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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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Neither did Blizzard, neither did 989 Studios. No MMO's are flawless, and it's assenine to think this one was going to be.




There is a vast difference between having downtime to get everything up and running, and being down 20+ hours a week. This is total crap, you're being a fan boy and trying to convince yourself that it will all get better and then it will be roses and sunshine.


It won't in the forseeable future. The problem isn't with the game, or the software. It's with Bioware as a company.

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Relax. Its not that Important :)



Windows has detected you do not have a keyboard. Press 'F9" to continue.


I just found out that the brain is like a computer. If that's true, then there really aren't any stupid people. Just people running DOS.


"The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents."


Programming is like sex, one mistake and you are supporting it for the rest of your life.


"1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d"


"My software never has bugs. It just develops random features."


"Geek's favorite pickup line: Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform? "


Last but not least!


SWTOR isn't a virus, viruses do something."


Smile, go enjoy your day.

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If MMO players used all that rage to make people's lives better IRL(against gonvernemts,corruption, poverty etc) the world would be a better place to live and there would be no need for virtual reality worlds.... Kinda sad to watch it...


The last people to "rage" against their government to make their lives better left 17 dead.


Now thats "Kinda sad to watch". Dont mix virtual reality and reality.

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AW, damnit... I left for like 10 minutes and come back to this crap again?? You emo kids are making it hard for me to get my luls while the servers are down. Go back to the nonsense we witnessed back on page 100ish.


At any rate, I'm just glad to have my scotch and Klondike bar.

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All I know is I would not want to be there (Bioware) when the poodoo hits the fan Monday morning and they (devs etc) have to explain what happened. I doubt anyone is fired but they might wish they were. And I would not want to be the BW/LA Liason.


But on a lighter note, do you think the Emperor (Vaders timeline) ever said...


"Lord Vader.... Pull my finger?"



Edited by SikrouDeco
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There is a vast difference between having downtime to get everything up and running, and being down 20+ hours a week. This is total crap, you're being a fan boy and trying to convince yourself that it will all get better and then it will be roses and sunshine.


It won't in the forseeable future. The problem isn't with the game, or the software. It's with Bioware as a company.


You are correct, sometimes the servers in WoW would be down for more than 20hrs in a week. Thanks for pointing that out.:tran_grin:

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There is a vast difference between having downtime to get everything up and running, and being down 20+ hours a week. This is total crap, you're being a fan boy and trying to convince yourself that it will all get better and then it will be roses and sunshine.


It won't in the forseeable future. The problem isn't with the game, or the software. It's with Bioware as a company.


So being reasonable is being a fan boy?


Did BioWare run over your dog or something?

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Nerd - Rage"- NOOO i Wanna Play NAO ! after 5 min , NAO NAO NAO !


Troll - Im UnSubscribing, Neeva Gonna Play again ! each sec.


Normal Guy - Out with friends to bar, watches some movies, Get some Snoo Snoo with his Girlfriend, woke up after a Crazy Night, Checks SWTOR , Still maintenance o_O? Phone rings up '' Yo yo wazuuup Dowg, to bar ? Let's Roll :cool: nothing to do anyway at the moment, yea see ya there Peace Bro." Look's behind him WUUT , Girls who the hell are you where's my Girl ? :D


You forgot one:


Super-Nerd - Well, I do have a life membership in LotRO...For the Free Peoples!

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I thought I'd post a small request that I hope will be considered in the future. I'm really enjoying the game so far but after the 1.2 patch, I've felt a bit angry at not realising what exactly would change overnight.


I've very recently got to level 50 and thought I'd equip my character with the best gear I could find on the market place so I'd be as effective as possible for starting to do the pvp properly. I put all my warzone cms into mercenary cms (to about 400 merc) and I spent about 600k on gear and another 100k on crafting to re-engineer purples (and was not successful with any of them). About 3 days later, after the patch, all the gear I had bought and equipped was redundant following the PvP Recruit Vendor (although I think it is a really good idea) and I will have lost two thirds of all the pvp I have done so far since if I want to change the mercenary cms back, it is now at a 10:10 ratio from 30:10.


I just feel annoyed that for someone who assumed wouldn't be screwed over by any updates to the game, I have now wiped out all of my cash and pvp savings in the space of a few days when if I'd known these massive changes would take place, I would have waited and only had to spend about 100k and waited for the re-engineering percentages to go up.


Please in the future, can you put an alert on the launcher or something to tell players that they REALLY need to read the patch notes asap to avoid any 'disappointments'.


Sorry to whinge at you like that but I feel somewhat annoyed with all that effort gone to waste.

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