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Servers down again?!


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I bought this game 2 days ago and it seems as if I'm spending more time waiting for the servers to be up instead of actually playing the game, whats more is that the servers come on quite late in the day, and my server keeps disconnecting when I play, but I don't want to make another character on a different server.:mad:
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I bought this game 2 days ago and it seems as if I'm spending more time waiting for the servers to be up instead of actually playing the game, whats more is that the servers come on quite late in the day, and my server keeps disconnecting when I play, but I don't want to make another character on a different server.:mad:


I hear ya, got the game Tuesday. Been able to play for about 2 hours is all. Figured I'd be able to play some this morning but I guess not :confused:

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I bought this game 2 days ago and it seems as if I'm spending more time waiting for the servers to be up instead of actually playing the game, whats more is that the servers come on quite late in the day, and my server keeps disconnecting when I play, but I don't want to make another character on a different server.:mad:


you bought the game at the worst possible time. right before a huge patch there is always downtime preceeding and post a huge patch cycle. if this is your first MMO I am sorry no one told you that. If you have played others that have had any type of update in them you should have realized that now was a bad time to buy it and waited a week or so...

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Just hang in there guys, I understand if you are just starting this week it can be frustrating but you guys are joining at a great time.


All these server interruptions will be over soon, 1.2 was huge so there are bound to be a few bugs and things to squash.


Let's keep fingers crossed that after today, the whole weekend should be free of interruptions barring any unforeseen issues that pop up.


Welcome to the community btw.

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