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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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Wasn't the patch yesterday....


"Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system."


How did that roll back the servers...lol.


Seems like something they aren't telling us.


Well the patch size was 111 MB. Unlikely with a patch that size that they only fixed two things. There is definately hidden bug fixes not mentioned.

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Dude, we won't see 1.3 for months... You're going to wait for 1.3 for fixes for 1.2?


I guess you're not away of versioning numbers. The .2 means MAJOR version. What we need is 1.2.1 - NOW!


If this is the result of 1.2, can you imagine the result of a major patch like, 2.0? The game will be down for months....

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I truly hope that BW reads this thread. And I further hope that they take note of everyone in here that is threatening to cancel their subs, and then that BW decides to be helpful and cancels their subscriptions for them.


Because I doubt most of those people could figure out how to do it themselves, judging by the number of people that have been threatening to cancel for several months. Apparently they had to get Daddy or Mommy to download the game for them, and most likely have to get permission from their parents to join a group with "internet strangers".


I am never so disgusted with the internet as I am when I read game forums. But it is like a train wreck, I just want to see what will happen next.


To Bioware: Good call in taking down the servers. Ignore the people that have no clue and less patience. Keep them down as long as needed to fix the issue. Rest assured that the majority of players will still be here, and will be thankful that you fixed it.


That is not to say that we are not disappointed, because we are, but this was a major issues that was ESSENTIAL to fix quickly and properly.


You realize it's the same people who can't figure out how to cancel their subscriptions that are working on and implementing an outdated version of the software, right? So try to understand that the people crying out against this are doing the EXACT same thing you're doing right now, just from the other side of the fence.

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It`s not a tragedy but certainly it doesen`t make me happy.


I had a free day here in Europe and couldn`t play for entire day.


You guys didn`t learn anything from previous mistakes. I decided not to renew when D3 comes out.


Think how many customers you loose due to incompetence and don`t push patch releases.



hahaha i bet you unsubscribe and complain on blizzard forums when u find out their not releasing the PVP feature in diablo 3 on its release, i can see it now

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I love how everyone is complaining about the unexpected downtime yet nobody here mentions how other mmos had MORE downtime heck WoW in it's first couple months had 4x the downtime to the point where they had to give free days (yes there were at least a full day of downtime every few weeks) this happens to all mmos you need to remember mmo's are the most complicated software there is.


Excuses none have day, much time given to them for testing, failure this latest patch is.

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I bet someone at Bioware owes rest of the crew a round of beer! :D


Yeah, whoever screwed the pooch on this one has probably forced all of his team mates back in to work a ton of overtime when they really should be enjoying the start of their weekend.


Think that might cost him a bit more than a round of beers.....


You gotta feel for them as it must be a horrible job to work out everything that's wrong and put it right. Keep your chins up guys, we appreciate your efforts :)


And for my sake, can get it done quick please? I'm Jonesing for my next fix of SWTOR already.


/scratch forearms some more

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i was gunna unsub, but... Free tauntaun! hellz yeah! Totally makes up for anything I, or anyone else has to complain about so everyone quiet down and wait for your tauntaun to arrive in the mail. I just hope BW remembers to poke some holes in the box... Edited by Ssgt_Carl
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I truly hope that BW reads this thread. And I further hope that they take note of everyone in here that is threatening to cancel their subs, and then that BW decides to be helpful and cancels their subscriptions for them.


Because I doubt most of those people could figure out how to do it themselves, judging by the number of people that have been threatening to cancel for several months. Apparently they had to get Daddy or Mommy to download the game for them, and most likely have to get permission from their parents to join a group with "internet strangers".


I am never so disgusted with the internet as I am when I read game forums. But it is like a train wreck, I just want to see what will happen next.


To Bioware: Good call in taking down the servers. Ignore the people that have no clue and less patience. Keep them down as long as needed to fix the issue. Rest assured that the majority of players will still be here, and will be thankful that you fixed it.


That is not to say that we are not disappointed, because we are, but this was a major issues that was ESSENTIAL to fix quickly and properly.


No one is canceling. Just chill.... Bioware on the other hand? These mistakes, if condemnable, are for beginners, and I hope they know that they need to "double their efforts" because The Emperor is here, and he is not as forgiving as me!!

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I think it will take a lot of hours to get the servers back.


First they need to find a way to fix all the itens that everyone lost and this is probably very hard.


Nobody lost anything. What you lost were the assets to render and/or access the new items in 1.2. Everything gained is still in the database.

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If you thought you'd be coming to a bug-free MMO, I have a bridge in Siberia I'd like to sell you. I frankly don't mind issues with large content patches and expect them (they've been in every other game, too). I do take issue with their having outsourced their Customer Service to a country where English is regarded as exotic and every bug report I make is attributed to something I've done wrong.


I think you and I have a totally different understanding of the word "bug". Let me tell you that this in no bug in IT terms. This is called a major **** up, a disaster.

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If you thought you'd be coming to a bug-free MMO, I have a bridge in Siberia I'd like to sell you. I frankly don't mind issues with large content patches and expect them (they've been in every other game, too). I do take issue with their having outsourced their Customer Service to a country where English is regarded as exotic and every bug report I make is attributed to something I've done wrong.


You mean the bugs that took them 4 month to fix?


Like operation bugs, SoA bugged, Floor tiles missing, instant death on speeders, etc.

Animation going off but not the damage.

Spell delay

Random crashes

Memory leaks

Warzone booting you out to Character screen

hundreds of bugs?


O wait, they have not fixed them all. Yet I am still here, sticking with the game.


But having the whole game revert back to a previous patch? No, that is not a "bug" that is acceptable. They have had 300million dollars funding.


Yet, they can't seem to get this right?

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Quite bold of you to represent the majority of the playerbase.


Do you actually think that the people that post on the forums are anything but a small % of the player base?


The majority of ANY mmo does not post.


So yes, I feel quite confident that I am in the majority and that the people complaining here are the vocal minority, that could and should be ignored. Just like you will continue to be.

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I truly hope that BW reads this thread. And I further hope that they take note of everyone in here that is threatening to cancel their subs, and then that BW decides to be helpful and cancels their subscriptions for them.


There was no threat. Sub has been cancelled.

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