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Everything posted by Melcus

  1. Since Dragon Age 2 everyone should know that BioWare is not operating anymore. It's just a brand owned by EA they "abusing" for earning money. R.I.P. Origin, Westwood, Bullfrog, BioWare (how maxis managed it)
  2. I checked the game for some weeks now and was really happy about the Star Wars theme and hoped to see a lot of stuff from KOTOR and KOTOR 2 but i am really disappointed in meantime. Two fractions republic and sith. First i tryd republic as jedi and it was a really interesting start and many nice planets but grr what the hell it lags on every flashpoint and place were are more then 10-20 players (like that). Ok waiting for some patches but even 1.2 didn't fixed minor performance problems or anything that's really needed like balanced pvp for lowlevel and highlevel characters. (the buff isn't enough, its easy to fix this if you allow only level 1-10/10-20/ etc). Ok then i realized playing republic as jedi is very childish because they wanted to serve the young generations. (Here in Germany its sold for age 12+). Lets stop the republic odyssey and switch the side to the sith imperium. Welcome at the dark side. Ok lets test the story environment and play a bounty hunter as evil as possible. Nice designed gfx at most places and (oh nice) you are able to decapitate people (errr why its sold for children's 12+). So now it starts to get annoying again on every mission they return to a childish way of story (even if you want to play it real evil) and your companion "Mako" acting like a 14 year old teenager. (Why oh why if you allow to decapitate people etc then continue a dark grown up story and environment). Lot places and maps are strange designed. You running to marked points and you can't find stuff or the entrance to the area. Elite mobs that not dropping anything, lot of bugged farming points. Even level to enemy balance is very poor. Finally i realize there is nothing done with real love in this game. It feels as if the developers just worked on another "project" that must be finished and just for the money, not for a good outstanding game at all or for George Lucas vision of Star Wars. Thousand of details are missing. The world is lifeless and sterile (i.g. empty casinos, no real interactive npcs) with a linear motion story without the essential liberty that makes a RPG interesting and a milestone in history. I feel like in a big jail that needs to get payed. Then i started some research. Production costs about 300-500 millions of dollars. That really disappoints me! For such a product??? What you did all the time long?. Buying cars and party?. Compare this pretty weak result to the world that Richard Garriot created once with Ultima 1-9 / Online and the small budget George Lucas created Star Wars IV-VI. This is inexcusable. Then i found out you buyed a engine called Hero-Engine. (Oh i feeled it since the beginning...something is real wrong. I know this kind of stuff since the legendary 3D Construction Kit). That means the game will never run smooth with full servers without coding the whole engine from scratch again. And that won't happen. Great job! So as MMORPG with thousands of people, PVP and flashpoints where every ms and frame is important its a disaster beyond all expectations. I won't continue to buy gamecards for another strategic marketing product. For me the story is already over. In my opinion BioWare is soon history if they continue delivering products like Dragon Age 2/Mass Effect 3 and SWTOR. You must wake up and you need to start real communication with the CEO's of EA. They know what they did in the past with gamestudios like Westwood, Bullfrog, Origin etc. And you are next on the list. Fight for more room and time for your creativity to deliver REAL good games again. Thanks for your time!
  3. Habe auch diese Probleme und Ruckler seit Patch 1.2. Es hilft kein defragmentieren. Was die Sache verbessert hat war das ich Schatten komplett ausgestellt habe und die Grass-Qualität auf 45% verringert habe.
  4. You forget that EA owns BW now and i bet that many people of the old team that created once the company and delivered quality things are gone since a long time. Its just the brand that EA holds and uses to earn money. The SW theme and BW brand is a good way to realize this goals. Thats it. Not nice but how business works.
  5. Hello dear devs, we dont want this medipack change!. The community should vote for it!. The game is for newbees and causal gamers very tricky now because you decided that a medipack is only used once in a fight. Not the best idea and should be removed asap. Improve the ingame complexity, difficulty or leave this fix for PvP only...
  6. Man sollte wirklich die Community voten lassen. Niemand wollte solch eine Änderung!
  7. So ist es und einer "Heuschrecke" wie EA sind irgendwelche nützlichen Tipps von Betriebswirten herzlich egal. BioWare ist R.I.P., assimiliert wie viele andere Firmen. Richard Garriot kämpft bis heute um seine Lizenz. SWTOR wird gemolken bis der Umsatz stimmt und wie Ultima Online langsam vernichtet. So ist es halt im modernen Kapitalismus. Da legt bei EA keiner mehr Wert drauf, dass Menschen ein Bezug zu einem Produkt aufbauen.
  8. Merkt ihr nicht das das eigentliche Team nicht mehr wirklich an dem Projekt arbeitet? Das wurde outsourced, irgendwelche subfirmen bearbeiten das jetzt und das eigentlich core team von bioware arbeitet schon lange an anderen Projekten. (Höchstens mal code support, wenn es die Zeit erlaubt) Stopped das geflame das Game ist schon längst history in irgendeiner EA Schublade, sonst wäre sowas hier nicht passiert!
  9. Man sieht doch hier eindeutig das alles runtergefahren wurde von EA um Kosten einzusparen. (Quality Control etc). Diese Desaster was hier stattfindet hätte niemals passieren dürfen. Es wurden einfach Sachen outsourced und nun haben sie den Salat. Das Game wird in ferner Zukunft eingestellt! Da wird nix grossartiges mehr weiterentwickelt etc. Einmal Kohle für ein halbwegs vernünftiges Produkt einfahren und fertig. Ihr werdet es sehen. EA fackelt da nich lange. Die haben kein Bezug mehr zu den Produkten.
  10. Das hat man davon wenn man irgendwelche Patch-Geschichten ausländischen billig Anbietern überlässt, die nicht wirklich Ahnung vom Code haben. Ausserdem spiegelt sich hier auch schon die Tendenz wieder, dass dieses Game wohl niemals auf ein "WOW" Level gebracht werden soll, sondern nachdem der Umsatz eingefahren wurde von EA wohl langsam eingestellt wird. Schade...hätte ne gaanz grosse Nummer werden können.
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