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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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For an estimated 50% or more of the subscribers, I'm assuming this isn't your first RODEO; which leaves you open to extensive criticizing how Bioware is doing with their FIRST MMORPG. However, I and people alike know the raging happening today is about SWtOR subscribers comparing this to a veteran MMO established of 10+ years. ex: WoW.


Take a step back in time to Blizzard 10years prior and compare it to present Bioware please. Both exceptional companies, but like WoW, SWtOR will lack in the "development department" for some time LIKE BLIZZARD DID. As it was new for them, it is also new to Bioware. Any early MMO is likely to have patching issues, as for the time and place that was bad news ALL on Bioware's part; but to the relativity that this game is close to falling apart, SWtOR is far from it. SW has a compelling fan base that has lasted decades and continues to grow and grasp people, beyond Blizzard and the gaming realm, and will continue to overpower most franchises for time to come.


WoW has come extremely far in 10years and rallies an enormous amount of subscribers to this day so there is all the hope EVER that this game is going to succeed if you give it the necessary time. I hear debates that SWtOR is an exceptional RPG but lack the MMO portion to continue building a reputable MMO fan base. Even more so, complaints that people would just rather play SWG. Well how about some patience? This game isn't even a year old. SWtOR is still a baby and Bioware is trying to bring us the best they've got.


Even outside this current branch I have high hopes for Bioware's team. Over the years they've brought demanding sagas like Assassins Creed & Mass Effect (do not forget Knight of the Old Republic.) Unfortunately, is Friday the 13th and us die hard fans are waiting patiently, to get back online.


Bioware could had seen this unfortunate turn of events and took action by giving us a free 30day play time (Cover-up?). Let us not remember WoW was down for several days/several TIMES do to Vanilla developers not patching properly. Subscribers were also asking for free play time :)


Negative. I work at a company that manages many different versions of many different files. We've have the same kind of screw up before. We were pressured into a deadline and missed out on thorough QA and had to eat a lot of hours to fix it after we delivered it. We lost a lot of money. That is unacceptable. I'm speaking from experience. I'm not trying to say I'm better than them. It is absolutely unacceptable and people have lost their jobs for less.


This is not a problem of learning a new industry. This is a basic concept of being patient and making sure you do QA before releasing a product to your clients. This is a structural issue, not an incompetence issue. If the patch had gone through the appropriate channels it would have never made it to live.

Edited by Semitote
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Its not the money, it's the principle. If I am paying for a service, I expect to receive that service. I could care less about the money. I had planned to spend my day off playing SWTOR. 50 cents I can let go of, but bioware cannot replace my time, or undo my loss of faith in them.


Also, if they roll back the server what about everything I've done since? I lose that investment of time I put into the game too? The three heroic 4 quests I've done, and my two crafting criticals were for nothing? Can i get those 6-8 hours back too? No. I can't. So yes. I'm angry.


oh boo hoo poor you. " i can't play the game because someone made a mistake. i'll spew my angst and anger all over the forums in the hope that someone will listen/care.":wea_03:

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WOW came out 8 years ago!


that is like the stone ages in computer terms, things have moved on! Development tools are better now, implementing has gotten easier, the list goes on - Keep up with the times before writing rubbish like that.


theyve had 10 years roughly if u included the development and testing phases

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That's it I think we've passed the line.


One hundred pages of whining, hatred, complaining, "BIOWARE DOESN'T CARE FOR EUROPE" "WHAT, WHY THE DOWNTIME", and other whining.


Can we stop this thread now? It's gotten to a point where discussion is just beyond stupid at this point.

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Meh I'm used to this in MMO's. It happens (and still happens) in every one of them. When I subbed to this game I already figured in that this would happen sometimes so It's not even worth getting angry nor worried.. Just get it fixed and I'll be on later when the server is up.
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WOW came out 8 years ago!


that is like the stone ages in computer terms, things have moved on! Development tools are better now, implementing has gotten easier, the list goes on - Keep up with the times before writing rubbish like that.


spoiled, over previleged... i'm so glad i'll be dead in about 20 years...

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WOW came out 8 years ago!


that is like the stone ages in computer terms, things have moved on! Development tools are better now, implementing has gotten easier, the list goes on - Keep up with the times before writing rubbish like that.


Indeed, it's like making excuses of making cars in 2012 using tech from 1912... Give Ford a break if the car breaks down! ;)

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Boggles the mind how Bioware can release a giant patch like 1.2 so smoothly and this small negligible patch destroys the game so hard that it brings the servers down for an entire day.


Because they did not test the small patch in any way. Their over confidence was their undoing.

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lol it's a game.. a virtual non-existing world... there is no investment...


Yet I spent time playing it? Funny how that works. I invested my time, into building my character. Not a bad troll, but please, try again.

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Pro tip : Never book a day off to play a game on day of patch or day or two after.


Happens all the time, in all MMO's so get over it.


Take your girl out tonight as a surprise and I'm sure she will let you be a kid again for a day on Sat or Sunday.


Life sucks, deal.


I just got home from work looking forward to playing. It looks like it won't be up until midnight or so in my timezone.


So I'm posting this then having a shower and going to the pub and will play tomorrow or whenever I'm sober enough to do so.


Not that hard is it.


Take our girl out??? We play a Star Wars online computer game... most of us don't have girls >:/

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Wasn't the patch yesterday....


"Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system."


How did that roll back the servers...lol.


Seems like something they aren't telling us.




one wrong line of code could wreck the entire thing , or a digit that is supposed to be a 1 is a 0 instead

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well said, couldnt agree more, wow has had 10 years to iron out its problems, i can still remember ALL WOW SERVERS CRASHING when AQ40 was released, it happens in every game, the trolls need to chill out, were only a few months into the game, things take time, just like wow took 10 years to get where it is today


People should stop comparing WoW vanilla. As you already stated, that was 10 years ago. Today's standards are not equal to 10 years ago. Competition means exceeding competitor's performance. Which in this case means exceeding WoW's performance. Why would people else stay with SWTOR if their aim is to equal WoW (which they are trying in everything they do btw).

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That's it I think we've passed the line.


One hundred pages of whining, hatred, complaining, "BIOWARE DOESN'T CARE FOR EUROPE" "WHAT, WHY THE DOWNTIME", and other whining.


Can we stop this thread now? It's gotten to a point where discussion is just beyond stupid at this point.


As if you posting to a thread is somehow stopping anyone else adding to it?



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Servers are going to be down for upto 8 hrs could be longer.





During last night's maintenance, some areas of the game were reverted to pre-Game Update 1.2 status. Some areas were 'missing' and characters that were in those areas would be unavailable. We took the live servers offline at approx 9:30AM CDT (Austin time).


Our server and deployment teams are now working to rebuild assets for the live servers, but this is unfortunately not a quick process. We currently estimate that our downtime could be up to eight hours, but that time may be extended.


We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (US: 4:00PM PDT, 7:00PM EDT. Europe: April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST. AU: 9:00AM AEST. NZ: 11:00AM NZST). We'll update you with information in this thread when we have it.


We sincerely apologize for the unexpected downtime today. We’ll update you with more details later.


Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

Edited by shefflad
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LOTRO had a patch update like this once...


servers were down for over a day...


They ended up having to replace hardware. Apparently bringing the servers up and down caused something to blow.


That was not a fun few days.

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We are sorry for taking servers down on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. But as many players in the community stated, we have a right to because World of Warcraft also did it 8 years ago. It is our standard to accomplish what World of Warcraft have also done, including the bugs and mistakes. We are not trying to improve ourselves by providing a better and more accomplished MMO. Therefore just suck it up and move on.
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