting is STILL fighting someone else. so I can then Re-heal and get back in the fight


effectivly 2 heals per combat because of a ability to remove myself from combat status and re-enter combat at my choosing?

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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Yeah, didn't like this one myself. I guess I'm used to games that have a regular self-heal to supplement the regular party Healer (or to assist when a healer is not available). Perhaps they could just through out a nerf while in an Operation and revert them back to previous functionality for all other areas.



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Im all for the way it used to be. For all those saying learn how to play let me say this. Its your choice if you only want to use one. For others it makes a difference that we could use it to get past tricky bits where we keep trying and have difficulty. For the better players fair enough but its nice for the casual players to be given at least a chance to get through. And will the lack of pop on servers means players that can help you out only magnifys the problem with the packs even more.
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Honestly for PvE This change is fine. If you really need to use more than one in a fight your doing something wrong. In PvP though this is a little unbalanced. Perhaps make it two or three limit in warzones or PvP areas on Ilum and Tat.


A single fight in PvP can last three to five minutes depending on how each side is set up. An example would be one tank on each side with four sorc/sages on each side. If the healers are set for pure heals that fight could drag on for a LONG time.

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Barring PvP, If you're using medpacks more than once or twice a day, you're doing something wrong.


Either raid with better players, or use a healing companion instead of a tank/dps.


Honestly for PvE This change is fine. If you really need to use more than one in a fight your doing something wrong. In PvP though this is a little unbalanced. Perhaps make it two or three limit in warzones or PvP areas on Ilum and Tat.


A single fight in PvP can last three to five minutes depending on how each side is set up. An example would be one tank on each side with four sorc/sages on each side. If the healers are set for pure heals that fight could drag on for a LONG time.


I am saving these for posterity.


When stuns/interrupts are limited to once per fight, I want the two of you to tell everyone that was rocking stuns/interrupts more than once a fight they were doing it wrong.

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Barring PvP, If you're using medpacks more than once or twice a day, you're doing something wrong.


Either raid with better players, or use a healing companion instead of a tank/dps.


Bad news buba... they nerfed the hell out of healing companions and healers too.

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This change is of advantage to raiding players and it shouldn't

make too much problems to non raiding players. How often is your

fight longer then 90seconds?


The advantage to the raiding players is that the raid designer know

now that max one med pack is used, so this is rolled into the fights.

If they can't assume it, they have to make the fights more healing intensive

and then every player has to farm med packs to be able to raid.

Farming med packs is not fun, expect when you have bio chemistry.

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Ive read and agreed with the developers reasons for this change.


In order to fine tune the difficulty of extremely difficult group pve content they had to remove med pacs from the equation.


but only morons fix it like this, now vanish is only 10 times as strong, why not put 2 hours cd on the medpack instead ? then they did not have to buff vanish but nono this AAA bioware is just too stupid to think of this before actually do it.

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Im after some clarification on this.... beause stealth classes have the ability to put themselves out of combat, and would be at a huge advantage, (if it infact works how im thinking) with this system could I fight someone use a med-pack, and if i find myself losing, put myself out of combat. reset the "once per combat" med-pack clause. and jump straight back into combat whilst the person I was just fighting is STILL fighting someone else. so I can then Re-heal and get back in the fight


effectivly 2 heals per combat because of a ability to remove myself from combat status and re-enter combat at my choosing?


You run the risk of resetting the entire fight.

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Im not one of these people who faceroll stuff,


Im not keen on the change, I get a paranoid feeling its something to do with reusable purple bio medkits, and BW's efforts to make bio less attractive.


I am considering farming mats for nice medkits which will heal more than my reusable, one medpack per boss in a hm ops isnt good for my healer friends :)


Im not happy at wasting my time farming but I dont want to be any more of a burden to my guild than my skilless a** already is.

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but only morons fix it like this, now vanish is only 10 times as strong, why not put 2 hours cd on the medpack instead ? then they did not have to buff vanish but nono this AAA bioware is just too stupid to think of this before actually do it.


WoW has handled it exactly the same way (no wonder why SWTOR found this solution)

and it works very good there. So it will work very good for SWTOR, too.


Not that many classes can vanish, and you can't vanish that often during fights, so its not really

a problem like you think it is.

Edited by Nordrocon
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