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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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Everyone that has their panties in a bunch really needs to chill. Bioware just deployed a major content patch. There will be issues, just like EVERY OTHER MMO that deploys a major content patch. Anyone who tries to spout off about how smooth WoW runs makes me want to throw up. The game is down for a few hours. Big deal. From what I saw yesterday, I really look forward to playing alts and opening up more legacy stuff. If this current issue makes you want to unsub, then please do so. Please. Really, the more ADHD jackwads that leave, the better the game will be.:D
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lol and now i just read that the servers will be down for another 7 hours, ot back until midnight UK time. Boy am i glad i took today off work to play 1.2. Im not usually one for QQing but i have a really bad taste in my mouth right now and its got TOR written all over it.


So basically they starting the 1.2 upgrade process all over again today i guess :(


Couldn't agree more. I like the game, didn't even mind the absence of ranked WZ but BW is really starting to make it hard to take them seriously as professional MMO developers.

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Couldn't agree more. I like the game, didn't even mind the absence of ranked WZ but BW is really starting to make it hard to take them seriously as professional MMO developers.


Honestly I'm glad they didn't release ranked WZs yet coz it'll probably screw up if they deployed it in 1.2, heck it's even screwing up now w/o it!

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Everyone that has their panties in a bunch really needs to chill. Bioware just deployed a major content patch. There will be issues, just like EVERY OTHER MMO that deploys a major content patch. Anyone who tries to spout off about how smooth WoW runs makes me want to throw up. The game is down for a few hours. Big deal. From what I saw yesterday, I really look forward to playing alts and opening up more legacy stuff. If this current issue makes you want to unsub, then please do so. Please. Really, the more ADHD jackwads that leave, the better the game will be.:D


Lotro keeps releasing major content patches without hitches like this all the time. Just sayin' it's possible with some quality control...

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Im with ya man and no im not saying you were on a tirade. I was speaking of tirades in a more generalized sense.


At least it is cheap? yep that pretty much is right. I just lost 50 cents worth of service from them. Last time a vending machine ate my quarters I pushed it a few times and then moved on. I wasnt calling the company and leaving messages on their voice mail.


That then is where we differ my friend, for i pushed the machine over and got my coca cola!

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Council Tax.


Taxpaid on the tax on petrol.


VAT (originally to pay for teh war effort against Napoleon).


Broadband +_+ (let me know how great iti s when it stops working!).


The list goes on.

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I seriously do not understand the "it is a game, stop whining" or "it is normal" kinda thought. I am guessing that these people are hardcore Star Wars fans running with a lightsaber in real life and are blind to the shortcomings of the service being delivered by BW.


Yes, it is a game but more then that it is a service that BW delivers in compensation for a fee: we are talking millions of dollars. If i pay for something, I simply expect it to work when I want to use it.


It is the basics of business: you either deliver quality or lose customers. Unless you compensate them and hope to satisfy them that way. Mark the word hope here. Compensation is the least you could and should do.


Someone ever wrote an ingame ticket? It took them 4 weeks to restore an item. Add all these things and voila, you got the best formula for losing your customers.


I for sure can guarantee that I would have quit the game if I was not stupid enough to pay for six months in advance. Not because the game is not good. On the contrary, it is a nice game. Just simply because of the fact the (customer) service is a disaster.

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real life problems = i told my gf, oww a new patch is coming! can i pretty please play all friday while u do some other stuff? after hours of sweettalk i got it through... now the darkness is closing in around me and my mind is melting how the fawk can i convince her that i need the entire saturday instead ? when i have already wasted so many hours just watching the forums haha :'( Edited by Saikrox
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Sorry for the inconvenience.


We appreciate that you wish to play but we are experiencing technical problems beyond our control at this time.


A former employee that has been relieved from his position due to his incompetence with a bottle of soda and breakfast food mishandling has admitted blame.


To exacerbate the problem during an attempt to rectify this problem unbeknownst to us, the Aforementioned former employee, smeared bacon grease ( bacon Mcdouble ) on a vital component which caused a severe sever roll back on all servers.


Windex and Bounty double duty towels are being liberally applied as we speak (no expense is to great for OUR customer base)


Once again we apologize and look forward to your next monthly fee

Edited by GothicSaint
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It`s not a tragedy but certainly it doesen`t make me happy.


I had a free day here in Europe and couldn`t play for entire day.


You guys didn`t learn anything from previous mistakes. I decided not to renew when D3 comes out.


Think how many customers you loose due to incompetence and don`t push patch releases.

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real life problems = i told my gf, oww a new patch is coming! can i pretty please play all friday while u do some other stuff? after hours of sweettalk i got it through... now the darkness is closing in around me and my mind is melting how the fawk can i convince her that i need the entire saturday instead ? when i have already wasted so many hours just watching the forums haha :'(


Force choke her when she tries to say "no" ;-)

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I truly hope that BW reads this thread. And I further hope that they take note of everyone in here that is threatening to cancel their subs, and then that BW decides to be helpful and cancels their subscriptions for them.


Because I doubt most of those people could figure out how to do it themselves, judging by the number of people that have been threatening to cancel for several months. Apparently they had to get Daddy or Mommy to download the game for them, and most likely have to get permission from their parents to join a group with "internet strangers".


I am never so disgusted with the internet as I am when I read game forums. But it is like a train wreck, I just want to see what will happen next.


To Bioware: Good call in taking down the servers. Ignore the people that have no clue and less patience. Keep them down as long as needed to fix the issue. Rest assured that the majority of players will still be here, and will be thankful that you fixed it.


That is not to say that we are not disappointed, because we are, but this was a major issues that was ESSENTIAL to fix quickly and properly.

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Couldn't agree more. I like the game, didn't even mind the absence of ranked WZ but BW is really starting to make it hard to take them seriously as professional MMO developers.


Completely agree...the problem isn t the game itself or the way MMOs work during updating.

The thing to laugh at is the lack of seriousness as far as Bioware is concerned.

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