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Post 1.2 Leveling


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I started a Marauder just before 1.2 hit (not because of the impending buff, but rather I found the combat on a sorcerer to be a bit lacking at early stages in the game) and I'm curious about leveling it up. I read the bit about Carnage in the guide that is pinned at the top of this forum, but not the Annihilation section. I don't think I want to go Rage to level since a lot of people are saying that it is a bit underpowered. I'm looking for the spec that will allow me to level up safely, engage in PVP if I have to (I rolled on a RP-PVP server) and still be competitive in Flashpoints and WZ's.
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Really, any of the 3 specs will do well at end game. Rage is probably the best one to level up with since it's AoE damage and 99% of the content is AoE damage. However, anni will do better in boss fights and at least in my experience of leveling, was better for the 40-50 grind as well.


My perspective at least via experience:

10-20 as Anni

20-46 as rage

46-50 as Anni


And obviously this was all pre 1.2.


Carnage from what I've heard at least is terrible pre 40, so may just want to stay away from it until higher levels.


At 50 PvE:

Anni - sustained damage

Carnage - single target burst damage

Rage - AoE burst damage


At 50 PvP:

Anni - Sustained Damage, good survivability, at least pre 1.2 - one of the best 1v1 specs in the game

Carnage - Post 1.2 - The definition of a glass cannon. You make fields of blood, but you are pretty squishy compared to annihilatior

Rage - I don't have any experience with it post 1.2, so you'll need to look elsewhere for this info.

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Pre 1.2 I started as Rage and found I had problems, part of that was my not really using the abilities as intended but part was the Rage spec. I changed to Annihilation and have been very happy with my spec now.


However that was all before the patch so now I don't know for sure. I play PVE and no PVP so I can't speak to that part.

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Carnage - Post 1.2 - The definition of a glass cannon. You make fields of blood, but you are pretty squishy compared to annihilatior


Not really. I mean, yeah, IF you get focused. But 1 vs 1, Cloak of Pain and Saber Ward will more than suffice. And don't forget, when talented, Camo provides an extra CC break. So Frenzy > Predation > Camo will essentially allow you to run from nearly anything.


The fields of blood bit was spot on though.

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So basically Annihilation is the way to go? What about grabbing the first 3 points from the Carnage tree by putting them in Dual Wield Mastery. Is this necessary?


Eventually yes. But put all your points into anni at first then once you hit 40 you can branch out. I tried all specs while leveling my mara and I learned a few things. Mainly that carnage is absolute garbage without tons of points in the tree (and I wouldn't even try it until 40 anyways). It is also far and away the squishiest of the builds so expect to spend a lot of time channeling hatred if you go that route. For my money, anni or rage are probably the ideal builds for leveling. Rage to me is the most fun for leveling as I love smash crits :D.

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