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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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The amount you lose to this game in a day compared to losing electricity for a day...hmmmmmmnn...


While I agree. I also think Knightfell's point still stands. I don't feel that quantifying it, detracts from the validity of his argument at all.

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Yep. It has :)


It's fun to gently educate and correct people. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean that correct spelling and grammar should be thrown out the window.


Besides, when someone is making a silly point, it's sometimes better to ignore the irrelevance of their point altogether and attack ad hominem... or whatever the term is for attacking someone's abuse of the English language ;)

There was alot of big words there, my english is a bit kak pls explain what the following words mean as i can't be arsed to look them up myself



ad hominem

thnks in advance :o

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Hello everyone,


We wanted to pass along this message to ensure that everyone has the most up to date information possible.


Due to the unexpected extended maintenance today, we are going to be offering every player a full day of game time as compensation. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Thank you for your patience.


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I'm starting to have 'Nam-like flashbacks to Dragons of Atlantis on FB about four months ago (*SHUDDER*)... Something similar happened after a patch, and their thumb-fingered handling of the situation (followed by literally rewarding cheaters) caused a mass exodus. The server I'd been playing on has gotten more & more deserted.


I hope that doesn't happen here... :/

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Hello everyone,


Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Due to the unexpected extended maintenance today, we are going to be offering every player a full day of game time as compensation. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Thank you for your patience.








this forum post has provided me with so many laughs that BW offering 1 day credit feels kinda insulting to this EPIC thread

Edited by rtseven
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Electronic Arts announced Worst Company in America! LOL Bioware what were you guys thinking....




“We’re sure that bank presidents, oil, tobacco and weapons companies are all relieved they weren’t on the list this year,” said EA spokesman John Reseburg. “We’re going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.”

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"Due to the unexpected extended maintenance today, we are going to be offering every player a full day of game time as compensation. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Thank you for your patience. "


Yay, free day.

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We are expecting the #SWTOR servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST, 9:00AM AEST).




For those of us in the US, a quick clarification on downtime. Servers should come back online approx 6pm CDT which is 4pm PDT and 7pm EDT.


Could be longer.....



OBTW, hope I am wrong on this, but just maybe, not everyone recieved the 30 day extension... if you have not one of your mains or alts at the 50 rank... you could be out-of-luck; plz clarify for me... Thank you




Have a Nice day guys!

Edited by IonBick
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The number one priority of an online game should be to stay online.


Those of you who have endless time at your disposal can be patient if you want. However, those of us who sacrificed time specifically to play today have a legitimate reason to be dissapointed. Additionally, people who do shoddy work should always be held accountable for it. Otherwise they continue to do shoddy work.


Exactly, it's my day off of the week. Sorry if the 8 hour downtime followed by another 3 hour hotfix and another expected 7 1/2 hour hotfix for the hotfix is complaining then... ya, I'm complaining. Game has been down 18 1/2 hours over the last 2 days.

Edited by SeismicShock
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Maybe Bioware should cancel their subscription to EA?


Yeah, Bioware will remain EA until they're dissolved, and with how this game's been going, and the way ME3 and DA2 went, unfortunately I'm going to guess that this game will be their last, judging by how EA has chewed up and spit out nearly every other company that they've absorbed.


Used to be a great company, it's pretty clear that those days are over.

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“We’re sure that bank presidents, oil, tobacco and weapons companies are all relieved they weren’t on the list this year,” said EA spokesman John Reseburg. “We’re going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.”


Translation, we are going to continue to acquire award winning start ups and put them in EA stable and then fire anyone who disagrees with our business model of squeezing blood from a turnip.

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hello everyone,


we wanted to pass along this message to ensure that everyone has the most up to date information possible.


We don't care. We have your money and theres nothing you can do about it, mwahaha



Edited by kolanthel
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Hello everyone,


We wanted to pass along this message to ensure that everyone has the most up to date information possible.





There you go..So I guess these a-holes, idiots, and ******* that Ive seen many people call them do listen afterall...

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