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Operative PvP Nerfs LAWL


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As one of the better concealment operatives around who has played for a long time, I am sad to say we got the nerf bat may be too much for me, I am already collecting my healing set.


The ability to 3 shot someone was too much, do not get me wrong, we needed the 7.5 second hidden strike c/d, what was really op not many people even know about.


Hidden strike was bugged before patch 1.2, if you would open with AB / Hidden strike and instantly vanish and hidden strike again your hidden strike would hit twice, that's right twice. So you would hit hidden strike a total of 3 times.


Let me break this down for you pigeons, in BiS gear I had over 800 power, and a 52% chance to crit on my Hidden Strike... 5200+5200+5200 (with acid blade ticks 500ish 5 times in between) into a lacerate you were dead, no questions.


With the BM gear (+ expertise changes) I did a 3200 hidden strike crit on a clothy and a 3k backstab. With my full rotation (including explosive probe) I had no chance killing someone that was NOT alone even with adrenal and relic.....


I switched out gear got my crit surge back and lost 400 expertise, I hit a 4k hidden and a 4k backstab, but regardless, I continue to sit there and continue to hit and interrupt and cc and maybe I'll get a kill, but then once again I am out of energy running away with stim boost on hoping to get enough to root someone and get around the corner.


I am not saying I cannot kill people, I can, if they are not expecting me.... However, the group fights (which most of this game is) I am just a sitting duck doing nothing more then wasting my healers time healing me because I am out of energy auto shotting, not killing anyone. I get white crit by a marauder ravage white damage 4.5k


We are completely useless now, there is no reason to even have us around. Put a marauder in our place, or even a rage jugg!


Here is a video of me playing pre 1.2 against the best tank assassin pvp on our server 1v1 for a 1v1 tournament championship, so you do not have to question my skill. I know what I am talking about.




Does anyone else have any input for me, maybe something that will calm my nerves and make me feel better, a tissue perhaps.

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Stealth burst dps should remain hidden until the best time to strike. Now you've been forced into that position.


In a group, I would have you wait on the edges until a key player is about to go down but keeps getting heals from God. THEN you strike, turning the tide.


That said, I will echo your LAWL with a lawl of my own: LAWL. You guys deserved that nerf and I'm happily destroying all the ops on my server who used to 3shot me. :)

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Concealment OP. As I said in the QQ thread that was 95 pages long, this will make NRG management easier, and wow did it.


For Burst dps it is the same, I never opened with a HS Vanish HS, cause I didn't need too to kill someone.


Now after the so called Nerf, I am killing just as easily, seriously. If you think you are hitting less, maybe it is cause they have more expertise now.

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I watched that video, you arent bis for one thing, and your spec is wrong, why would you not get the 2 second heal with the free TA attached? Dont tell me its for the 15 second cd reduction on debilitate. 7/31/3 was CLEARLY the best spec for an op pre 1.2.


If you don't understand that I can see why you are QQing about the nerfs. You dont understand the class. Post 1.2 I still destroy full BM healers and sorcs have no choice but to run from me STILL.


SO what im trying to say is, don't go spouting bull about ''skill'' and calling people who dont understand BiS ''pigeons'' when you clearly lack the knowledge of how your class works and was getting by because were were simply overpowered and everyone knew it.


We still have no reason to lose 1v1 vs any class.




Somewhere in my videos I am dueling two BM tank sins, and a full bm/rakata merc.

Destroying them every time. We were OP.

Edited by Agusto
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You sure about those 3.2k crits on light armours (assuming that's what you meant by cloth armour)?? I hit 3.8 yesterday and I'm only sporting 1 piece BM whilst the rest is Recruit gear. I also found myself constantly hitting 3k on med armour types. Also those were without adrenals or relics.


I think the biggest nerf for us came in sucker punch/lacerate. Stealth opener is pretty much the same as before, BB/backstab actually does quite a bit more, but outside of those 2 skills and Sabo charge, there isn't exactly much damage. Hell against some tanks my sp/lacerate was hitting like 600 without their defensive skills (obviously gear difference coming into play there, but I don't recall my dps output on tanks ever being so poor before).

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Stealth burst dps should remain hidden until the best time to strike. Now you've been forced into that position.


In a group, I would have you wait on the edges until a key player is about to go down but keeps getting heals from God. THEN you strike, turning the tide.


That said, I will echo your LAWL with a lawl of my own: LAWL. You guys deserved that nerf and I'm happily destroying all the ops on my server who used to 3shot me. :)

If you were getting destroyed by Ops for being a bad player before, I got a newsflash for you: You will still get destroyed by Ops for being a bad player.


The problem wasn't Operatives, the problem is bad players QQing.

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This is a little exaggerated with the issues from the changes in 1.2. I am pretty good 1v1 and rarely lost a duel if sober. The main issue now is energy, still not sure after one day but we are losing energy and not gaining it back at the same rate before the patch. Still can pretty much kill anyone at will but it requires almost perfect CC usage against good players. The margin for error is completely gone. The average operative is going to have trouble with concealment spec if they do not have a intimate knowledge of other classes abilities.


Also abilities seem to go on global cooldown randomly for no reason, that needs to be fixed.


and sssshhhh about explosive probe, very few use it. you are not supposed to teach the wutang!

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If you were getting destroyed by Ops for being a bad player before, I got a newsflash for you: You will still get destroyed by Ops for being a bad player.


The problem wasn't Operatives, the problem is bad players QQing.


That's such crap, you should be ashamed of yourself with that bs...

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Okay i didnt know so many people were gonna start hitting this thread so hard, let me start by saying. I dont care what you think if all you are gonna do is talk ****. If you want to discuss stuff, I'm in.


My spec was 3/31/7 in that video, and I respecced for the 1v1 tournament we had. I was against a tank assassin and the heal I used was the Tactical Advantage heal that was 1.5 second cast, it was not talented... Whoever said that is not aware of operative moves.


My bonus dmg pre nerf was like 800 power full buffs, 76% surge 34% crit. Before patch my dmg was fine, I never needed to double hidden strike I could out play anyone and kill them, few players could take me down, in 1v1's, including marauders tanksins and very good sorcerer... all depending on cooldowns in a warzone.


I never had to use double hidden strike to kill people, I killed people just fine, and I can kill people now, but I am useless now. The burst dmg is no where near there, a marauder is better assassin then me.


As of now, i am using stock battlemaster gear (which stats suck) and I switched out half gear including 2pce rakata for 15% backstab (with 71 power / surge on it) with this gear I can hit 4k, on a CLOTHY with no bubble or defensive cooldowns up.. with hidden strike


That video was just to show I am not a noob, I know what I am talking about. In that video my gear was not BiS

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The energy is an issue! If we are going to take such drastic damage nerfs, then we need to be able to fight longer... I mean 2 rounds of backstabs I am running away for cover..... Thank you for people who are on my side for once
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Hidden strike was bugged before patch 1.2, if you would open with AB / Hidden strike and instantly vanish and hidden strike again your hidden strike would hit twice, that's right twice. So you would hit hidden strike a total of 3 times.
So wait, you could actually get kills by hitting 3 buttons +stims,adrens, etc? I always thought that was a joke, not that the class was really that easy.
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Okay i didnt know so many people were gonna start hitting this thread so hard, let me start by saying. I dont care what you think if all you are gonna do is talk ****. If you want to discuss stuff, I'm in.


My spec was 3/31/7 in that video, and I respecced for the 1v1 tournament we had. I was against a tank assassin and the heal I used was the Tactical Advantage heal that was 1.5 second cast, it was not talented... Whoever said that is not aware of operative moves.


My bonus dmg pre nerf was like 800 power full buffs, 76% surge 34% crit. Before patch my dmg was fine, I never needed to double hidden strike I could out play anyone and kill them, few players could take me down, in 1v1's, including marauders tanksins and very good sorcerer... all depending on cooldowns in a warzone.


I never had to use double hidden strike to kill people, I killed people just fine, and I can kill people now, but I am useless now. The burst dmg is no where near there, a marauder is better assassin then me.


As of now, i am using stock battlemaster gear (which stats suck) and I switched out half gear including 2pce rakata for 15% backstab (with 71 power / surge on it) with this gear I can hit 4k, on a CLOTHY with no bubble or defensive cooldowns up.. with hidden strike


That video was just to show I am not a noob, I know what I am talking about. In that video my gear was not BiS


1 vs 1 is a poor measure of how well a class does in PvP. Since the very nature of PvP, especially in war zones, is premised around "a group", it is pretty irrelevant what one class can do against another class in a 1 vs 1. Not to mention, there are to many variables to account for such as player skill, gear etc.


Your ability to sneak around undetected and finish someone off already at half health has not been nerfed, and that is what your class does.

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So wait, you could actually get kills by hitting 3 buttons +stims,adrens, etc? I always thought that was a joke, not that the class was really that easy.


Not really. It is abusing a bug. It also means the operative / scoundrel will have no real defenses for two minutes.


I never used the double first strike bug so it doesn't affect me.

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Theres nothing to complain about, watch the first video on my stream for about 3 minutes. I go around pretty much unchecked destroying everything in my path. We were overpowered, we are still fine now. We really dont have much to complain about.
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Looks like you swapped the wrong mods:


Armor: 2 parts Rakata with PvP mods+Matrix Cube and rest BM.

Weapons: BM Main-&Offhand


Mods:Switch in 4 items the enhancements with the pwer/surge ones from the old champion gear. (you only lose 100 expertise)


Get Power-Adrenaline and Power-Trinket.


Now you got:



-750 Tech-Bonusdmg (with class buffs)

-33% Crit

-75% Critical multiplier


If you use your trinkets now you will hit medium armor about 4.5-5k with BS

Edited by goz_-
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I feel so sorry for Ops/Scoundrel.


A melee class with NO gap closer or Utility.


Now you don't even have burst. Broken class is broken.


Shadow Step fixes all.


This class needs so much work BW.

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Warzones are largely team battles but conceal operatives do have a niche of being able to single people out and killing them. Burst (without ridiculous double hidden strike means) is buffed. It's all about positioning and knowing when to fight instead of trying to balls the to the walls like everyone else. Just a high skill cap class. Probably scales better with war hero than other classes, also.
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