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New WZ = Best WZ


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Im not a fan. Thought i'd really enjoy it as i love Alderran but it's just such a terrible chokepoint map which favours AoE classes and the los issues make it impossible for a healer to do anything but stand outside the hut or inside the hut. Either way, you get slaughtered. Away from the capture points there is some nice areas for 1v1, but as a team game it blows.
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Im not a fan. Thought i'd really enjoy it as i love Alderran but it's just such a terrible chokepoint map which favours AoE classes and the los issues make it impossible for a healer to do anything but stand outside the hut or inside the hut. Either way, you get slaughtered. Away from the capture points there is some nice areas for 1v1, but as a team game it blows.


same as that i love alderran but find myself slightly disappointed with the new wz

different stroke for different folks i guess

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i thought it was fun and a lot more action packed which was nice. The southern node is like always constant fighting i can't wait till a few decent strats come out that make all of them worth fighting for.



Also i really like the SIZE of this warzone it's not all small and cramped like the other warzones seem to be. TY for this Bioware.



Next a Two Flag CTF with a big lay out please.

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I'm just hoping this leads to a "Huttball with a different map" and "Voidstar with a different map". I really never understood why Blizzard didn't do this type of approach to PvP. It works very well in FPS games and doesn't require you to think up a whole new style of PvP...just provide some different maps for the styles you currently offer. Breaks up the monotony.


As far as Novare Coast goes, I like it a bit better than Civil War, but only because it's easier to see where the enemy is going. At any point on the map, I can call out incomings instead of hoping that the guys guarding mid or the opposite side turret are smart/aware enough to do so.

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Well, I guess it's ok and it allows for some spectacular comebacks...


... but hearing "Shields are down, the enemy is damaging our bunker." every few seconds on loop drives me mad.


STOP THE SPAM - it's as annoying as that dratted droid!


lol, I did see that spam on my chat bar a lot. Luckily for me, I have the volume set to 50% in the game while my music is set to 100%. PvP'ing without music puts me to sleep.

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It is very nice, a little chaotic at times and I haven't personally seen or realized an OP strat which Civil War was so good at.


Nice to not have Impball all night long as well, since VS and Novare are same faction capable.

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I wish they would use the capture mechanic in the new WZ in Voidstar. Also, I've been seeing premades do a zerg strategy.


Capture the two northern points, leave 1 person behind, and just zerg 7 people back and forth.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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So far I haven't found any shortcuts or anything. It seems to just be open space and then the turret stations. If you try taking a shortcut at the top you're told you're in a minefield and die. There are some powerups but they're so far away from the stations where all the fighting is that there's no real point to grabbing most of them most of the time.


The general strat seems to be cap the closer E/W one for your side and then hit S with a decent force while you check the other one. Since there is a tug of war mechanic if you just zerg around the entire time when you have at least 2 you'll generally catch the opponents and be able to farm them. They have two exit points but you can see both of those exits at once and cut them off.

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Novare Coast is by far the best WZ IMO. Huttball is still awesome but VS and Civil War are very bland in comparison.



Everyone else liking it?


I agree, I got to play a couple games last night and I had a blast. I still like huttball more, but I definitely like the atmosphere of this warzone a lot more. This WZ feels like how civil war should have been executed. Much more balanced and the capture points switch control more often because of no instant respawns.


Well done to BW, imo.

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Yeah I was loving the new warzone last night. I was like 5-1 last night when running a premade we had lots of fun.


It is like civil war but it is easier to get around which I like. It requires more team work I think which is nice.


I mean in reality any new warzone is going to have a feel of voidstar or civil war. Take down this or control that. Huttball was different which is nice and I still have fun with it but you can win this with a good 4 man premade with ease.

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It's a lot better than Civil War.


Also, since you need to channel to capture the spot, if you are hit the last 0.5 seconds, you don't have to start it again, but from where you were interrupted.


And if there are more people, you can control it quicker, I like this mechanic.

Edited by TheNotorius
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It's really the greatest addition in this 1.2 patch.


Don't care about legacy and all that stuff.


Give PvP'ers diversity, and we will love you Bioware.


Keep up the good job !



Heh, diversity my ***, its alderaan war with a sea front, the turrets are too close to eachother, and quickly become dominated, spawn points are too close to the capture points and quickly become camped.Nice try but 5/10 for effort and imagination.

Edited by Riogha
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I enjoy it. Its a better thought out warzone which allows you to PVp without losing all progress. The fact you can chip away at the objective, break way and pvp then jump back on it and continue from there is a nice feature.


Having to set up 8 second of uninterrupted time isn't a good mechanic imo. More WZ's like this would make the experience fun again.

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