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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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That would be all fine and well if you hadn't checked the Box marked " Accept the terms and agreements " in America we have this thing called " fine print"


the small print does not go above the law, sale of good act trumps small print for a non functioning product.

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Again, claiming to be an expert. I'd put some weight into your argument if you had some sort of experience in the field.


News flash: This is an MMO. Every MMO has patches/hotfixes/downtimes. That's how they improve.


Regular games get sent out the door with bugs all the time. The developers wash their hands of the game as soon as it releases. You should thank BioWare for their quick response to the problem, and their continued improvements.


Quick response, well ya, they have to respond quick, its an online mmo, not like KOTOR where they sent out a couple patches to make the game playable, but never fixed the hundreds of bugs people told them about. This is a monthly based income, not a one shot wonder. If anyone has ever played the first two games, they knew BW was bound to make mistakes, its just part of programming.

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not to sound biased or anything, but SWTOR actually has had the smoothest first couple months of any MMO ive played.


i mean does anyone remember the first year of WoW? servers were down CONSTANTLY. crazy game breaking bugs all the time. hell everytime they released a raid in vanilla there was at least 3 bosses that were literally impossible to beat because of bugs rofl.


anyone whining about how its "unacceptable" doesn't understand how games work. would you rather they leave the game broken just so you can play? never fix anything so theres no downtime? don't be ridiculous. something was wrong, so they're fixing it. i'm GLAD they're fixing it.


anyone who's played an MMO before knows "big patch = downtime".


Yeah big patch = big downtime. So 8 hours yesterday (which then a large portion of us couldn't log in for patch server issues), 4 hours this morning and now another 7 hours. Then we have to hope that dosen't require another downtime for more patching.

Edited by Nooblock
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This might make sense if the game hadn't been "Coming soon" for 6 years and 3~4 months now. :o


Again and that was what 5-10 years ago? and on top of it they were the pioneers who were doing a lot of that stuff for the first time with no reference or 10 years worth of previous mmos to learn from....


No excuse for that kind of irrational logic, in today's age where small nobody companies make decent MMOs, this is a disaster, and no its not a bunch of people crying, its a bunch of paying customers voicing their opinions because they are dissatisfied with a faulty and broken product that was falsely advertised. If you are rich and don't mind paying money for mediocre products then good for you.


If you love the game/Star Wars franchise so much that you love any turd with a Star Wars stamp on it, hey good for you, but don't think that everyone else has the same ideals, some of us would like to see the top notch quality that this game deserves and wont settle for less.

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Growing pains. Be patient folks!


People saying that the game should be F2P, or that they're unsubbing or quitting aren't helping anything at all. Constructive criticism/feedback will help this game get better.


Go ahead and leave... I'd rather play with the loyal people anyways.


Ahh... So, you're not seeing the forest for the trees. There are many issues here at hand. In a post NGE world, (the one we currently live in) many people aren't going to be willing to put up with a company that doesn't listen to the community. Much like EA/BW has been with the SWTOR community from the start. Not to mention the downtime, lack of consistent bugfixes/patches, lack of clear communication. People are making bigger statements by cancelling their subs than the | smokers are making by praising everything this dev team does. Why do you think that there are so many servers that are nearly empty?

Personally I am not very thrilled by 1.2. The bugfixes should be going in weekly with scheduled downtime. Small patches being added and thoroughly tested need to be added. Allow copying of live characters to test server... You'll never get it right in live testing in a sterile environment. SOE should have taught that! BW needs to get it together and try learning a thing or 2 from Sony, Blizard, Turbine, Atari, etc about how to produce and develop MMORPG.


1 Day free... laughable at best. What a lame start... but it is ONLY a start. How about listening to the community and what we want sometimes? Does BW ever think that the community might have as much or more knowledge about MMO mechanics? How many MMO's has BW produced/developed and how many are out there? Quite a few of us (myself included) have played MMO's for over 12 years. I've been through enough game launches, expansion launches, major patches, game updates, Combat Upgrades, and the all god forsaken New Game Enhancements.


All I'm saying is don't be too proud to get somebody that knows what's going on and ask for some help... You'll stand to keep customers, make more money and have a much better product overall. Don't try to describe the scenery if you've never seen it.

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the small print does not go above the law, sale of good act trumps small print for a non functioning product.


Absolutely incorrect. Any court of law will look at the EULA to determine whether legal rights have been modified.

Edited by irdc
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not to sound biased or anything, but SWTOR actually has had the smoothest first couple months of any MMO ive played.


i mean does anyone remember the first year of WoW? servers were down CONSTANTLY. crazy game breaking bugs all the time. hell everytime they released a raid in vanilla there was at least 3 bosses that were literally impossible to beat because of bugs rofl.


anyone whining about how its "unacceptable" doesn't understand how games work. would you rather they leave the game broken just so you can play? never fix anything so theres no downtime? don't be ridiculous. something was wrong, so they're fixing it. i'm GLAD they're fixing it.


anyone who's played an MMO before knows "big patch = downtime".




I know this, because I've played more than one MMO in my lifetime. And anyone who didn't expect snafoos like this (or even worse) to happen with a newly released MMO, you're either delusional, new to the MMO thing (in which case, welcome), or you're just here to troll on behalf of the MMO game you like that's not this. In either case, whatever. These kinds of people crawl out of the woodwork and onto the forums of every new MMO. Swtor is no different.

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Yeah big patch = big downtime. So 8 hours yesterday (which then a large portion of us couldn't log in for patch server issues), 4 hours this morning and now another 7 hours. Then we have to hope that dosen't require another downtime for more matching.


Hold on tight, I remember when Blizzard broke WoW so bad one patch the game was down for just over 24 hours! I do hope this doesn't end up going that long though. Hey, on a side note, I am watching bruce lees big boss movie for the first time on netflix!

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Incompetence. Really, that is all it is. The patch was working just fine, and then some idiots at bioware felt the need to take the servers down for the third day in a row, and messed something up in the process...


So because someone didn't take their herpaderpin today, we all get to pay for it.



Why should we have to pay for a game that is down when it isn't supposed to be, for twelve hours at a time?


Get your **** together bioware, or move to F2P.


I really wish you had read your own signature before you posted this...

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Hold on tight, I remember when Blizzard broke WoW so bad one patch the game was down for just over 24 hours! I do hope this doesn't end up going that long though. Hey, on a side note, I am watching bruce lees big boss movie for the first time on netflix!


Have to get this one in.


BW are doing things a bit different, instead of one big 24 hour downtime, they're doing it in stages of 8 hours at a time just to make it more palatable.

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these ppl are mad if they don't think one of the biggest gaming companies of all time don't have great legal advice lol


and they are crying about "lost game time" even tho they just got free 30days and are now getting an extra day aswell

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and they are crying about "lost game time" even tho they just got free 30days and are now getting an extra day aswell


I wish people would quit spouting misinformation. Only people that have a Level 50 toon got 30 days of free time. Everyone else DID NOT get those 30 days.

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"EA has also been caught manipulating media outlets into giving favorable coverage. Another anonymous blogger who claims to be a former viral marketer for EA asserts that his job (and many more like him) was to “troll” popular websites and forums under the guise of a normal user with the intention of derailing bad publicity.


Because admitting there’s a problem and working towards improving would be too obvious, EA’s spokesman John Reseburg released the following statement to GamesIndustry.biz: ”We’re sure that bank presidents, oil, tobacco and weapons companies are all relieved they weren’t on the list this year. We’re going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.”


You certainly don’t need an evil decoder ring to translate that. As long as consumers keep buying EA’s unfinished games and critics keep handing out inflated review scores, the company seemingly doesn’t intend to change."


I had to quote this one lol

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According to UK law UK citizens have the right to demand their money back under the Sale of Goods Act 1979:


Under the Sale of Goods Act of 1979, traders are legally responsible to sell goods and services which are


‘as described’, meaning the the actual product must match any description(s) given to the customer before purchase

of satisfactory quality, that is they are of a standard that would reasonably be expected taking into consideration the price paid and description. The law considers goods of satisfactory quality to be free from minor defects, durable, safe, and of satisfactory appearance and finish.

fit for all purposes made known to the seller at the time of purchase as described

The act states that if goods turn out to not fulfill any of these criteria you have the right to demand a refund from the seller as long it is within a reasonable time of the purchase.


and im pretty sure this is not fit for purpose, people that rant give them time and all that you forget you are PAYING for this.


So take them to court... see if you win

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