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on the MK-5 boss dummy you should be around 1450 with watchman in Full Rakata..focus runs a little under 1300 and not sure about combat. Dont wanna test it, never liked it.


never post a parse less than 5 mins..6 min minimum..to many variables and RnG



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One other thing, if your damage from cauterize is just a mere 4% at the most then why waste 3 ability points there to reset the cd?


I never have added this ability points there since the beggining and this confirms my appreciation that those ability points could be better spent somewhere else

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One other thing, if your damage from cauterize is just a mere 4% at the most then why waste 3 ability points there to reset the cd?


I never have added this ability points there since the beggining and this confirms my appreciation that those ability points could be better spent somewhere else


I'm going to guess what the parse is labeling 'Cauterize' is just the initial hit and the burn damage is falling under 'Burn'.


The benefit of resetting Cauterize is that it allows you to keep the DoT rolling.

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Here is my build: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#9f28e8clc-28i-2


I am using full Rakata, except for my implants, which for this one I forgot to switch pre-fight anyway... This fight I was using a battlemaster implant and a columi augmented (I had 2 of them, but forgot to put the other on.)


My sabers are also augmented, but that's it.


I was using a Jedi Knight buff and the Rakata Might stim only.


Here is my log: http://loganalyzer.blacksheeptroopers.com/stats/19650/showfgt



The DPS ended up being around 1380.00

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Agree on power stacking. Given power augments are so hard to get how do you all feel about stacking strength augments? I think the diff in damage per point is very small (.03) and no DR on either


@TK and anyone else wondering, I think the fundamental thing we are forgetting with the Watchman/Annihilation spec is that with Berserking/Zen we get 100% crit chance, so crit instantly becomes our least valued stat even outside of those states because of the amount of damage we can increase inside them.


So you have to find a way to get your bleeds to hit harder under the assumption that you have 100% crit chance, that means power and surge to the max. My crit chance without any buffs is 30%, after I hit 100% accuracy I stack power and surge as much as possible, even taking Overkill Augments over Strength ones because Strength after 1500 gives less per point than power. I don't go out of my way for Surge after 78% but I do for Power, I use Power Adrenals and if it is a burn phase boss like the last in EC I use a Power Relic.


The only real dps tip I can give is to use Berserking/Zen right before you cause your third stack because the Dot comes out instantly while the 100% crit buff has a slight bit of lag attached to it, so you will miss that first tick if you pop it late.


Any other questions feel free to ask here or in PM's. :D

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Here is my parse.. but I still need to upgrade my champion belt and columi wrists, as well as upgrade my armoring as i'm using the old orange gloves and head but here is my damage. I'll post another when I get these 4 pieces upgraded


I'm combat spec, and my DPS hit 1589 (92194 over 58.4seconds)



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Here is my parse.. but I still need to upgrade my champion belt and columi wrists, as well as upgrade my armoring as i'm using the old orange gloves and head but here is my damage. I'll post another when I get these 4 pieces upgraded


I'm combat spec, and my DPS hit 1589 (92194 over 58.4seconds)




1 Minute and 100k damage isn't really a decent sample, especially since Combat is really bursty.

Is that with CD's and relics etc?

DO something like a 5 -10 minute sample, wonder what the DPS with combat is like over a bigger period of time.

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1 Minute and 100k damage isn't really a decent sample, especially since Combat is really bursty.

Is that with CD's and relics etc?

DO something like a 5 -10 minute sample, wonder what the DPS with combat is like over a bigger period of time.




a minute isn't any fight and no one has ever argued the burst ability of Combat, what I'd like to see is as this guy said a 5+ minute fight.

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1 Minute and 100k damage isn't really a decent sample, especially since Combat is really bursty.

Is that with CD's and relics etc?

DO something like a 5 -10 minute sample, wonder what the DPS with combat is like over a bigger period of time.


It was my rotation 3 times over.. so whatever time I do it would be the same lol.

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Well, someone stated that Strength has DR's on bonus damage but that's false. From 1 to infinite Strength gives .2 bonus damage for each point, however the crit you gain from Strength does have DR's.


1) Power gives you .23 bonus damage per point so it's def better than strength once your over 1500


2)Surge isn't really a big factor because Searing Saber already gives you a multiplier of 1.8 for your burns which is the bigger part of your damage. Imo, 70-75 is where you want to be for critical multiplier, so your Merciless Slash will have a little kick behind it.


3) Critical Rating is one of the least stats to worry about. You gain plenty from Strength. 25% melee critical is the sweet spot. Higher doesn't hurt though. Your burns will have a 40% chance to crit with Juyo Form stacks.


With all that being said...if ur around 1500 strength, 25% melee crit and 70% mulitiplier then I would stack power.


Current Stats:

1790 Strength

494.3 Melee Bonus Damage

824.2 Force Bonus Damage

27.92% Melee Critical

34.89% Force Critical +15% from Juyo Form

74.50% Critical Multiplier

99.05% accuracy


1452 dps on the MK-5 with 31/5/5 spec...Haven't checked the site out where you can upload it but I'll get on it tonight.


I have a few strength augments in my gear since people all of a sudden think Augments should sell for 200k+...

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1 Minute and 100k damage isn't really a decent sample, especially since Combat is really bursty.

Is that with CD's and relics etc?

DO something like a 5 -10 minute sample, wonder what the DPS with combat is like over a bigger period of time.


I used the MOX DPS meter and was able to pull about the same as I did with Watchman. It was slightly lower but not noticeably.

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Here is my parse.. but I still need to upgrade my champion belt and columi wrists, as well as upgrade my armoring as i'm using the old orange gloves and head but here is my damage. I'll post another when I get these 4 pieces upgraded


I'm combat spec, and my DPS hit 1589 (92194 over 58.4seconds)




meh..6 mins plus or its irrelevant. At the 1 minute mark in watchman I'm sitting at 1800ish, that doesn't mean it's accurate. The idea of a full 6 mins is because it takes out the RnG factor.


And popping Inspiration with adrenals/relics clearly throws that off.

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My stats for my latest (and best) training droid round:


I didn't use my relics or inspiration...

I also had the Knight, Trooper & Consular buffs active, plus a might stim.


Sitting at only 1,136.92 DPS


Combat Spec 2/37/2 (2/3 in focused slash, 37/37 combat tree, 2/2 in master focus)


Tionese Gear:

Headgear, Bracers


Columi Gear:

Chestpiece, Gloves, Leggings, Boots


Centurion Gear:

x2 Implants


Champion Gear:

x2 Sabers, Earpiece, Belt


(plus two +59 end relics)



1457 Strength

1509 Endurance

137 Willpower


105.58% Accuracy

24.40% Crit Chance

58.68% Crit Multiplier

Edited by Zekkau
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Parse: http://loganalyzer.blacksheeptroopers.com/stats/610/showcl


Build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfsZhMMZMz.1


Gear: Full Rakata except Columi offhand (offhand upgraded with 41 Power Crystal and 58 Mod). Critted Rakata belt and bracers with 1 STR and 1 PWR Aug respectively. Critted offhand with a PWR Aug in it. Using the Elemental Damage Relic bought with 200 daily comms.


Buffs: Only the JK class buff, no stims/adrenals


I think I should add that there is a DPS drop off after you stop attacking. For what it's worth I was doing about 1310 DPS while fighting. I've managed to get myself up to hovering between 1345-1355 DPS using the above build with just the JK buff but honestly it takes a while to get that high as it takes a bit to get Merciless Slash going off fast. So personally I don't think 1345-1355 is a realistic number to expect, rather ~1300ish with just a JK buff and no Stim seems the most reasonable.


I know some people seem to like to keep Overload Saber at 3 stacks and use non-direct damage dealing abilities like Force Sweep, Blade Storm and Force Stasis to fill in the gap to keep it up. However after myself and another 2 Sentinels in my guild testing it out we found that you're within about 1% damage, give or take, doing that and not even bothering with it and instead doing higher damage DD abilities instead. So personally I don't bother anymore to simplify my rotation.


Also Burn effects do about 40% of my damage on Operations bosses on dummies and in the field from what I've checked so I will often hold off a second or two on Merciless Slash if it means I can Cauterize > Merciless Slash (to reset Cauterize) and then reapply it the second it is finished.

Gave parsing another go after getting some new gear.


Managed to get enough Black Hole Commendations to switch out my Armouring, Mod and Enhancement from my Rakata Feet. Thus I dropped Crit and Accuracy for Power and Surge.


Parse: http://loganalyzer.blacksheeptroopers.com/stats/26236/showfgt

Build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfsZhMMZMz.1

Buffs: JK/Trooper only (no Stims or Adrenals used)


~1390 DPS over the course of 14 minutes. For gear I have a critted mainhand, offhand, body, rakata bracers and belt. Slotted into those I have 2 STR, 2 PWR and 1 Surge. My offhand is a Columi but everything else is Rakata except for my boots which I mentioned I slotted in with a set of Black Hole feet. Right now I sit at about 99% ACC, 29.6% Crit and 75.3% Surge.

Edited by DoctorSeven
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Here is my parse.. but I still need to upgrade my champion belt and columi wrists, as well as upgrade my armoring as i'm using the old orange gloves and head but here is my damage. I'll post another when I get these 4 pieces upgraded


I'm combat spec, and my DPS hit 1589 (92194 over 58.4seconds)




58 seconds is too short to measure any sustained DPS ;) at least 5 minutes is needed to minimize RNG factors etc etc.

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After looking at the parses and determining that I'm an idiot for not using Master Strike in my rotation, here's my new parse. Note that this is still using hardware macros, so I'm only ever pressing one of the 3 buttons to activate an attack (obviously there re lots of other buttons to press for interrupts, pacify, inspiration, etc.). This parse is average; I've had some higher, some lower. DPS = 1331.


Full Rakata, 3 of the pieces' mods moved into augmented orange gear. 1 Black Hole implant. 2 Rakata relics with augments. +STR for all augments.


Build: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#9f28e8clc-28d-2


Parse: http://loganalyzer.blacksheeptroopers.com/stats/26169/showfgt

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58 seconds is too short to measure any sustained DPS ;) at least 5 minutes is needed to minimize RNG factors etc etc.

It's a pretty good indicator of Spike fights like Gharj and Soa and whatnot.


However he didn't address if he was using Inspiration, Adrenals, etc. in which case it wouldn't be possible to keep that up.

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Updated because I got the War Hero Implant and Black Hole Implant..Put me up to 614 power...


523.3 Bonus Melee Damage

853.2 Bonus Force Damage


Increasing my power from 503 to 614 from the 2 Implants brought me up about 80 dps.


With the post of the Boss Dummy not having resistances/dodge kinda bums me out. All this testing was for nadda.

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OK. Tired of OP dummy parses with apparently don't include defence so I slogged through a combat log to get a parse from a Karagga 16 man Nightmare Mode my guild managed to do today for the final boss Karagga. Keeping in mind this is a very melee friendly fight as you can be in melee range with the boss the entire time. Force Sweeping mouse droids can be a significant boost to DPS as critting 3-5 droids for 2k+ is pretty good damage. Additionally this DPS log will include Dispatch which is something we cannot use on the OP dummy.


Parse: http://loganalyzer.blacksheeptroopers.com/stats/35135/showfgt

Build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfsZhMMZMz.1

DPS: 1,742.05 overall

Buffs: All class buffs, Exotech might stim, Inspiration from myself and two other Sentinels in my group during the fight, Zen as soon as it was up (no Adrenals or Power Relics)

Gear: Rakata Mainhand, Columi offhand with a 41 Power Crystal and 58 Mod slotted. Black Hole feet slotted into Rakata feet, Rakata everything else, crit Rakata bracers/belt, crit mainhand and offhand and Crit body with 2 STR, 2 PWR and 1 Surge aug. Crafted Matrix Cube and Campaign Elemental damage relic.

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1800 on Bonethrasher HM 16.


Please link it or stop posting epeen, this is a thread to see breakdowns of DPS numbers,


Toth and Zorn 16 HM


Foreman Crusher 8 NiM


Fabricator 8 NiM


Karagga 8 NiM


To see LIVE dps please join me on TwitchTV, I will be showcasing my spec, rotation, gear and any other questions the amazing dual wielding community might have.

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