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Healing, Expertise, Trauma and you.


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jhynnifer vs kindara


/popcorn :D


im abit suprised that they didnt equalize damage, mitigation and healing for expertise. as a pvper im already happy with the better scaling of expertise. killing healers with less effort is a bonus tho.


You make my pants very sad. :D

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Adapt how?


What are you doing differently now that you weren't doing pre 1.2. I'm really, genuinely curious here.


There are lots of contributing factors but in essence, it's all about ammo management. Before 1.2 it was a concern, but I wasn't going OOM super quick either. Now after 1.2 you really have to keep your eye on the ball and be much more stategic in how you spend the ammo.

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Sounds like an imbalance.


There will ALWAYS be imbalances. thats why you have flavor of the week classes/builds. But 1 marauder cant do much against a team that works together. There is just no communication in pvp pugs and healers pay the price

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What you are clearly missing is the end of the post. The trauma buff, as I even stated, was not a big deal... we adjust.


You take that, you throw another 3%-5% nerf into commando/merc healing...



AND THEN... this is the part you need to read... they throw another 10% less healing vs the damage going out. Haven't you noticed everyone's hitting harder than they were two days ago? Significantly harder?





Oh and about that... no. If BW was balancing classes for dueling that would be one thing. They're not balancing your healing so you can effective in 1v1 or 2v1.


I abandoned the game and have alot more free time:D

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Healing should be 1v1 period. Any healer should be able to heal and survive with 1 dps on him ... without being able to heal ANYONE else in the process.


This way DPS or Tanks on your team would have to protect you. What's happening now and been happening 8 years in WoW is that opposing team just throw 3-4 dps on your healer and he/she would be juuuuuuust fine ... running around, some snare/CC and your DPS wouldn't have to worry about you what so ever. They don't get healed, but with all of the opposing dps focusing on you they don't really need any heals.


I've always HATED the idea of healers in BGs, WZs ... It's unnatural. If you get into a fight with someone, or mass battle, there's no freaking way you can relax or run around waiting for someone to magically heal your gun shot wound or cut off arm ... You just die.


Games are not RL, i know that ... But PVP is getting really crappy, just because players intentionally just run away from you or run around some obstacle with 10% health just WAITING till their healer throws them a heal.


Nerf healing in PVP ... Nerf it to the point people wouldn't want to heal WZs. Then we will have 8 dps vs 8 dps ... and we will all be happy.

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Healing should be 1v1 period. Any healer should be able to heal and survive with 1 dps on him ... without being able to heal ANYONE else in the process.



I cant really agree with this, in the fact that you state ANY HEALER should be able to survive 1v1. That would be an imbalance as well, thats liek saying VERY MARAUDER should be able to beat a powertech in 1vs1. Not every healer should automatically be able to outheal the damage of another class. Gear/skill should decide the better of the 2 going head to head. If the game depends on me goign 1vs1 against a healer and i outgear him and blow my CDs, there is no reason he shouldnt die.

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I have not found that the healing nerf is presenting such a problem for my survivability as a Sage. While I am NOT hitting 600k+ in warzones now, I am still able to keep my team alive for most of the teams I played against last night. The caveat to this is the premade groups of marauders, juggs, and bh's spamming tracer missile.


The problem that is affecting my survivability is the interrupts and my 2.5 second cast time on deliverance. Add this to the fact that IF I get my heal off, it hits for less and a problem is apparent. I can still heal my *** off in warzones unless focused by 3 people or 2 juggs bombing me with force choke followed by smash. But, I find myself fake healing with a Benevolence to get my Deliverance off way more often than I previously had to and using other tactics to get my heals off (alacrity relic is my friend sometimes).


I don't play a commando or merc, so I'm not sure how hard it affects them. But I can say that I ahve to adjust my playstyle a bit, but I'm not crying that this is the healer apocalypse (also not claiming that you are).


Do I think that this is game breaking? No. Do I think it should be re-adjusted? Yes. Do I understand that there are things that could be adjusted first. Definitely.

Edited by Titofape
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There are lots of contributing factors but in essence, it's all about ammo management. Before 1.2 it was a concern, but I wasn't going OOM super quick either. Now after 1.2 you really have to keep your eye on the ball and be much more stategic in how you spend the ammo.


See... that's not the issue I'm having. Yes, the supercharged gas nerf is a bit annoying... but I manage my cooldowns and heat relatively well. Its the fact that with the bonus damage people are now doing, I'm not effectively able to heal through even half of it. I don't mind the damage boost via expertise at all, but when you ALREADY have a 30% debuff on your heals and then you change it so expertise is HALF as useful to healing as it is to damage, the numbers are just off.


I was one of the BH's agreeing that we were overpowered, that we could pop our shields, heal to full and ignore people hitting us. I just believe they nerfed it too hard.

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Do I think that this is game breaking? No. Do I think it should be re-adjusted? Yes. Do I understand that there are things that could be adjusted first. Definitely.


Exactly. This is their first round of "balancing" and I know its going to take some time to find even ground (hell, WoW's been fighting that battle for years). All I'm saying is they need to readdress it. I'm not screaming about unsubbing, I love this game. I love pve and pvp... but right now pvp is more slamming my head against a wall and less enjoyment than it was. However, unless people actually post that there's an issue without taking a "THE SKY IS FALLING OGM RUN" attitude towards it, they make think they've done a perfect job.

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I cant really agree with this, in the fact that you state ANY HEALER should be able to survive 1v1. That would be an imbalance as well, thats liek saying VERY MARAUDER should be able to beat a powertech in 1vs1. Not every healer should automatically be able to outheal the damage of another class. Gear/skill should decide the better of the 2 going head to head. If the game depends on me goign 1vs1 against a healer and i outgear him and blow my CDs, there is no reason he shouldnt die.


I actually meant same gear, for the sake of the argument.


If you're Marauder going against Powertech you both have equal changes of winning, but in most cases the winner will be left with 5-10% of his own life.


How many dps have you seen in WZs that could take down two dps at once? Every time I try to go against two dps, I go down really fast ... Some times I manage to take one of them with me, but even if I do the other DPS, EVEN if he's already half health, still kills me. Fights like that usually last about 8-10 seconds ... That's it.


A healer can easily go against two or even three dps (let's say defending a turret in civil war) and stay alive a lot longer than 10 seconds ... Several minutes in some cases. Naturally he/she has a lot better chances to defend that turret and have enough time for reinforcement to arrive.


Now do you think that's fair? or balanced?

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Damage Increase cancels out Damage Reduction and vice versa, whilst Healing gains a bonus with expertise.


There are abilities which reduce healing (Trauma) aswell as Marauder/Sentinel Debuff. But there are also abilities which reduce DPS, CC/Taunts and to a degree Guard.


So I really don't think it's as problematic as you're making out.

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Healing should be 1v1 period. Any healer should be able to heal and survive with 1 dps on him ... without being able to heal ANYONE else in the process.


This way DPS or Tanks on your team would have to protect you. What's happening now and been happening 8 years in WoW is that opposing team just throw 3-4 dps on your healer and he/she would be juuuuuuust fine ... running around, some snare/CC and your DPS wouldn't have to worry about you what so ever. They don't get healed, but with all of the opposing dps focusing on you they don't really need any heals.


I've always HATED the idea of healers in BGs, WZs ... It's unnatural. If you get into a fight with someone, or mass battle, there's no freaking way you can relax or run around waiting for someone to magically heal your gun shot wound or cut off arm ... You just die.


Games are not RL, i know that ... But PVP is getting really crappy, just because players intentionally just run away from you or run around some obstacle with 10% health just WAITING till their healer throws them a heal.


Nerf healing in PVP ... Nerf it to the point people wouldn't want to heal WZs. Then we will have 8 dps vs 8 dps ... and we will all be happy.


I play a Sorc healer and still I agree with this guy. PvP would be better without heals.

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Gratz OP on a great post that supplys feedback on these nerfs.


Don't forget medpacks have been nerfed as well. I don't PVP at all and don't really like ti when PVP gets me nerfed in PVE.



If they rollback anything,healing nerfs need to be it. they have insane amount of talent at BW, please figure out a way to apply these nerfs to PVP instead of PVE.

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I actually meant same gear, for the sake of the argument.


If you're Marauder going against Powertech you both have equal changes of winning, but in most cases the winner will be left with 5-10% of his own life.


How many dps have you seen in WZs that could take down two dps at once? Every time I try to go against two dps, I go down really fast ... Some times I manage to take one of them with me, but even if I do the other DPS, EVEN if he's already half health, still kills me. Fights like that usually last about 8-10 seconds ... That's it.


A healer can easily go against two or even three dps (let's say defending a turret in civil war) and stay alive a lot longer than 10 seconds ... Several minutes in some cases. Naturally he/she has a lot better chances to defend that turret and have enough time for reinforcement to arrive.


Now do you think that's fair? or balanced?


Sounds like you just havent been using your team to its full potential. I have seen commando healers post 1.2 that are still unbeatable. But ive also see some i have railshotted into oblivion in seconds. Im tired of chasing op healers in circles, and sorcerers... well yeah they die pretty easy.

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I play a Sorc healer and still I agree with this guy. PvP would be better without heals.


We just need to wait a few more months for GW2 and find out how much better or worse PVP without heals.


Actually, I think the first round of open beta is this month, for those who pre-ordered. I think I'm going to try the beta and figure it out.

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