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Post DPS Parses Here


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This is not an epeen thread.


This is a thread to help your fellow Sentinels by giving everyone a ballpark idea of what sort of DPS we can/should be doing.




(1) Enable Combat Logging as described in the Patch Notes:


•The "Combat Logging" section in the preferences menu also allows players to stream all combat interactions originating from or directed at their character to a machine-parsable file. When this option is enabled, time stamped log files are written periodically to the Star Wars – The Old Republic\Combat Logs directory in the My Documents folder. Warning: This is an advanced feature. Constant combat logging may use a significant amount of disk space, and players may need to periodically delete old logs.


(2) Create an account on http://loganalyzer.blacksheeptroopers.com/


This takes 30 seconds. PLEASE use a login name and password that is different than the one you use for your SWTOR account; if the person running the site is a Bad Guy, or if his website is ever hacked and the account files stolen, you don't want someone getting access to your SWTOR account-- a horifically high percentage of people use the same username/password everywhere, which is a Really Bad idea.


(3) Go to the level 50+ training dummy on the Gav Daragon. Attack it with everything you've got for 5 minutes.


If possible, get people to buff you with the same buffs you'd have in a real Op. Use whatever stims/adrenals you would use in a real Op. Use whatever rotation you would use in a real Op.


(4) Use the Log Analyzer from step (2) to parse your log file.


(5) In this thread post the following information:


-- What spec you're using (Watchman/Combat/Focus). It would be great to create and link to a copy of your exact spec at someplace like http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel, but it's not necessary


-- It would be great if you would also post what buffs and stims/adrenals/relics you used, but again, not necessary


-- Paste a copy of the DPS summary here


THIS PROCEDURE WILL NOT BE ACCURATE ENOUGH TO ANSWER QUESTIONS LIKE "WHERE SHOULD I PUT MY LAST 2 SKILL POINTS". The purpose of this exercise is just to give everyone a rough idea of what is "normal" and what is "possible". If my log shows me doing 1000 less DPS than normal, then that's a problem and I want to fix it.


I'll upload mine this afternoon when I get home from work, using a damage rotation system based on macros that I describe at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=395070&page=6


I assume my DPS will be the lowest posted since I'm using macros, hopefully that will prevent other people from feeling embarassed. :)

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Okay, I did a run on the 50+ test dummy. I wound up recording for only 3 minutes instead of 5, but it's past midnight and I'm tired and my extra buffs have worn off so it'll just have to do for now.


My spec: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#9fe8e8clc-22j-0


Gear: Complete rakata, +41 power crystals, Rakata power relic & Relentless winds, total of 5 might augments


All 4 buffs, no adrenals used


I used 2 macros for the entire fight, so I'm curious how it will do against more optimal rotations.


Also note that (unfortunately) there's no way to use Dispatch, which is normally part of the rotation.



Edited by andrew_b_gross
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Okay, I did a run on the 50+ test dummy. It wasn't exactly 5 minutes, probably closer to 4:30.


My spec: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#9fe8e8clc-22j-0


Gear: Complete rakata, +41 power crystals, Rakata power relic & Relentless winds, total of 5 might augments


All 4 buffs, no adrenals used


I used 2 macros for the entire fight, so I'm curious how it will do against more optimal rotations.


Also note that (unfortunately) there's no way to use Dispatch, which is normally part of the rotation.




Thats very low DPS compared to what buffs you are using. This is a really interesting thread.


I've made my own parses on a scoundrel testing both DPS speccs and tbh i thought yours would be much higher.



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Keep in mind this was done with macros; I just mashed 2 buttons repeatedly for the entire fight. So I don't think it should be surprising that the DPS is low compared to a real rotation.


A more interesting comparison would be in a real fight, where it's much harder to get an optimal rotation due to movement, interrupts, general confusion, etc. I would expect a macro based system to close the gap a bit.


I'll run a real rotation sometime this weekend, but it will involve re-doing a bunch of keybinds so it's non-trivial.

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Parse: http://loganalyzer.blacksheeptroopers.com/stats/610/showcl


Build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfsZhMMZMz.1


Gear: Full Rakata except Columi offhand (offhand upgraded with 41 Power Crystal and 58 Mod). Critted Rakata belt and bracers with 1 STR and 1 PWR Aug respectively. Critted offhand with a PWR Aug in it. Using the Elemental Damage Relic bought with 200 daily comms.


Buffs: Only the JK class buff, no stims/adrenals


I think I should add that there is a DPS drop off after you stop attacking. For what it's worth I was doing about 1310 DPS while fighting. I've managed to get myself up to hovering between 1345-1355 DPS using the above build with just the JK buff but honestly it takes a while to get that high as it takes a bit to get Merciless Slash going off fast. So personally I don't think 1345-1355 is a realistic number to expect, rather ~1300ish with just a JK buff and no Stim seems the most reasonable.


I know some people seem to like to keep Overload Saber at 3 stacks and use non-direct damage dealing abilities like Force Sweep, Blade Storm and Force Stasis to fill in the gap to keep it up. However after myself and another 2 Sentinels in my guild testing it out we found that you're within about 1% damage, give or take, doing that and not even bothering with it and instead doing higher damage DD abilities instead. So personally I don't bother anymore to simplify my rotation.


Also Burn effects do about 40% of my damage on Operations bosses on dummies and in the field from what I've checked so I will often hold off a second or two on Merciless Slash if it means I can Cauterize > Merciless Slash (to reset Cauterize) and then reapply it the second it is finished.

Edited by DoctorSeven
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Thats very low DPS compared to what buffs you are using. This is a really interesting thread.


I've made my own parses on a scoundrel testing both DPS speccs and tbh i thought yours would be much higher.






He is using the boss training dummy, you are using the elite training dummy.

That is why his numbers are a lot lower than yours. Do the same test on the mk-5 instead of mk-4

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Watchman spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRrRRfsZhMM.1


Gear is half BM, half Champion.


Self buffed only, used Rakata Might Stim, +power BM relic and Rakata power adrenal as well.


I'm a purely pvp player but figured I would give it a go.


Here's the Mk5 ops dummy:




And here's the pvp ship dummy:




I don't think I've ever seen an actual 4700+ Merciless Slash in pvp though.

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My parse file on the Ops MK-5 dummy, using 56 mods/enhancements and 51 armorings in non-columi gear (obviously)

I'll probably do another one when I get my columi armorings into my armour when I get an orange suit with augments.


Combat sentinel


62044 damage over 52.455000 seconds / 1193 DPS


Edited by CivicTiger
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He is using the boss training dummy, you are using the elite training dummy.

That is why his numbers are a lot lower than yours. Do the same test on the mk-5 instead of mk-4


Did this and ended up close to 1150ish so i guess classes are quite well balanced now for dummy dps.

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-- Spec: Watchman, just an on the fly build after 1.2 hit, meant to be able to kinda do pvp and pve.



-- Buffs: Biochem 104 strength stim, JK and JC buffs.


-- Gear: Basically full Rakata, have the columi dps relic off of 4th boss in KP


--538099 damage over 394 seconds=1365 dps


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I know I am not a Sent but a Mara, but no one on that side of the forums actually does anything like this so here is my post.




and here is my spec




I use the increased hit from talents to replace Enhancements with Power Surge ones out of IA Columi Gloves.

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So I recently got Rakata boots and legs on my sent so I ran 2 tests, one with the rakata and one with columi (I lose about 90 power and gain 4% crit + 14 str on rakata).


Spec: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#9f28e8clc-22i-i


Rakata: DPS 1257




Columi: DPS 1299



Only my jedi knight buff no pots




4/5 Columi:


Str: 1499




Surge: 74.29








2/5 Columi 2/5 Rakata :


Str: 1513




Surge: 74.29





Edited by Skulltaffy
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Looks like power/surge enhances are the way to go for us then. We had a very similar spread in terms of what abilities did what, i just need to be a little more watchful of cauterize. What is your crit percentage (without the IA buff)?

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@TK and anyone else wondering, I think the fundamental thing we are forgetting with the Watchman/Annihilation spec is that with Berserking/Zen we get 100% crit chance, so crit instantly becomes our least valued stat even outside of those states because of the amount of damage we can increase inside them.


So you have to find a way to get your bleeds to hit harder under the assumption that you have 100% crit chance, that means power and surge to the max. My crit chance without any buffs is 30%, after I hit 100% accuracy I stack power and surge as much as possible, even taking Overkill Augments over Strength ones because Strength after 1500 gives less per point than power. I don't go out of my way for Surge after 78% but I do for Power, I use Power Adrenals and if it is a burn phase boss like the last in EC I use a Power Relic.


The only real dps tip I can give is to use Berserking/Zen right before you cause your third stack because the Dot comes out instantly while the 100% crit buff has a slight bit of lag attached to it, so you will miss that first tick if you pop it late.


Any other questions feel free to ask here or in PM's. :D

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Near full Rakata (one augmented Columi implant, crit-crafted orange hat with mods pulled from the Columi one except a rating 160 might armouring. The chest enhancement has been switched out for pow/surge). Relentless Winds + Matrix Cube - fully raid buffed with Rakata Stim.


Didn't use Insipiration or an adrenal (since I save them for when the boss goes below 30%, the adrenal might see use at the start of a long fight).


Not bad, but I reckon I can do better - this was my first attempt :)

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