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almost die pulling mobs


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While I'm not having problems to the extent that others are describing, I did see a very illuminating example of why Jugg definitely needs a buff. I ran a 4 man heroic quest with three dps juggs and a healer. It took forever to kill mobs and the healer had quite a bit of trouble keeping us up. This was around level 20 on Balmora, Firestar. My BH seems to have MUCH higher dps and takes comparable damage but with Mako healing, it just plays so much smoother and easier than my Jugg.


I'm in the same boat where I absolutely LOVE the SW story, but really feel weak compared to my BH. The game play just isn't there to hold me with this character post 50, guaranteed. Survivability seems ok for a DPS spec, but our damage could use a boost to be competitive.

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OP, don't feel like the Lone Ranger. What you're realizing is what most everyone on beta that played a warrior of some sort, marauder or jugg, figured out. The warrior class is NOT on par with any of the other classes for survivability or damage dealing.


I got my marauder to 50 in the beta. Know what I found out? All classes have 5 companions not counting the ship droid. No one takes the droid. Warriors have to. Until we get Quin. Warriors get all the companions too, but the only one we can survive with is a healer.


Without the healer you're dead. Romance? Not for us. Other classes get that, we don't. We got Quin. Want a rough and tough buddy to just hang out with like Pierce? Nope. We got Quin.


Buff in a future patch? When they told the marauders they were getting a revamp it turned out to be a nerf. I wouldn't hold my breath for a "buff" if I were you....

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Well I don't know what to say I got a level 17 jug tank and love him?

But I'd warn you I played a ret pally pre bc no I don't rember the patch I started playing

But I rember the patch they became face roll I ended up leveling him holy lol.

I guess I am saying be carfull what you whish for!

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Well I don't know what to say I got a level 17 jug tank and love him?

But I'd warn you I played a ret pally pre bc no I don't rember the patch I started playing

But I rember the patch they became face roll I ended up leveling him holy lol.

I guess I am saying be carfull what you whish for!


I say again, the issue lies with the non tank specs. Just because teh tank spec is fine does not mean the class is fine.

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i dont tank, im rage spec. im only lvl 18 but still this isnt right. i hope im just doing something wrong :T


If you are referring to soloing, where is your companion at?


I solo with Immortal spec, and to be honest Vette does probably 70% of my damage for me. I seem to clear areas about as fast as any other class, and I can tank multiple mobs without much trouble. Nor do I even need to use health packs.

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If you are referring to soloing, where is your companion at?


I solo with Immortal spec, and to be honest Vette does probably 70% of my damage for me. I seem to clear areas about as fast as any other class, and I can tank multiple mobs without much trouble. Nor do I even need to use health packs.


this int about immortal spec. immortal is good for soloing pve. we're talking about rage/vengeance specs...

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Just chiming in. I am at a complete stand still with my Juggernaut / Vengence class story. Spoiler alert. In lvl 26 quest "Guru in the Dunes" if you chose the darkside option to attack they take out your companion and expect you to take on 2 silver Jedi. I tried this about 10 times and died every time. Do they really expect us all to go Immortal just to finish our story quest? This is ridiculous. Even if I waited to level up I would have to be about 35 - 40 before I could take these guys on. I simply do not do enough damage to kill even one.


I am very disappointed in this class. I'm supposed to feel like a big Heavy Armor wearing destruction machine and I typically barely survive when going up against one silver mob and an add. Lame because this is my favorite class and I can't play it. I guess I'll shelve this one and start playing my Agent.


Disappointing Bioware...very disappointing.

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Just chiming in. I am at a complete stand still with my Juggernaut / Vengence class story. Spoiler alert. In lvl 26 quest "Guru in the Dunes" if you chose the darkside option to attack they take out your companion and expect you to take on 2 silver Jedi. I tried this about 10 times and died every time. Do they really expect us all to go Immortal just to finish our story quest? This is ridiculous. Even if I waited to level up I would have to be about 35 - 40 before I could take these guys on. I simply do not do enough damage to kill even one.


I am very disappointed in this class. I'm supposed to feel like a big Heavy Armor wearing destruction machine and I typically barely survive when going up against one silver mob and an add. Lame because this is my favorite class and I can't play it. I guess I'll shelve this one and start playing my Agent.


Disappointing Bioware...very disappointing.


ya man i hear ya. i also had trouble with the quest on



the space station before tatooine where you had to fight those 2 silver troopers and 2 normal troopers




Edited by Zaron
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Here's some advice to make it better, I agree DPS spec need a boost but dont give up, it's a very good class story and really fun class to play!


Make use of the incapacitated effects your skills have and dont overlap them. This I see alot of people do wrong. For example you Force Charge into 3 clustered enemies. Use smash and use hilt strike if it's available else sunder, now they come out of incapacitate so use a sundering/vicious slash (sometimes you dont even need to do that) to finish the first mob, target next with force scream and really that should be easy from here with basicly one mob remaining after force scream incapacitate is up.

You might even take no damage at all with a dps companion.


I'll confess I do this with a tank-specc Juggernaut but in beta it was the same way I played my Vengeance Spec. Also I would recommend going Vengance for dps over rage pre-40. Rage in my book doesnt really get into it's own until Force Crush and if you are DPS spec forget about using Retaliation really, 3 rage for what? I know you can use if off global cooldown but low dmg for 3 rage?

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I understand that this is about the dps specs of the "jugg" class, but when I first read juggernaut, I immediately thought of a pure tank, dps was not a thought. In most games I have play, WoW of course being one of them a "jugg" type class does not mean "It's time to dps and pull big numbers", more I get the feel of they can take a lot of punishment and just get hit, expecting a more tank class to do good dps is hoping for too much.


Also in early levels with any tanks they usually are weak regardless. Unfortunately they are also usually gear dependent. I have had the same feelings of when I die it doesn't always make sense, but it gives me the joy of having an actual challenge and having to try to figure out new ways of doing things. I am part of a guild of friends and we have a decided group of roles that we each do. I choose to tank and the instant choice was a SW Jugg. If I had wanted to dps it would have been a SW Marauder. It may just be a personal thing but when I hear Juggernaut I imagine a big beefy tank who just gets hit and isn't expected to deal tons of damage. In balance ways that makes no sense that the "Tank" part of a class, dps spec or not, should be able to do big numbers as you all want.


I agree that buffs would be nice but they more than likely will not happen. Dps in this situation have a harder time, but don't be turned away just because they didn't make it face roll. Yes it needs to still be manageable to accomplish tasks in the game but if there is no challenge at all then why bother playing the game.


I hope I was able to give useful feedback, I was more aiming to talk about the Rage and Vengeance side of the spectrum.

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Oh and I almost forgot, on top of all things the dps form that Juggs have in the beginning makes little to no impact on your overall damage dealt, which then it makes less sense because if you can get a big buff from Sorensu(forgot spelling) form then your survivability jumps to a much higher level. 3% damage is not the different that means you kill or be killed. Having all the extra armor however and also using a shield generator instead of the other one will help a lot. I prefer to use Vette when necessary, she deals the main amount of damage and can take a beating with Guard up.
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Oh and I almost forgot, on top of all things the dps form that Juggs have in the beginning makes little to no impact on your overall damage dealt, which then it makes less sense because if you can get a big buff from Sorensu(forgot spelling) form then your survivability jumps to a much higher level. 3% damage is not the different that means you kill or be killed. Having all the extra armor however and also using a shield generator instead of the other one will help a lot. I prefer to use Vette when necessary, she deals the main amount of damage and can take a beating with Guard up.
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Right now, I am going hybrid Immortal/Vengeance and I haven't had too much trouble, but I do constantly keep myself a good 2-3+ levels above my quests. My main problem is the sheer amount of abilities that I have and need to use in order to be effective. My BH friend on the the hand, seems to only have to carpet bomb everything and shoot a few times with his pistols and rockets to get the job done. They need to make it so some of the abilities just become better version of what you already have. Edited by Shendaar
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Go up the Vengeance tree, at your level you'll be shredding mobs before they get you to 3/4 health. (IF you're geared up)


i have been vengeance and im still getting down to 1/4 HP with a silver and normal mob most the time. And ppl need to keep gear out of this problem because i had no problem playing other classes with quest gear. This class is broken beyond recognition

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I go to every Class forum and they say the same thing. Assassins, Sorcerers, Juggernauts, Marauders... All of the Force users seem to feel they've been mistreated.


Difficulty of Warrior vs Inquisitor feels about on-par.


Neither of them are even close to the ease of Bounty Hunter. I keep being told leveling "get more difficult at higher levels", but my BH is almost 40 and I'm still waiting.

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I go to every Class forum and they say the same thing. Assassins, Sorcerers, Juggernauts, Marauders... All of the Force users seem to feel they've been mistreated.


Difficulty of Warrior vs Inquisitor feels about on-par.


Neither of them are even close to the ease of Bounty Hunter. I keep being told leveling "get more difficult at higher levels", but my BH is almost 40 and I'm still waiting.


My friends Sorc definitely is having an easier time in leveling than my Jugg. Just watching his health bars going through content I went through and seeing it barely drop at all is just stupid.

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My friends Sorc definitely is having an easier time in leveling than my Jugg. Just watching his health bars going through content I went through and seeing it barely drop at all is just stupid.


The first 50 on my server was a Juggernaut. I'm not saying they're fine or balanced, but that would imply that they certainly aren't as broken as this thread seems to imply, right?

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The first 50 on my server was a Juggernaut. I'm not saying they're fine or balanced, but that would imply that they certainly aren't as broken as this thread seems to imply, right?


wrong. most my guild mates (including me) and ppl on general chat complain, but dont want to start over. also the class has a very good storyline to most, especially me.

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wrong. most my guild mates (including me) and ppl on general chat complain, but dont want to start over. also the class has a very good storyline to most, especially me.


I guess we have different definitions of broken, then.


When my car broke down, I couldn't drive it until it was fixed.


When your Warrior is broken, it's just not as easy as your Sorcerer, Bounty Hunter or Agent.

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I guess we have different definitions of broken, then.


When my car broke down, I couldn't drive it until it was fixed.


When your Warrior is broken, it's just not as easy as your Sorcerer, Bounty Hunter or Agent.


no, when all classes play really well except the sith juggernaut/JK guardian >.>

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The first 50 on my server was a Juggernaut. I'm not saying they're fine or balanced, but that would imply that they certainly aren't as broken as this thread seems to imply, right?


If you play league of legends... I can go 24 and 0 as a AD soraka, it does not mean that it is good.

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