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Improve Starships- player Houseing.


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:)Warning, im dyslexic. So i can't speel very well.:D


Any way, i resently started playing swtor and i noticed that the starships are fantasyic, well they are. but it made me think. Why isnt there the ability to customize your starship with unimportant cozmetic but useable things?Runescape does this. It works realy well and works realy well for roleplayers and just people like me that want to customize a house.


I relise that some ships are a bit cramped like the bounty hunter ship, so i see no reson why they can't just make them larger like a tardis or just make the actual inside and outside model bigger in order to fit the things.


But what would you put into them? NOT a galactic market koisk and keep it that you can't send companions off on crew tasks when inside. If they did this then there would be less incentive to go to the fleet. Ending up World of Warcraft. Yet there wouldn't be any harm in just being able to buy or build tables and chairs and paintings, flowers, decorationsuseable beds. all kinds of fun and cozmetic things that would just me alittle bit of fun. :)


i found that in the fury, theres alot of empty space that could be filled with this stuff. BUT! what about when we run out of room? well... i think we should be able to buy our own larger capital ship like the greedy empire and republic have. these capital ships would be compleatly sperate from the MMO and you would be allowed to take friends to these ships in our small ships and just have a good social time, or sit there on your own being anti-social. fill these capital ships with useless things just like your small ships. they could even base some space missions around your capital ship, for example, the republic discoverd you and you need to defend it. this would be AMAZEING!


Theu could go even further, small planets named by you, these could come with a small hanger for your starship that could take you to your capital ship. a choice of terrains for your planet and an empty expandable building. You could pay credits to expand the building and do landscapeing around it, fill the surface with animals and plant life. don't forget the traing grounds and swimming pool. keep the capital ship in orbit looking preaty and that would still serve as houseing. base space missions around the planet.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! why can't we have this?? make it cost millions of credits and make us work for it. just think about how cool it would be. remember, no vendors, no AH, WHY CAN'T WE HAVE THIS? i know it would be alot of work but it would totaly be worth it. theres only one two mmos that do something like this eve online and runescape.


well thats my ideas, please discuss!

Edited by joehighlord
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I'd prefer separate player housing similar to SWG than using the starship as a player house.



theres no problem with that, exept it doesnt feel very star warsy...


actualy.. how about you can buy a small planet! keep the capital ship if you want orbeting around it and have each planet be named by you and come with a hanger for your starship, a selection of outside terrains. sand, snow, rock whatever and a small building with nothing in it. You can buy upgrades to this building animal crossing style and do all the other things i said in that post just not in the tiny starship. keep the capital ship for space missions or even implement them based around this planet.


theres soo much cool stuff you could do with a small planet, gardens, lakes, landscaping in fact thats a brilliant idea! screw starships i want planets. (i still want the capital ship)

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If wishes were fishes. I love my many homes and manors in EQ2, full of cool things. I loved my houses and ships in SWG (most of my ships double as second homes as well.


Why can't we have this in SWTOR? They're only NOW returning a feature that allows you to "customize" your gear (if by customize, you mean make it all the same colour as your chest piece), and they just added customizable UIs and guildbanks. All things that, in most other MMOs, are there at launch. They have YET to fix countless boss bugs in FPs, OPs, daily quests, etc. They were GOING to add dual spec, but pushed it back. You can buy a mailbox and GTN (a neutral one at that) for your ship, to be placed in a static, pre-determined location.


Now..do you really think, for the BioWare team at least, that devising a way to furnish a ship, and beyond that, place furniture where you choose using x, y, and z axis, is simple? Not to be mean, but don't hold your breath. If you want that, try EQ2. I still enjoy it. As for ships and player housing. Maybe in the very near future, when the population halves from what it is now, they MAY consider instanced housing to lure players back. I don't EVER see them making it as truly custumizable as SWG, or EQ2 stuff, though. At best. I envision for player housing, what I imagine will be the case for guild ships: premade sets of furniture to choose from for specific rooms.


And I don't see any of THAT coming for at LEAST a year.

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I'd prefer separate player housing similar to SWG than using the starship as a player house.


I would as well. HOWEVER, and this is a big one, the game is not built for in-world housing. It would need an instanced housing form to make it work. City apartments and such. Perhaps on orbital stations.


As for ships, I would like the ability to pick a different ship at some point. I like the Agent ship and all, but I also like to browse to see if I like another one better. And I would like to be able to decorate the inside of it. In SWG, I had a YT-1300, a Surosuub yacht, and a Y-8 mining ship across the two characters I had, all of them decorated very carefully inside.

Edited by Bluerodian
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theres no problem with that, exept it doesnt feel very star warsy...



Having a home isn't very Star Warsy?


Luke and Obi-Wan both had homes on Tatooine, Princess Leia has one on Alderaan before it got blown up.


Anakin and his mother had one. Padme had one, and a lake villa too apparently, and the books make many references to characters having homes or apartments etc.


Everyone owning their own WORLD is what is not very Star Warsy.

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I love this concept.... afterall there is no greater star wars dream of mine than to stand at the helm with my friends inside an imperial star destroyer... strolling through the decks exploring every detail... I am such a nerd :D I think that ship on ship battles is definately something we need to have later on in this game..... I love star battle on starcraft2 and if they even did something of that simplicity i'd drool for days :D. I love RP so I would totally like to see this hit the game someday!
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I would as well. HOWEVER, and this is a big one, the game is not built for in-world housing. It would need an instanced housing form to make it work.


The game isn't built for real time 3D space flight either, but they have floated that as a possibility.


There is nothing stopping them from adding additional worlds (or simply areas to existing worlds) with open areas where we could set houses.

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Having a home isn't very Star Warsy?


Luke and Obi-Wan both had homes on Tatooine, Princess Leia has one on Alderaan before it got blown up.


Anakin and his mother had one. Padme had one, and a lake villa too apparently, and the books make many references to characters having homes or apartments etc.


Everyone owning their own WORLD is what is not very Star Warsy.


very good point, however you cant just have 1 million homes spring up in the MMo world. it needs to be instanced, a remote and very tiny planet seems like a fine way of implenting the instanceing, but that is a good point, you missed a few charictars out. but thats bsides the point.

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I can see ship based housing being much easier to implement than housing similar to SWG.


To make housing like SWG they would have to rewrite a TON of planetary content to allow placement of structures like that. Persistent objects like housing would probably never work in a game designed the way SWTOR is due to the incredible amount of lag already caused as objects, players, etc render around your character (something they say they have improved with 1.2, but we'll see).


The instanced ships in SWTOR seem to be gaining some aspects of "housing" with the vendors, mailbox, etc things you can unlock with legacy levels. But I think that's as far as they will be able to go with it. I mean, even if you can freely move objects around like in SWG, what professions can make anything that you can place? They would probably have to do something like LOTRO did with housing where you buy the furniture, etc from housing vendors to decorate/outfit your ship.


Still, its a cool idea that would be nice to have available.

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The game isn't built for real time 3D space flight either, but they have floated that as a possibility.


There is nothing stopping them from adding additional worlds (or simply areas to existing worlds) with open areas where we could set houses.


havent you done the space missions that can be accesed by the galactec map? missions like that would work fine for me.


also if every ones houses can be seen by other people and exist in the MMO world, then they will fill up VERY QUICKLY! so they need to be instanced

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I love this concept.... afterall there is no greater star wars dream of mine than to stand at the helm with my friends inside an imperial star destroyer... strolling through the decks exploring every detail... I am such a nerd :D I think that ship on ship battles is definately something we need to have later on in this game..... I love star battle on starcraft2 and if they even did something of that simplicity i'd drool for days :D. I love RP so I would totally like to see this hit the game someday!



Edited by joehighlord
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The game isn't built for real time 3D space flight either, but they have floated that as a possibility.


There is nothing stopping them from adding additional worlds (or simply areas to existing worlds) with open areas where we could set houses.


This is true. However baby steps. We start with an instanced method in order to account for decorating and adding in features to support it (such as furniture, trophies, and the like). Later they can add worlds to build upon that system with an in-world house placement system and be confident that they have the bugs ironed out of the decorating and furniture placement.


This would also give them the means to find ways to combat urban sprawl which plagued SWG.

Edited by Bluerodian
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It would be cool to have a guild space station. You could dock you own ship to you guild space station and do whatever needs to be done. On the space station will be a guild achievement section showing everything the guild has accomplished. If the guild space station wants vendors, certain things need to be done first by the guild and as a guild.


Same goes for you personal spaceship as well. Have a place where all your accomplishments are on display. Plus, you other characters that you created are also doing things to help fill up the ship. If you have someone visit you ship, they can click on one of your other characters and see all they have accomplished.


Only problem with this is how much would it take to make it work?

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It would be cool to have a guild space station. You could dock you own ship to you guild space station and do whatever needs to be done. On the space station will be a guild achievement section showing everything the guild has accomplished. If the guild space station wants vendors, certain things need to be done first by the guild and as a guild.


Same goes for you personal spaceship as well. Have a place where all your accomplishments are on display. Plus, you other characters that you created are also doing things to help fill up the ship. If you have someone visit you ship, they can click on one of your other characters and see all they have accomplished.


Only problem with this is how much would it take to make it work?


this but without vendors and you cant send your companions out on crew tasks and no auction houses. if these were put in then there would be less reson to go to the fleet or other planets and it would be wow all over again...

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this but without vendors and you cant send your companions out on crew tasks and no auction houses. if these were put in then there would be less reson to go to the fleet or other planets and it would be wow all over again...


It already is. People hanging around Stormwind or Orgrimmar (The fleets) in large numbers while the rest of the game worlds are practically barren.

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