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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.


You're absolutely right. They don't think about the effort to create such a huge game system, and on problem they complain. Paying money does not let anyone to be priggish. Should not...

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People did that in SWG after the NGE and look what happen to that game lol. :D


While the subscriptions fell dramatically after the NGE, they did level off. The community improved and ... shocker ... the game got better. The final 2 years of SWG were vastly superior to the first two.

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will there b more to download ? was the prob at your end or included in wat we downloaded last night and today ? I can't afford another 1gig of download this week and if thats the case can i get a refund on my subscription plz ?
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Tbh we paying a service to play a game and we can't play it, so they giving people with lvl 50 chars (me included) a free month and other none lvl 50 nothing should give eveyone a free month for their not prefect customer service of us playing a game we want to play.
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stop complaining ppl


patch 1.3 is in development soon will fix most of this stuff


Dude, we won't see 1.3 for months... You're going to wait for 1.3 for fixes for 1.2?


I guess you're not away of versioning numbers. The .2 means MAJOR version. What we need is 1.2.1 - NOW!

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Seriously amateurs working at bioware? Getting rlly sick of it. Wasting my damn money on u guys. AND THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME IT HAS HAPPENED. dont come with some ******** about "well these thing happens". No they dont. When u accept ppl to pay to play, they dont argue "well i can half this month and half next month" U ACCPECT THEM TO PAY U WHAT U DEMAN. HENCE THE SAME THING SHOULD BE FROM THE COUSTOMER SIDE TOO dont u agree. Who the hell is paying for this unaviable pay time for me. Goddamit bunch of amateurs


P.s I gonna bet that this reply is gonna disappear quickly.:mad:

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apparently those of you who are new to the whole online MMO gaming experience know nothing of the headaches, and general problems with launching a new game, much less doing a major update to one, so do yourself a favor, stop complaining about not being able to play, we all pay to play, and sometimes things happen that just happen, its not fair to BW, LucasArts, or any of us to have to listen to your complaints here, or when the game finally does get back online. When another major MMO was launced back in the day, it would go down for days, yes i said DAYS sometimes, and often with no explanation at all for it, feel glad that BW is ontop of the issue and working to get the issues fixed. remember that this is a game, its not the end of the world if you have to skip a day of play, youre not the only ones affected by this so stop taking it so personally
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While the subscriptions fell dramatically after the NGE, they did level off. The community improved and ... shocker ... the game got better. The final 2 years of SWG were vastly superior to the first two.


Would that be because it was quieter? ;)

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Trying to address that the Dev Post reads back up on April 14th: At least in my head, I'd always thought of Germany as being seven hours ahead of Virginia, which would be roughly 7:30 PM. To be sure, Russia has a lot of time zones and is regarded as "Europe," but even so, they'd avoid a lot of confusion by having a subprogram that converts the time to player local.
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You remember all the times on WoW after a new patch that we couldn't do the new raid content/etc because on PATCH day the servers were down... all day, and all night. So they got it right off the get go and things went awry when they were fixing the bugs, which I'm sure many of us complained we wanted fixed, so good for them for fixing it.


So instead of the servers being down all day on patch day, which is a long general thing to know on WoW, well, it's patch day - don't plan on raiding, servers will likely be down - they're down today. This isn't unusual for an mmorpg. I don't know what the big fuss is about.


Yeah I wanna play, I'm kinda fiending after the new patch. But that's just how mmo's are. All's well that ends well.

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Well "its not like its expensive either" sounds awfully like. "at least it was cheap"


i wouldnt call it a tirade, im not even that bothered by it , im going out to get drunk tonight anyway.


Im just pointing out that if im paying for ice cream i want my gosh darn ice cream! :D


Im with ya man and no im not saying you were on a tirade. I was speaking of tirades in a more generalized sense.


At least it is cheap? yep that pretty much is right. I just lost 50 cents worth of service from them. Last time a vending machine ate my quarters I pushed it a few times and then moved on. I wasnt calling the company and leaving messages on their voice mail.

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Well this explains why my class quest went back to before i got my 4th companion. I was like i swear i already did this part. So I did it again. I just hope all the work after that isnt lost. I am almost done with Tanis, I cant wait to get off that planet. Have 2 quests to hand in and im outy. So please please please dont make me have to do them all over again.
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