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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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apparently those of you who are new to the whole online MMO gaming experience know nothing of the headaches, and general problems with launching a new game, much less doing a major update to one, so do yourself a favor, stop complaining about not being able to play, we all pay to play, and sometimes things happen that just happen, its not fair to BW, LucasArts, or any of us to have to listen to your complaints here, or when the game finally does get back online. When another major MMO was launced back in the day, it would go down for days, yes i said DAYS sometimes, and often with no explanation at all for it, feel glad that BW is ontop of the issue and working to get the issues fixed. remember that this is a game, its not the end of the world if you have to skip a day of play, youre not the only ones affected by this so stop taking it so personally


And the whole thing could be avoided if A) They didn't hire some amateurs that do not know and or test their code and B) ACTUALLY RE TEST THE STUFF ON THE TEST SERVER. C) Fire everyone involved and hire people that can actually do their job.


I really do blame EA or at least BW Management though as if all the money didn't go to the voice acting we would have got a SOLID Engine (not this BS Hero engine) like the CRY engine, solid working game with a LOT less bugs than it has (yes all games have bugs on release, not this many) and we would be all a lot happier than we are now.


Pure n simple they did this game on the cheap (other than the voice acting) and it shows.

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I was on 7 day trial and decided the game was worth giving a shot, so I purchased the full version today at Lunchtime. Now I have finished work and thinking Im going to have some Star Wars related fun imagine my dissapointment when I see the servers are down and look like they will be online again when I will be fast asleep (as I dont fancy staying awake to midnight to see if there is a possibility of logging on).


Either I am extremely unlucky or I finally realise why I left MMOs in the first place and should have saved myself the £25 and gone to the pub instead of not playing the new game I bought.

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So, no update for endgame, 30days free play.


How will they make up for the downtime, i wonder?


I for one would opt for a 200% increase on XP gain for 8h.


at least they've acknowledged and provided free game time, in WOW u dont get nothing

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You realize it's the same people who can't figure out how to cancel their subscriptions that are working on and implementing an outdated version of the software, right? So try to understand that the people crying out against this are doing the EXACT same thing you're doing right now, just from the other side of the fence.




to quote my BH:


"You'll never make a living on that sense of humor"


But keep telling yourself that.

Edited by Tickdoff-Tank
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But I wants mee tauna little thingy, no wait, a taun taun mount...No wait, a RAKGHOUL MOUNT!


Can you mount a rakghoul?


No, wait...don't answer that.


I think you're invoking rule 34... or at least rule 35!

Edited by llesna
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to all those who are complaining..


if you can do a better job of game design, coding and public relations feel free to woo us all with your genious and put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise grow up and be patient instead of reverting to the mentality of 2 year old children...

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apparently those of you who are new to the whole online MMO gaming experience know nothing of the headaches, and general problems with launching a new game, much less doing a major update to one, so do yourself a favor, stop complaining about not being able to play, we all pay to play, and sometimes things happen that just happen, its not fair to BW, LucasArts, or any of us to have to listen to your complaints here, or when the game finally does get back online. When another major MMO was launced back in the day, it would go down for days, yes i said DAYS sometimes, and often with no explanation at all for it, feel glad that BW is ontop of the issue and working to get the issues fixed. remember that this is a game, its not the end of the world if you have to skip a day of play, youre not the only ones affected by this so stop taking it so personally


It's also pretty obviousl you have no business mentality what soever. How hard something is, is not a relevevant argument, its an excuse, and quit refering back to games in the day because they also have no relevance on the matter. Just means they are even more incompetent that they havent learn anything over the years of mistakes made by other mmo's.

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They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.


As predicted!

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Hopefully none of them. These things happen, I've done stuff like this myself and I've seen our best and most senior developers do these things too.


I know they happen, mistakes do. It just depends if it is a mistake the person has made more than once.

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i was gunna unsub, but... Free tauntaun! hellz yeah! Totally makes up for anything I, or anyone else has to complain about so everyone quiet down and wait for your tauntaun to arrive in the mail. I just hope BW remembers to poke some holes in the box...
lol YA:( FRREEE TAUNTAUNS? ohhh...wait...can i bring it with me when i go to play TERA ONLINE on may 1st :cool:
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at least they've acknowledged and provided free game time, in WOW u dont get nothing


Double negative. Don't get nothing = you get something.


Only in old English did multiple negatives reinforce the negative. In modern English, double negatives negate each other.

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I think you and I have a totally different understanding of the word "bug". Let me tell you that this in no bug in IT terms. This is called a major **** up, a disaster.


the disaster is not the downtime itself but the handling of the community. a little note along the lines of: "sorry people, we kindda screwed up. we are working on it asap. to make up for this, XP and Credit gain for 24h is on 200% after the servers are up." would be nice.

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I was on 7 day trial and decided the game was worth giving a shot, so I purchased the full version today at Lunchtime. Now I have finished work and thinking Im going to have some Star Wars related fun imagine my dissapointment when I see the servers are down and look like they will be online again when I will be fast asleep (as I dont fancy staying awake to midnight to see if there is a possibility of logging on).


Either I am extremely unlucky or I finally realise why I left MMOs in the first place and should have saved myself the £25 and gone to the pub instead of not playing the new game I bought.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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to all those who are complaining..


if you can do a better job of game design, coding and public relations feel free to woo us all with your genious and put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise grow up and be patient instead of reverting to the mentality of 2 year old children...


I'm staying subscribed just because this is better than the Comedy Channel. However, after SOE, SWG and the NGE, you'd have thought someone would have learnt from history ;)

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I love how everyone is complaining about the unexpected downtime yet nobody here mentions how other mmos had MORE downtime heck WoW in it's first couple months had 4x the downtime to the point where they had to give free days (yes there were at least a full day of downtime every few weeks) this happens to all mmos you need to remember mmo's are the most complicated software there is.


I agree. See I came from a little game called DC Universe Online. It was managed by SOE, which was headed by a little guy named John Smedley, a.k.a the dueling banjos kid from Deliverance.


Unless you people have played that game, and endured the pain of SOE defecating all over EVERY SINGLE player, you cannot comprehend what suffering at the hands of a gaming developer is.


This. Is. Nothing.

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