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1.2 Bug survey : Heavy armour nerfed?


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I knew I wasn't going crazy. My guildies thought I was but I was like :eek: seeing how fast I was being dropped in warzones in full BM gear. It was insane. I can't even get to 300K damage anymore because I am being ripped apart by every class. Even got a kick out of a healer sage nearly out damaging me. The only way I will stay in the fight is if I have a pocket healer or if another players drops guard on me. Having guard on me just feels wrong in so many ways :p.



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I am a Gunnery Commando, and I too have noticed the amount of damage incoming. This is pretty concerning, as heavy armor is essentially all a Gunnery Commando has as defense...especially with the nerf to Charged Barrier. However, I will say that the Commando dps makes up for the lack in defense. Even though I was taking a heavy beating in mob fights, I was able to dps them much faster.


So it would be nice for Bioware to shed some light on this. Afterall it is Heavy armor, it should be able to withstand quite a punishing amount of incoming damage.


DONT hold your breath waiting for BIOWARE to enlighten us......they seem happy to cater to the glow-bat waving QQers rather than fixing issues they created. Tried PvP again today as I was quite peeved at the nerfs both of my main classes got hit with. To my astonishment both my Trooper AND BH both got less than 60k damage in multiple matches, cant stay up long enough to get medals. Funnily enough, I also tried my Gunslinger and he came in the top 5 all matches and has a lot more survivability than heavy armor wearing DPS specced classes....go figure.

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Compared to pre 1.2 the Trooper is now borked. :(


For the average user this class is unplayable unless you quest in some seriously under levelled green areas.


Would be great to hear an official response to this. Bug or WAI because if it is the latter and not across the board in terms of classes then there is not much point playing Trooper any longer.

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Holy crap ALOT of you mention squishiness, but haven't discovered the reason yet? Are you even familiar with your trooper and stats? 0_o


Heavy armor has less absorbtion now, which is the reason for melting. I don't think it's that bad though as Shield Spec when you get the absorbs up, but keep in mind especially with augments that both your Shield Chance and Absorb has fallen as augments are now split in stats.


Before 1.2 my normal absorb (kinetic and energy) was around 49%. Now it's at 40-41% if I remember correct. Still I don't see a big change when doing Belsavis dailies on my own with Yuun. Stuff still die and I only have to do 1 or 2 ticks of Recharging as before.


Does it apply to all classes and armor types? Or only to Trooper Heavy armor(so basically guardian gets away with it)?


Lol at this rate, i might as well wear medium armor, has better looks too...

Edited by ImariKurumi
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just got in after the whole rollback **** up and my tank spec vanguard is getting slaughtered im 47 on voss in the cave in the gormak lands trying to kill the mature beast thing ( gold mob ) and it killed me in like 6 hits even with my shield up.



tanks are ment to be high survivability med damage and low utility. nut now i just can bearly kill as my health drops to quick


Same here, died 3 times to get to the mature boss in the cave, and twice on the boss, so QQ'ed and quit. Its bad enough with the earpieces/implants not regging with companions, and the unequip-reequip has become tiresome enough but now the game is a crapfest...

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Heavy armor is a bad joke. A knife attack on me does more damage to me than my auto cannon does to medium and light armor. I guess its their game so they can make it any way they want but I am losing interest in this game rather quickly. The developers are not going to fix anything until players start leaving in large numbers. Speaking of whiich when is the last time you saw a server with a heavy population. Maybe the fix isn't too far off after all.
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I am not sure if they did something to PVE recently but I had alot more surviveability last night than previously.


I think part of that was having Dorne out healing me constantly, part of that was I was ccing the crap out of everythign I could, and I was fighting things a level or 2 below me. and of course I am higher level now.


Now I am still squishier than I was pre 1.2, but it seems I am taking less damage than I was before from PVE.



My problem now is the fact I have no interest in playing a controller (for those COH people) Basically my fights tend to center around doing everythign I can to debuff, hold, or stun the baddies long enough for me to kill them. Some people love that playstyle, I do not. My trooper used to not have to do this, now she pretty much has too.


Its as if Blizzard had come in and turned all paladins into warlocks. There is nothing wrong with a warlock, but if I had wanted to play one Id have rolled one...

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No because content is much harder at higher levels. My dps gunnery commando is lvl 42 and he always took alot of damage which is why I use Tanno Vik..My dps is much higher now( demo round hits waaay harder and full auto procs alot more). So its been always a dps race to me anyways. It prob helps that I also have a dps shadow lvl 44 and my two 50's r a sentinel and gunslinger so I guess im already used to the pain.


Go back and read my posts before commenting please. The...


"Just <fill-in-the-blank-with-something-unavaiable-at-low-levels>."


... faux advice/bragging is just empty nonsense.

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I noticed less survivability in all classes actually, enemy players are now easier to eliminate both in pvp and in the open world, and i noticed im taking a little more damage. In my opinion I dont find it to be a big deal, I can still solo a level 50 heroic(2+) just fine with a healer(im a tank) but i understand that squishy classes will notice this worse and will probably be less viable for soloing.
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Yeah... totally feels lika a glass cannon now.

I drop damn fast in PvP, dunno if the Imps are just 10 times better equipped (got mixed battlemaster and champion gear) or the overall damage output is alot higher now.


I still contribute greatly to my team, aoe taunt there, burst on healers and I still get most the most medalls and top damage... but often the most deaths too.

1on1 is really hard. Sorcs where easy food for me, now they drop me like mad. Just dont start with marauders... damn, they got buffed so hard, thats not funny anymore.


Full Assault Spec btw, yeah I was squishy before, but not like that.

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Today as I did pve I noticed how hard the mobs hit. I was bit surprised how much damage they made on me despite having ion shield and tank spec. Can't say I'd noticed similar change with Guardian dps spec I am leveling right now.


On pvp side its true that dps is more effective than before. I think its obvious. However I think part of reason is opponents being far better geared than two weeks ago than just changes with the patch.


Not every and each trooper/BH is killed very fast and many seem to have pretty good survivabilty. Yes assault is harder but basically you just need to kill faster with it. Assault players need really be aggressive and fast now.


Its really a non-stop spec now and should be played like it. Move, move. move and be faster than opponents.

Quite fun actually when it works. Its really about assaulting,

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There is something strange going on after 1.2. I have a lvl 50 Sentinel and Vanguard. Pre 1.2, my Sentinel was around 26% damage reduction from armor and my Vanguard was around 48%. Post 1.2 my Sentinel is at 25.5 and my Vanguard is at 29.92%.


The only thing I can think of in regards to this is this statement in the patch notes for 1.2-


The diminishing return formula for several stats (including expertise) has been adjusted.


Surely though they didn't nerf heavy armor to the point where it is nearly the same as medium armor intentionally though right? Maybe a glitch in the diminishing returns formula for heavy armor? Maybe something is wrong with taking armor values into account for heavy armor. I dunno, but 29% damage reduction from heavy armor seems...well, not very 'heavy.'

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The numerical rating on armor and weapons seem to be totally meaningless relative to their actual performance. There does not appear to be any advantage what so ever to wearing heavy armor since it doesn't seem to result in greater durablity in battle. I am totally confused as to what this game is trying to accomplish in terms of class balance. I have been playing less and less as the game just doesn't seem fun and doesn't make sense. It is clearly time to start looking hard at alternatives to this disaster.
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Why i have feeling, that im reading old WoW paladin forum? Have i again chosen class, that gets nerfed to oblivion by stealth and not so stealth "fixes"?

Well, at least im vanguard tank and somehow manage to survive pve, but in pvp it feels bad not to be able to do anything useful against one single inquisitor.

Should have know, that heavy armor ranged class will be thrown under the bus.

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I noticed this while soloing the Ilum Heroic Daily.


I used to do it solo every day when I just recently dinged, so my gear was blue and corellia/daily modded for the most part and so long as I got my CC right it was a cakewalk.


Fast forward to last night and my fully Rakata geared commando with a fully Columi geared Elara healing me actually died on the 3rd elite and came close on the first.


Maybe I've gotten sloppy, but the massive gear differential would have lead me to believe I should be able to solo it in my sleep.


Something is terribly amiss in the world when you can upgrade your gear by 3 Tiers and see a such a performance drop (here come the shouts of 'OMG U GUYZ WR OVERPOWARED B4!!11!)


Hopefully there is a bug responsible for this marked drop in ability that get fixed, as this cant possibly represent BW's vision of the Trooper class in the long term.

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There is something strange going on after 1.2. I have a lvl 50 Sentinel and Vanguard. Pre 1.2, my Sentinel was around 26% damage reduction from armor and my Vanguard was around 48%. Post 1.2 my Sentinel is at 25.5 and my Vanguard is at 29.92%.


The only thing I can think of in regards to this is this statement in the patch notes for 1.2-


The diminishing return formula for several stats (including expertise) has been adjusted.


Surely though they didn't nerf heavy armor to the point where it is nearly the same as medium armor intentionally though right? Maybe a glitch in the diminishing returns formula for heavy armor? Maybe something is wrong with taking armor values into account for heavy armor. I dunno, but 29% damage reduction from heavy armor seems...well, not very 'heavy.'


You're in the wrong stance...

Edited by Kabaal
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In PvE I still don't see a difference other than I'm actually tougher now after augmented gear.

Black Hole, Belsavis dailies etc. I just pull camps and let Yuun have at them. I've lost about 25% health when done with the packs and just charge a few ticks of Reload.


No idea about PvP. I got bored about that a while ago, as the only thing you were up against in most matches was dot Marauders and "omg I shoot lightning!" sorcs. Types you melted from already.

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In PvE I still don't see a difference other than I'm actually tougher now after augmented gear.

Black Hole, Belsavis dailies etc. I just pull camps and let Yuun have at them. I've lost about 25% health when done with the packs and just charge a few ticks of Reload.


No idea about PvP. I got bored about that a while ago, as the only thing you were up against in most matches was dot Marauders and "omg I shoot lightning!" sorcs. Types you melted from already.


There has definitely been a change, if you played with elara healing you, as many of us have, for a long time - you would see what's going on.

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There has definitely been a change, if you played with elara healing you, as many of us have, for a long time - you would see what's going on.


Exactly, which I haven't as it's dreadfully slow to use Elara.

In theory you also take more damage over time by having her active due to her useless killing speed, where as Yuun or Aric mincemeat mobs before hurting you enough.

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