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The 1.2 Failure opinion Post,Tell them why your mad!


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I seen many post around Ppl talking about how a failure BW is and how mad you are about the deception of ranked war zones not being added as promised to our community,now they are saying it will be released in phases lol w.t.f really phases,are you trying to play with us just like a children with promises of candy and popcorn when all your giving us is Sour cream and bad bread and is sounding like a mix for a bad yeast infection,they talk about having patience,would you ahve patience with me if my sub expires and will you let me play and have patience till i can get the money to pay?,i dot think so why should i be patient when i wont get the same patience back?,is been over 12 months this game was in beta and over 2 years in production and you mean to tell me now is when they figured out issues with ranked BS..


I think Bioware lost grip on the ball and they don't know wth they are doing at this point,PVE is no skill required,but in pvp they have no clue of whats going on,and i heard there team of dev's suck in pvp this is why they can't get it right....

Edited by GodKilla
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It would seem that 3/4 of the forum are made up of entitlement gamers; they want something to be as easy as it can possibly be with little risk and great reward and freak the hell out when faced with any sort of adversity or challenge.


People do very little to meta-game anymore (by meta-game, I mean a game system layered over the game system, to increase enjoyable complexity, or a game system by which game rules are created. Subsequently, this means that players must have an operating on knowledge of the current strategic trends within a game).




Examples of this are;


There is a special set of moves in chess which allows a player to win in four moves. Competitor A has been watching Competitor B play chess, and the past five games in a row Competitor B has attempted to use this four-move win. When Competitor A sits down to play against Competitor B, Competitor A will be metagaming if he/she plays in a way that will easily thwart the four-move checkmate before Competitor B makes it obvious that this is what he/she is doing.


In fighting games such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl, metagaming may occur at the character select screen. The opposing character has various strengths that can be avoided and weaknesses that can be exploited more easily depending on the character you choose provided you are aware of those strengths and weaknesses (called a "match up"). For a basic example, a character with a projectile attack has the advantage over a grappler who must be close to the opponent to be effective. Match up metagaming is very important in tournament settings. In recent fighting games, blind select has been implemented for online modes. This makes it so that neither player can see what character the other player chose. In tournaments, players have the option to opt for a blind select where they tell a judge in confidence the character they intend to select in the match, making their character choice mandatory.


In role-playing games, a player is metagaming when they use knowledge that is not available to their character in order to change the way they play their character (usually to give them an advantage within the game), such as knowledge of the mathematical nature of character statistics, or the statistics of a creature that the player is familiar with but the character has never encountered. In general, it refers to any gaps between player knowledge and character knowledge which the player acts upon.




That's why I feel in order to both understand and come to terms with the reality/evolution of an MMORPG, you must be able to be aware (of all classes abilities, equipment, mods, weapons, buffs, etc) and be able to compensate for the weaknesses your class may have while employing the greatest strengths that your class may have.


I suggest reading the article located here: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html|


Allow me to quote from the article directly...


"Introducing...the Scrub


In the world of Street Fighter competition, there is a word for players who aren't good: "scrub." Everyone begins as a scrub---it takes time to learn the game to get to a point where you know what you're doing. There is the mistaken notion, though, that by merely continuing to play or "learn" the game, that one can become a top player. In reality, the "scrub" has many more mental obstacles to overcome than anything actually going on during the game. The scrub has lost the game even before it starts. He's lost the game before he's chosen his character. He's lost the game even before the decision of which game is to be played has been made. His problem? He does not play to win.


The scrub would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevent him from ever truly competing. These made-up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant. In Street Fighter, for example, the scrub labels a wide variety of tactics and situations "cheap." So-called "cheapness" is truly the mantra of the scrub. Performing a throw on someone often called cheap. A throw is a special kind of move that grabs an opponent and damages him, even when the opponent is defending against all other kinds of attacks. The entire purpose of the throw is to be able to damage an opponent who sits and blocks and doesn't attack. As far as the game is concerned, throwing is an integral part of the design--it's meant to be there--yet the scrub has constructed his own set of principles in his mind that state he should be totally impervious to all attacks while blocking. The scrub thinks of blocking as a kind of magic shield which will protect him indefinitely. Why? Exploring the reasoning is futile since the notion is ridiculous from the start."


I feel that this is the type of gamer that Bioware must contend with.



But for the most part, people will complain simply to complain and that's the gist of my argument.

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whats the point in Q'ing when all is the same and no progression,can't get ranked gear till god knows when and and if they failed this early in the start of the game it will keep failing,we have given alot of time to this game and many will not go thru another wow vanilla experience,this company had alot of time to get this right,and ppl wont PTS cause they wont waste there subs time on testing for them while using there payed time so pts is just a way to see whats coming but many dont even look for bugs but new features lol how's that helping,if they made test servers F2T or reward Testers with game time maybe they would get more ppl to test instead of some retarded Title that does not give you any beneficial gains....
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whats the point in Q'ing when all is the same and no progression,can't get ranked gear till god knows when and and if they failed this early in the start of the game it will keep failing,we have given alot of time to this game and many will not go thru another wow vanilla experience,this company had alot of time to get this right,and ppl wont PTS cause they wont waste there subs time on testing for them while using there payed time so pts is just a way to see whats coming but many dont even look for bugs but new features lol how's that helping,if they made test servers F2T or reward Testers with game time maybe they would get more ppl to test instead of some retarded Title that does not give you any beneficial gains....


See my earlier post for details.



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I had the best time since launch last night. I solo qued everytime, I played objectives, I was rewarded for those efforts and had a blast.


im sorry..but how did you post so quickly to this post..you must have started typing your response the second this post hit the forum...i smell a shill

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I am not mad, a little disappointed maybe. I don't want to play in buggy, unfinished rated WZ's. I would rather wait for the finished product.


Edit: I enjoyed the new WZ yesterday, but it seemed like it ended to fast.

Edited by Kajanii
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Honestly, I couldn't give 2 *****s about Ranked Warzones. Oh no!!! I need to shows off my skillz. Mommy, give me attention because my Rank is so awesome.


Obviously, that is an over-exaggeration and stereotype, but I think it is somewhat fitting. Yesterday, I played all of the warzones about evenly, people didn't drop from the team as soon as we went down in points, making the loss even more probable. (Actually, in about 80% of the Novar Coasts I played the team that came out strong and got the lead first ended up losing, it seems like it is meant for comeback games). Like someone said, more people played games for the objective of the game not just "I need to do 400k damage" because now you get rewarded for scoring in huttball, helping cap a cannon, planting a bomb, and all.


The warzones were actually fun yesterday. Can't you play to play not simply play out of necessity as a time sink so that you can show off just how much time you played.


Personally, I wish they would stop focus on Ranked Warzones and add in real incentives for world PvP. The worlds to explore are well made, but once you level there is no reason to go to them again. Shame really.

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I had the best time since launch last night. I solo qued everytime, I played objectives, I was rewarded for those efforts and had a blast.


Hey I did that to! :D Thought it was pretty good overall.


See my earlier post for details.


Nice post.

Edited by Acindo
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Honestly, I couldn't give 2 *****s about Ranked Warzones. Oh no!!! I need to shows off my skillz. Mommy, give me attention because my Rank is so awesome.


Obviously, that is an over-exaggeration and stereotype, but I think it is somewhat fitting. Yesterday, I played all of the warzones about evenly, people didn't drop from the team as soon as we went down in points, making the loss even more probable. (Actually, in about 80% of the Novar Coasts I played the team that came out strong and got the lead first ended up losing, it seems like it is meant for comeback games). Like someone said, more people played games for the objective of the game not just "I need to do 400k damage" because now you get rewarded for scoring in huttball, helping cap a cannon, planting a bomb, and all.


The warzones were actually fun yesterday. Can't you play to play not simply play out of necessity as a time sink so that you can show off just how much time you played.


Personally, I wish they would stop focus on Ranked Warzones and add in real incentives for world PvP. The worlds to explore are well made, but once you level there is no reason to go to them again. Shame really.


Isn't it sad that MLG has that much influence in gaming now? People think that K/D ratios are the determining factor in what makes a player "good." I just giggle myself from one thread to the next over this kind of thing. In the post-Halo 2 era of gaming, I blame the majority of the most obnoxious gaming groups on the MLG mentality.

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I am mar because there are so many drama queens who are not pperly equipef, do not play in a Premade, dont use warzone medpacks or warzone adrenalins, and still think they are entitled to judge pvp.



Guess what, you are the bottom of the barrel. And you lack the experience to judge

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im sorry..but how did you post so quickly to this post..you must have started typing your response the second this post hit the forum...i smell a shill


They are all shills. BW needs to spend less time on ghostwriters on the forum and more time working on the game.


It is obvious from the 30 day free pass that suddenly appeared that people are unsubscribing in droves. BW is a for-profit company obviously. And just as obviously, they are not going to give away 30 free days out of the kindness of their hearts.


The vast majority of the flood of posts trying to defend all these changes are also just as obviously BW ghostwriters.


What ever. You can flood the forums as much as you want with this nonsense but you arent going to change reality. Reality is enough people are quitting that they had to give away 30 free days to stem the tide.


Use the time and resources to fix the problems that are causing the flood of unsubscribers. Not all these nonesense posts to try and hide the issues people have. Its just ridiculous.

Edited by TzachNahRood
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Honestly, I couldn't give 2 *****s about Ranked Warzones. Oh no!!! I need to shows off my skillz. Mommy, give me attention because my Rank is so awesome.


Obviously, that is an over-exaggeration and stereotype, but I think it is somewhat fitting. Yesterday, I played all of the warzones about evenly, people didn't drop from the team as soon as we went down in points, making the loss even more probable. (Actually, in about 80% of the Novar Coasts I played the team that came out strong and got the lead first ended up losing, it seems like it is meant for comeback games). Like someone said, more people played games for the objective of the game not just "I need to do 400k damage" because now you get rewarded for scoring in huttball, helping cap a cannon, planting a bomb, and all.


The warzones were actually fun yesterday. Can't you play to play not simply play out of necessity as a time sink so that you can show off just how much time you played.


Personally, I wish they would stop focus on Ranked Warzones and add in real incentives for world PvP. The worlds to explore are well made, but once you level there is no reason to go to them again. Shame really.


well i see your a pve'r and you dont care about pvp and maybe a baddie and have no pvp skill,yes im in this to show momy my skills in owning ppl like you,i want ranked for the simple reason that i dont pve and all i do all day is pvp and ranked WZ's was the only thing me and my entire guild of face rapers where waiting for to own and keep moving forward with tournaments etc but i guess you dont know anything about that cause you migth be focused on the pve aspect of the game,and about it being broken is that a joke?,you know how much broken **** is already ingame on live server lol,get your facts right buddy...

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I'm mad about all the bads spouting nonsense about 1.2. I played 10 WZs or so across multiple characters last night. Some pre-50 and on my 50. Over all pvp is more interesting with the changes to classes and most noticeably in the 50s bracket.


Good healers are still good. They are still cranking out tons of heals and if protected will make their team win. YES EVEN BH/Troop is still good heals.


Good Merc/Commandos are still wrecking out that pain even with the nerfs.


Recruit gear made fresh 50s a fighting chance. People with BM or even Champ still have higher expertise, but it's not as drastic as fresh 50s with no expertise.


Quitters haven't gone up. Most people will stay till the end because you only don't get a reward IF you don't get 3 medals. It's stupid easy to get 3 medals even if your team is being farmed by the enemy. I don't agree with the credit reduction for loses and I think they need to fine tune the overall rewards, but it was a step in the right direction because you used to get way too many WZ comms and you had NOTHING TO SPEND IT ON.


I think the biggest problem people are having is that you used to rely on RNG to get all your endgame pvp gear. RNG was like playing the slot machines/lotto. You felt you always had a chance. Now that people can see the linear gear progression it scares them. Who cares that it took them roughly the same time to get BM gear.... it's the fact they can see the numbers and crunch it to figure out roughly how long it will take to get there.


Overall a lot of people are over reacting. 1.2 isn't as bad as everyone on the forums would like to make it seem. It wasn't the jesus patch people were hoping for, but it also won't be the patch that kills the game either.


That is my 2 cents.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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they are all shills. Bw needs to spend less time on ghostwriters on the forum and more time working on the game.


It is obvious from the 30 day free pass that suddenly appeared that people are unsubscribing in droves. Bw is a for-profit company obviously. And just as obviously, they are not going to give away 30 free days out of the kindness of their hearts.


The vast majority of the flood of posts trying to defend all these changes are also just as obviously bw ghostwriters.


What ever. You can flood the forums as much as you want with this nonsense but you arent going to change reality. Reality is enough people are quitting that they had to give away 30 free days to stem the tide.


Use the time and resources to fix the problems that are causing the flood of unsubscribers. Not all these nonesense posts to try and hide the issues people have. Its just ridiculous.


amen!:D to that bud!

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Isn't it sad that MLG has that much influence in gaming now? People think that K/D ratios are the determining factor in what makes a player "good." I just giggle myself from one thread to the next over this kind of thing. In the post-Halo 2 era of gaming, I blame the majority of the most obnoxious gaming groups on the MLG mentality.


I think I love you. Or atleast hate the same things you hate. I also think Halo ruined gaming, and saw it coming way back then. I used to play Half Life, Quake, Doom, and all the good FPS games. I played games back when people got made fun of for playing games. Then with Halo and Call of Duty and Madden becoming so popular, all the jock idiots that used to think games were for nerds started playing and now call themselves a nerd. "I'm a nerd because I play Madden" No you aren't, you are a football jock who can't get enough football.


Guess what, those guys are sadly video games target audience now. Bioware has usually tried to make games that don't pander to them, such as Dragon Age, and Mass Effect recently, but the gaming community as a whole has gone down the crapper. Now we have proof on these forums.

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I'm mad about all the bads spouting nonsense about 1.2. I played 10 WZs or so across multiple characters last night. Some pre-50 and on my 50. Over all pvp is more interesting with the changes to classes and most noticeably in the 50s bracket.


Good healers are still good. They are still cranking out tons of heals and if protected will make their team win. YES EVEN BH/Troop is still good heals.


Good Merc/Commandos are still wrecking out that pain even with the nerfs.


Recruit gear made fresh 50s a fighting chance. People with BM or even Champ still have higher expertise, but it's not as drastic as fresh 50s with no expertise.


Quitters haven't gone up. Most people will stay till the end because you only don't get a reward IF you don't get 3 medals. It's stupid easy to get 3 medals even if your team is being farmed by the enemy. I don't agree with the credit reduction for loses and I think they need to fine tune the overall rewards, but it was a step in the right direction because you used to get way too many WZ comms and you had NOTHING TO SPEND IT ON.


I think the biggest problem people are having is that you used to rely on RNG to get all your endgame pvp gear. RNG was like playing the slot machines/lotto. You felt you always had a chance. Now that people can see the linear gear progression it scares them. Who cares that it took them roughly the same time to get BM gear.... it's the fact they can see the numbers and crunch it to figure out roughly how long it will take to get there.


Overall a lot of people are over reacting. 1.2 isn't as bad as everyone on the forums would like to make it seem. It wasn't the jesus patch people were hoping for, but it also won't be the patch that kills the game either.


That is my 2 cents.


you have exercised the demons!!!!....amen, this house is clean......

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well i see your a pve'r and you dont care about pvp and maybe a baddie and have no pvp skill,yes im in this to show momy my skills in owning ppl like you,i want ranked for the simple reason that i dont pve and all i do all day is pvp and ranked WZ's was the only thing me and my entire guild of face rapers where waiting for to own and keep moving forward with tournaments etc but i guess you dont know anything about that cause you migth be focused on the pve aspect of the game,and about it being broken is that a joke?,you know how much broken **** is already ingame on live server lol,get your facts right buddy...



That just made me laugh. Even though of course I agree with you wanting ranked warzones - can't wait myself and am pretty pissed they didn't even care to announce that they wouldn't do it -.-


But all this 'pro-talk' and always calling everyone who doesn't agree with you 'PvE'r' and 'baddie' is such stupid nonsense XD Some PvPers are a little more mature than others. That's what it is. Some of us are good, but we don't need to show off that goodness. We enjoy fair, hard fights against people as good as us....and THAT is the reason, why us mature PvPers want ranked warzones. And we want them to work and not start on a system that's broken and might not even show the true results.

Because it will be a chance for equally matched people to q up against each other and measure their skills. On someone who is a tough match. Because if you beat scrubs or noobs you can not seriously call yourself 'good' or even 'pro'. If you beat the good ones, you can. So yeah - wanting ranked warzones but wanting them only when they work properly has NOTHING to do with being bad. ROFL Then again, if you don't care about ranked warzones at all, maybe it's just not for you. But reading out of that statement that someone sucks at PvP is just ridiculous -.-

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