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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who here would rather cut off their own arm than roll a 'Forceuser'?


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I have a severe dislike of lightsabers and the force. Give me ingenuity and gusto every day of the week. Plus, it doesn't help that the devs favor force users like they're demigods. You should be able to blast back some fruit jedi mid force leap. Anyway rant over. Return to the burning of Rome.
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I have a severe dislike of lightsabers and the force. Give me ingenuity and gusto every day of the week. Plus, it doesn't help that the devs favor force users like they're demigods. You should be able to blast back some fruit jedi mid force leap. Anyway rant over. Return to the burning of Rome.


I find ranged has a huge advantage against melee unless you start the fight with a melee on top of you then all bets are off.


If I get the jump on LS users I can take half his life before he ever gets close to me and when he does just nut kick and blast him for another quater health. It of course does not always work out this way but for the most part yes.


If I get up on a GS/IA they are pretty much dead before they can take enough life from me same goes for a trooper or BH powertech and vanguard are harder but doable.


With the healing nerfs things will balance out more.

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I won't go to the extreme of the OP as I do in fact have force users that I regularly play, but I will say that I enjoy my operative the most. The story, aesthetics, and all are pretty awesome. All the force users are pretty cliche and not that much different from each other.
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Well, I sorta feeling down with design decision that DPS lightsaber-wielding classes are restricted to either dual-wielding or using saber-staff. I like single saber style a lot more, but due to game mechanics playing guard/jugg is nowhere as rewarding (in terms of DPS), as sent/mara. I'd play shad/sin, but I just can't get it out of my head how clumsy their fighting style actually looks like.
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I just cant "force" myself to roll one. I'm an old SWG vet who saw enough "jedi" to last me a lifetime and only roll ranged profs now. Not only are they better at most things, I dont like to run with the "FOTM" crowd either. Give me a good blaster rifle/pistol any day. Force users are two a penny BUT a goood ranged player is worth his/her weight in spice :)
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While I do have an assassin, the tech classes attract me more. If a non force using class played like the assassin I wouldn't bother with force users at all aside from curiosity.

A lot of Sith are jerks, a lot of Jedi are self-righteous. Revanites are cool though. I enjoy neutral paths.

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I won't go to the extreme of the OP as I do in fact have force users that I regularly play, but I will say that I enjoy my operative the most. The story, aesthetics, and all are pretty awesome. All the force users are pretty cliche and not that much different from each other.









I have an organization!

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I have a question. Is there any tech device found in the lore that could dampen one's ability to use the force.


Tech, no. Biological, yes.


Ysalamiri. They create bubbles of "No Force" around them. Multiples collected together reinforce each other, to the point where the entire planet they're found on is Force-lacking.

Edited by Chessrook
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Tech, no. Biological, yes.


Ysalamiri. They create bubbles of "No Force" around them. Multiples collected together reinforce each other, to the point where the entire planet they're found on is Force-lacking.


Seems extreme when traditional blasters did a swift job during order 66 :)

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