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Everything posted by Ssgt_Carl

  1. i was gunna unsub, but... Free tauntaun! hellz yeah! Totally makes up for anything I, or anyone else has to complain about so everyone quiet down and wait for your tauntaun to arrive in the mail. I just hope BW remembers to poke some holes in the box...
  2. http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/1.2modelsrepublic2.jpg So there is. Perhaps its just me, but the Sage and Knight gear look particularly horrible. not just 'meh' but, "Holy crap! please tell me I wont have to wear this stuff for the best stats" bad. The JK headgear is atrocious but I have to say I feel even worse for sages. I really dont think Republic faction needs to be de-incentivised further. Im going to try to keep from contuining to rage-whine, even though that;s how I feel, and offer some constructive crticism. 1st off, While I know Star Wars is fantasy, I dont believe the gear should look like WoW in space. These outfits (Imp too) just begin to look like silly fantasy outfits and NOT sci fi outfits. I think that is a mistake. As we all have come to know, Technology, music, and social structure apparently changed very little in the Star Wars universe in 3000 years, so why fashion? Here is what Consular and Knight armor should look like http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7p9L_wvlITs/TY0J6JZI6tI/AAAAAAAABYM/69rf3owU2fQ/s1600/obi-wan-kenobi.jpg it DOESN"T need queen of Naboo hat or viking horns. And Jedi knight. how baddass would something like this be? http://www.atfmb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Luke_skywalker.jpg Awesome guardian outfit. or perhaps even something like this http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/328/a/1/Obi_Wan_Kenobi_in_Clone_Armor_by_Laubi.jpg A somewhat practial suit or armor with a robe over it so you know its a Jedi. My opnion (worthless, I know) is that we dont need crazy fantasy excessiveness. Id much rather see outfits that give us the elegence and simplicity I loved from the Star Wars movies. My plea Please Bioware, seriously rething the armor designs or at least make so i dont have to wear this stuff for the bes stats (hopefull removing armoring and mods from the gear will be possible)
  3. 6 wins, one counted. I hardly ever post here but this is really starting to get on my nerves.
  4. This is a hard one for me to agree with. While I agree to some point I would be lying if I said I stuck out every match I entered. At first I would never leave a match on principle, but It has come to a point where, If I am on a team of... less than competent PvPers, I feel somewhat justified in not wasting the next 15-20 minutes getting *****. The real problem is getting put in WZs that are already lost (yes this is due to people leaving them). I do hate it when I end up in a huttball game that my team is down 4-0. If i were to come into a match like that and know if I didnt sit there and watch us get our butts spanked by a team who wont score because they want more medals, that I would lose valor and not be able to queue, well, I would be distraught. I think a better penalty might be, if you desert a warzone your next win doesnt count toward your dailies, though you still run into the same problems as i mentioned. In the end I cant get on board with that simple of a solution
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