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The 1.2 Failure opinion Post,Tell them why your mad!


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My guild exists on Keetael, a light population server. Warzones are scarce except on days that WE start them (i.e., Blood Tithe has the largest concentration of 50s on the server, and we are the only guild that can field two 8-man teams consistently). Now, even though Blood Tithe has a reputation for being brutal in PvP, not ALL of our tagged members are good at it (a fact I've had to explain to them...just as adding a NOS sticker to your car does not make it faster).


So in our PvP fests against each other in the past, even if the losing team got blown out in a 6-0 Titheball match (yes, that is what our server calls it) they still saw some sort of reward without the need to go "medal hunting" (which objective based PvPers will agree is detrimental to a winning effort).


Now, if you're in a losing match up, "medal hunting" is absolutely necessary to get any sort of credit for the warzone. And when you're forced to "medal hunt", you further decrease your ability to organize a winning effort. You often eliminate yourself entirely from any sort of concerted effort to win just to get these "medals".


TL;DR verson: the medal system and current three medal requirement is going to screw over a lot of the casual and less skilled PvP players, which is going to kill matches for the rest of us. Commander Sheppard does not approve.

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Ok, so, when the whole TOR advertisements and magazine articles started, it was all about the story. Bioware is known for that. Did anyone ever actually play the 2 original games this is based off of? There was really nothing about "this will be the greatest PVP game in the world!" at all. Actually, very little about PvP.


So, you are a major PvP'er type player and you complain about a game that is not exactly all about PvP? Really? Kind of like a chef complaining that when he goes to McDonalds to cook there are no pots and pans.


Look, the game is mainly geared towards story, which is usually PvE. I understand all you "I only like PvP!" types out there are a bit peeved, but there really are better PvP games out there for you.

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You claim to be good, so for you getting medals isn't hard. So you should be happy with 1.2 (minus the non existent ranked WZ ofc). The baddies claim to get no medals so they should be mad about 1.2. Correct?


What's the gear you are talking about? You can get the Battlemaster set no? O_o I think I'm not getting your point on the gear topic, please clarify.


*** are this medals and comes good for when you have full bm gear?

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I think I love you. Or atleast hate the same things you hate. I also think Halo ruined gaming, and saw it coming way back then. I used to play Half Life, Quake, Doom, and all the good FPS games. I played games back when people got made fun of for playing games. Then with Halo and Call of Duty and Madden becoming so popular, all the jock idiots that used to think games were for nerds started playing and now call themselves a nerd. "I'm a nerd because I play Madden" No you aren't, you are a football jock who can't get enough football.


Guess what, those guys are sadly video games target audience now. Bioware has usually tried to make games that don't pander to them, such as Dragon Age, and Mass Effect recently, but the gaming community as a whole has gone down the crapper. Now we have proof on these forums.


I’ve felt the same way for some time now. The paradigm shift in gaming is as blatant as ever and no matter how much you attempt to point that out, the “scrub” continues to blatantly deny and/or intimidate (through flawed and non-logical means) to persuade you otherwise. I find it not only offensive that developers key in to these people, but also stupid. From a business standpoint, they are focusing on short-term customers who band-wagon from one MMO to the next instead of a loyal, well-developed community (like what SWG had).




the only thing i really hate right now is that pvp is even more commendation grind lol

except for some crafted stuff


And I don't think that's the direction Bioware should go. Gameplay should always be the main focus of any game, followed by good programming, graphics, and then voice-acting and all the other superfluous BS.



Also on an unrelated and annoying note--I hate the entire concept of "tl;dr" I shouldn't have to write one sentence to cater to all the high-school drop-outs and occupy wall street people. The fact that something like that (yes, a meme I know) exists only proves my point that nobody puts any effort toward anything anymore. It's rather sad, the level of defeatism you find today (in everything from school to politics and gaming).

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Honestly, I couldn't give 2 *****s about Ranked Warzones. Oh no!!! I need to shows off my skillz. Mommy, give me attention because my Rank is so awesome.


Obviously, that is an over-exaggeration and stereotype, but I think it is somewhat fitting. Yesterday, I played all of the warzones about evenly, people didn't drop from the team as soon as we went down in points, making the loss even more probable. (Actually, in about 80% of the Novar Coasts I played the team that came out strong and got the lead first ended up losing, it seems like it is meant for comeback games). Like someone said, more people played games for the objective of the game not just "I need to do 400k damage" because now you get rewarded for scoring in huttball, helping cap a cannon, planting a bomb, and all.


The warzones were actually fun yesterday. Can't you play to play not simply play out of necessity as a time sink so that you can show off just how much time you played.


Personally, I wish they would stop focus on Ranked Warzones and add in real incentives for world PvP. The worlds to explore are well made, but once you level there is no reason to go to them again. Shame really.


Yes I do need to show off my skillz. That is why I play PVP, so I can kill noobs like u. I couldnt care less about PVE and Legacy stuff...thats for little kids who still like reading stories with dragons. Press 5 buttons in the same sequence and you WIN GOOD JOB LITTLE BOY!

Me on the other hand...i don't play this for 2 h spamming same 5 buttons. I pvp for 14h/day and yes I want it to be balanced and great! That is why I came to this game, caz I heard that the PVP was competitive and nice!

I know BW is working on it and with this free month I will be patient until they fix it but dont settle for less.

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Medal hunting ? why, ! of course you have to hunt for medals.. how else will you get your commendations now ? or should we just be happy with looking at duck eggs on our score board and leave with nothing ?! :p


Medal hunting (as little as it was there before) is absolutely gone. Unless, you're a horrid player or came in as the game ended, in which case you deserve nothing. They added so many new medals, along with the already easy to get medals, you almost have to purposely avoid medals to not get 3. Doing objective now get you easy medals, just running around smacking enemies gets you easy medals, hell ending the game faster gets you medals... Stop complaining, the new system is the way it should be. Everyone has become too accustom to systems that still give you good rewards for losing. This isn't the YMCA soccer team. If you lose you shouldn't get much, and if you win you should be rewarded. That's what makes things competitive. Most reward systems nowadays would allow to you be terrible and just fail through content or even purposely fail so it goes by faster and yet still get the same rewards as those who worked hard and played well. That, to anyone with a brain, is what we should be complaining about. Otherwise, why try in WZs? If we can get the same stuff for losing and not trying, why bother prolonging the matches? Just let the other team win, get your easy rewards, and then act like you're amazing. I miss the old days of MMOs that required time, effort, team coordination, and just generally actually having to think about what you're doing. This new age causal care bear stuff is boring and killing the MMO genre.

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Also on an unrelated and annoying note--I hate the entire concept of "tl;dr" I shouldn't have to write one sentence to cater to all the high-school drop-outs and occupy wall street people. The fact that something like that (yes, a meme I know) exists only proves my point that nobody puts any effort toward anything anymore. It's rather sad, the level of defeatism you find today (in everything from school to politics and gaming).


You sir, are a hero to all. Never give up, never surrender.

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I don't see the problem...so far.


After playing quite a few matches in the 1-49 WZ, yes...I was irked at first by the brutality that had occurred. I'm getting trounced. Abused. Bum ***** with no lube. I'm trying different characters (i.e. different classes). I'm playing "old school".


But then it aaaaall clicked and I started to get a "global" view.


I watched other classes go through pains. I started performing differently. Trying new things. Adapting. Then...each role started to really fill out. There actually was a degree of balance. The roles made more sense. The combat made more sense.


I have no issues, so far, with PvP.

Will 50 wz's change this? Maybe...but so far I'm doubting it.


EDIT: Oh...and I really don't care if Ranked Warzones were delayed. If it's to make them work properly instead of having the forums explode with "I HaZ no STATZ!!1!1!", "MY ST@TZ are Fffffuuuuuuuuuuu!".....yeah....I'll wait.

Edited by Moondragon
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Medal hunting (as little as it was there before) is absolutely gone. Unless, you're a horrid player or came in as the game ended, in which case you deserve nothing. They added so many new medals, along with the already easy to get medals, you almost have to purposely avoid medals to not get 3. Doing objective now get you easy medals, just running around smacking enemies gets you easy medals, hell ending the game faster gets you medals... Stop complaining, the new system is the way it should be. Everyone has become too accustom to systems that still give you good rewards for losing. This isn't the YMCA soccer team. If you lose you shouldn't get much, and if you win you should be rewarded. That's what makes things competitive. Most reward systems nowadays would allow to you be terrible and just fail through content or even purposely fail so it goes by faster and yet still get the same rewards as those who worked hard and played well. That, to anyone with a brain, is what we should be complaining about. Otherwise, why try in WZs? If we can get the same stuff for losing and not trying, why bother prolonging the matches? Just let the other team win, get your easy rewards, and then act like you're amazing. I miss the old days of MMOs that required time, effort, team coordination, and just generally actually having to think about what you're doing. This new age causal care bear stuff is boring and killing the MMO genre.



QFT! Stop complaining about the medal system whiners....

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I still like the PvP system. But there is a post on here that proves what one person said about many dedicated PvP'ers being nothing more than the "bully jocks". It calls everyone who likes the story phase "kids". Really? Obviously this person has probably never picked up a book in their life except those they were told to.


Ok, like I said before, you want dedicated PvP, go to a dedicated PvP style game. There are tons out there. But please do not come in this game calling people who enjoy a different type of play names just because they are not dedicated PvP style players. It only shows off ignorance and the inability to accept another persons opinion.


I have no problem with dedicated PvP gaming, and have enjoyed many of those. Playing Halo online with my friends on a team was some great times. Unfortunatly we got to good so we had a hard time finding anyone to game against us. Actually, as one person put it, it was simply mindless key smashing and such.


You want some great PvP? Try it on a game where it is NOT balanced. Where you have challanges and not simply fighting the same type of character you are, just called something different and a different costume.

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Tell them why your mad!


Lol, I love that post.


I'm mad at people complaining about anything and everything in this game. I'll never work in a customer service department, that's for sure. So many people complain.


Ok, you're unsubbing. The community doesn't care.


I'm aware of the irony. Nobody cares what I think.

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The thing that makes me mad is how regardless of gettin 6-10 medals, if you lose, then you still get the shaft in WZs now. I got 8 medals one WZ and we lose. It gave me 16xx valor and 32 commendations..... WHAT!?!?!?! You mean I just wasted 20 minutes of my life working hard to still end up losing a match and now only get 30 comms and a whopping 16xx valor? Last night, I was getting the same amount of medals and losing, and still got like high 70s and 80s in comms and 2700-2900 valor. Why should I even waste my time in warzones to get gear when it would take 50 WZs to buy a BM relic lol; that is ridiculous. I can't imagine how long it would take to get a main hand weapon. Even the warzones where I have won since 1.2 havent yielded as much valor or as many comms as they did last night. This is just insane. I PvP for fun, not to waste my time in what feels like a never ending grind for gear just so I don't get steamrolled by the repubs who are much higher geared bc of the uneven distribution of skilled pvpers on my server. Republics win like 6-7 out of 10 matches on average of warzones I have been in. So how is it balanced to make the losing team suffer and basically never get gear while the Repubs or the OP faction get the new gear way before? Fix this BW, please!
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and i heard there team of dev's suck in pvp this is why they can't get it right....


I'm also mad at people for not understanding this. Being good in PvP and knowing what's good for PvP are two different things. In fact, it's like that for so many things. You don't have to be a hall of fame quater-back to be a successful general manager. You don't need to be a musician to know about music or even compose.


Alas, I made another useless post, because people think only good players know what's good or not for a game (even if they are just as biased as any other player).

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