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you can definitely get zilch. depends on how your team does and how many medals you get (which is itself partly dependent on your team).


here's a screenshot of somebody getting 0 rewards despite having the top healing on either team:




He/She has 2 medals. You need at least 3 medals to get any sort of reward. BW has explicitly stated this. This is not the fault of the reward system, this is the fault of the player being a poor player. Top heals? Firstly, I can sit in a corner and heal someone taking false damage all day long too. Secondly, look at His/Her other stats. ZERO Objective Points, 1k Damage Dealt, 1 Kill. Judging from the 0 Objective Points, I'd wager this person did just that in my first statement. You honestly think this person deserved rewards for being almost completely useless?

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He/She has 2 medals. You need at least 3 medals to get any sort of reward. BW has explicitly stated this. This is not the fault of the reward system, this is the fault of the player being a poor player. Top heals? Firstly, I can sit in a corner and heal someone taking false damage all day long too. Secondly, look at His/Her other stats. ZERO Objective Points, 1k Damage Dealt, 1 Kill. Judging from the 0 Objective Points, I'd wager this person did just that in my first statement. You honestly think this person deserved rewards for being almost completely useless?




yeah, it is easy to get medals....except for certain circumstances (like the one in the screen shot)


when your team gets facerolled by the other team (in particular because of gear and population imbalances), you can easily end up with too few medals.


you can't get a defender medal when your team can't take an objective. you can get kill medals when your team can't kill the other side. you can't get 75k damage or heals when you get stunned and die in 3 seconds because you have fewer teammates who are always dead so you are perpetually outnumbered.


moreover, you are actually saying that the guy was doing something WRONG by healing his arse off in a bad situation. that right there means there's a giant problem.


if it's "easy for you" to get a ton of medals, then you are not in that situation, but it really does happen.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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He/She has 2 medals. You need at least 3 medals to get any sort of reward. BW has explicitly stated this. This is not the fault of the reward system, this is the fault of the player being a poor player. Top heals? Firstly, I can sit in a corner and heal someone taking false damage all day long too. Secondly, look at His/Her other stats. ZERO Objective Points, 1k Damage Dealt, 1 Kill. Judging from the 0 Objective Points, I'd wager this person did just that in my first statement. You honestly think this person deserved rewards for being almost completely useless?


On Voidstar, as a healer, I generally prefer to heal those fighting at the door from a distance, and not standing next to the door where the AoEs are going off and basically self marking yourself as a target.


Again, in most matches I have no problem getting 10+ medals. In the matches where your team just does not have a chance, I have walked away a few times with 0 medals. The system is fine as long as the match is somewhat competitive.


IMO, the real issue is that the top Premades all came out to test 1.2 and start working towards WH gear. That is giving some people some very bad experiences on the other side, with nothing to show for it. That is what is highlighting issues in a system that was designed for a rated WZ environment where matches are theoretically going to be somewhat even.

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On Voidstar, as a healer, I generally prefer to heal those fighting at the door from a distance, and not standing next to the door where the AoEs are going off and basically self marking yourself as a target.


Again, in most matches I have no problem getting 10+ medals. In the matches where your team just does not have a chance, I have walked away a few times with 0 medals. The system is fine as long as the match is somewhat competitive.


IMO, the real issue is that the top Premades all came out to test 1.2 and start working towards WH gear. That is giving some people some very bad experiences on the other side, with nothing to show for it. That is what is highlighting issues in a system that was designed for a rated WZ environment where matches are theoretically going to be somewhat even.



yeah, it is easy to get medals....except for certain circumstances


when your team gets facerolled by the other team (in particular because of gear and population imbalances), you can easily end up with too few medals.


you can't get a defender medal when your team can't take an objective. you can get kill medals when your team can't kill the other side. you can't get 75k damage or heals when you get stunned and die in 3 seconds because you have fewer teammates who are always dead so you are perpetually outnumbered.


if it's "easy for you" to get a ton of medals, then you are not in that situation, but it really does happen. don't be so self-absorebed to say that just because it isn't happening to you, it doesn't happen to others.

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fixed that for ya.


NSS, the idea of the thread is that it is about loosing, yet here is a better example though


420k DMG Dealt, 11 meadals for 2000 valor and 40 comms. I guess i'm just not trying hard enough. Loosing a game is a total wast of time, i'm leaving games i know i'm going to loose from now on. Even if their was a debuff for leaving war zones early, I'd still leave it early for that crappy of a reward.



Edited by thomasmeadows
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What is annoying is people have missed the actual problem.


It is the leaving. Which results in another person joining an in progress match whereby it is extremely difficult for them to achieve said medals. Also there seems to be a link between how long the individual has spent in the warzone and the amount of commendations earned.


Leaving needs to be met with a harsh penalty. 1 hour queue block? Lose the amount of commendations you would of have achieved for repeated leaving? Severe queue dodging resulting in a pvp queue ban? That would stop all leaving for sure.


The other problem with pvp is people become to fixated on the rewards and stop playing pvp for what it is. player vs player. It is the fighting that is the fun part, winning is an added bonus as someone stated. If you claim to enjoy pvp and are whinging about the rewards you clearly missed the point of pvp.


if the problem was the leaving then matches wouldn't be starting with partially filled teams


if leaving is the problem then why wasn't it such a big problem pre 1.2 - the ability to leave was there too. The fact that it is more of a problem now points to something else being the issue.

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team failure and personal failure are different in a pug


having your rewards so strongly tied to your pug team doesn't make sense


its fine for rated/premades - but this isn't the case


and I will leave every warzone if i have the slightest chance of getting rewards like this when i loose.


....in my worst case scenerio



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In sports though, it's a job as much as a game.



This is just a game, so it makes sense for them to treat people who participate but don't do well like trash. And it makes sense that you have to do hundreds of hours of losing before you get decent gear- cuz it's a game, and game's aren't supposed to be fun.

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In the real world you might well be right, but this is a GAME, it's supposed to be fun. If people aren't having fun, why are they going to renew their subscriptions? Just to grind for months on end to get a single piece of equipment?


caving to the lowest common denominator is never a recipe for success.


as was said elsewhere... losing should not be rewarded. it only reinforces bad habits and encourages the mindset that things can be simplified and dumbed down for the benefit of the weakest links.


although, it would be satisfying to see these less skilled players wearing full BM gear and still losing.


but... what will they complain about once gear disparity is no longer an excuse? what will they demand to have changed? what will be changed to satisfy their ignorant and entitled whims?

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caving to the lowest common denominator is never a recipe for success.


as was said elsewhere... losing should not be rewarded. it only reinforces bad habits and encourages the mindset that things can be simplified and dumbed down for the benefit of the weakest links.


although, it would be satisfying to see these less skilled players wearing full BM gear and still losing.


but... what will they complain about once gear disparity is no longer an excuse? what will they demand to have changed? what will be changed to satisfy their ignorant and entitled whims?


So if I lose and get nothing for it, why would I play in the first place? The idea that losing shouldn't be rewarded simply doesn't apply to video games.

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free gear for nothing.... rofl


how about free gear for the money I pay monthly for this game or more importantly my time


If you're going to post something, make it constructive not to troll. k thx


so... are you saying that you support a microtransaction system, one where by paying more you can make up for your deficiencies elsewhere, and gain an unfair meta-game advantage from it?

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you can definitely get zilch. depends on how your team does and how many medals you get (which is itself partly dependent on your team).


here's a screenshot of somebody getting 0 rewards despite having the top healing on either team:




2 medals.


0 objective pts gained.


losing team.


very easy to see why you got nothing.


to start with you didn't complete the minimum requirement of getting 3 medals. additionally, you didn't do anything even remotely related to the objectives (hell, you can just stand near the objective and never actually interact with it in order to get defense or offense points).


i see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

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if the problem was the leaving then matches wouldn't be starting with partially filled teams


if leaving is the problem then why wasn't it such a big problem pre 1.2 - the ability to leave was there too. The fact that it is more of a problem now points to something else being the issue.


oh, there was plenty of whining about leaving pre 1.2.


most of those arguments didn't go anywhere though, and just got lost in the void. namely because it was a fight between people claiming they would lose solely because people left the matches early, and the other side claiming they would have lost anyways, whether someone left early or not.


essentially it was all a big "he said, she said" *****fest.

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So if I lose and get nothing for it, why would I play in the first place? The idea that losing shouldn't be rewarded simply doesn't apply to video games.


yes, you're right.


its so much easier to just quit than get better.


guess it comes down to whether or not you actually want to improve or just be handed gifts without earning them.


no offense, but id rather play a game with a small, but quality, playerbase, over one that is massive but an embarrassment to themselves (whether they realize it or not). that's one of the reasons i quit WoW, i'd really rather not see this game go the same route.

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In every warzone that I lost, I received zero credts. Before 1.2, every warzone loss netted 3.5k credits for max medals. I was also making ~8k per bag opened. Completing the weeklies also netted me 3 bags/weekly, now all I get is the quest reward. So the credit gains in warzones have been significantly reduced. And with the disparity between winning losing with 10 medals either side is quite significant. For the first month of pvp, I geared up by losing.


So by doing the weeklies/dailies I would earn enough to continue my crafting skills. As well as gear up via the bag system. I think the time invested for gear was about right with how the cent/champ comms were awarded. Now, people are stuck in their recruits gear a lot longer than any was stuck in centurion gear.

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First I don't PVP, but I belong to a large guild (both PVP and PVE) where members have been fairly stoic and weathering changes with little complaint. But on our internal forums, I am now seeing complaints about the lack of PVP rewards, people leaving losing teams, and the time it takes to get gear. My feeling is that if these folks are beginning to complain, something is not right.
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2 medals.


0 objective pts gained.


losing team.


very easy to see why you got nothing.


to start with you didn't complete the minimum requirement of getting 3 medals. additionally, you didn't do anything even remotely related to the objectives (hell, you can just stand near the objective and never actually interact with it in order to get defense or offense points).


i see absolutely nothing wrong with this.


And do you find anything wrong in this (copy of one my post from an other thread)?


Huttball Active Play: won 6-0 with no rewards?!? | Today , 01:55 PM


I won a Huttball match 6-0, i was active on all scores, passing the ball to the "scorer", so i gained 6 pass, and 3K attacking points, so 2 medals (at 1k and 3K attack points).

The match was won in 5 minutes so i had to receive the fast win medals, but i didn't.

At the end i received "0 commendations, 0 valor, 0 xp". I undestand that i received only 2 medals in game but it is wrong that i idn't receive any reward, i was not afk, i was playing for the team, it is not my fault if we were too much powerful!

I want to receive rewards when i win, i can receive no rewards only if i don't play for the team or if i am afk. but if i have 3k attacking points is not possible to think that i didn't play for the team.


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