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Wheres the pve commando's?


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The only people i see posting in here are the pvp people complaining about grav round... never a pve player..


Im mainly PVE and ive noticed a major difference in my DPS levels and my survivability for the worse, not a little change but as i said major!!


Ive had to start changing my tactics just to come out of a fight that pre 1.2 would have been a breeze. I dont mind a challenge but its such a change i almost have to agree with the nerfing statement said by some.


I would of liked to have made 50, 6 lvls short, before this patch as im now kinda losing interst in this class which i previously really enjoyed :(

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Ran normal mode EC with 3 commando dps. We did OK. Can't tell if mobs die faster or not because it's a new op, unfortunately. At the very least the numbers didn't seem to change THAT much; the increased responsiveness on mortar volley made it easier to aim, but the ridiculously small area makes aiming it perfectly mandatory. Full Auto fix works great; it's much more responsive now. Demolition round hits like a truck. I saw 10k crits on some mobs (pretty sure they must have had 0 armor, but still).
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Haven't had much time to do a lot of testing on live, just managed a few Belsavis Dailies last night and I'm not a number cruncher either, so this is just my guesstimate from numbers I recall seeing.


Against trash mobs.


Grav Round:


I'm estimating a bigger than 10% drop in damage and less crits. Pre 1.2 I'd get crits for around the 2800-3000 mark. Last night my highest crit was around 2300 and they were fairly rare. Highest non crit was around 1300 down from around 1800. I often used this to finish off a trash mob after MV, not so reliable now.


Mortar Volley:


Fine for small, tight groups. But the drop in radius is very noticeable when dealing with more spread out groups of trash. One group I will mention is a group of 5 Imps in one of the Belsavis dailies. Pre 1.2 I could hit all 5 and usually have only 2 left standing. Post 1.2 the most I could hit with MV was 3 and some were still standing, leaving 2 totally undamaged mobs plus 1-2 partials. So effectively a large drop in damage against groups of trash as less are in the target area.


Maybe my impression, but overall mobs that are in the target area seem to survive with more health remaining.


Against Silvers:


No noticeable difficulty, but since GR does less damage, more skills used in the rotation. Overall kill time slightly longer.


Against Elites:


Again no difficulty, just more skills used in rotation and slightly longer kill time.


Summary: Trash mobs are a more of a pain and take longer to clear, big drop in damage from Grav Round against all mob types, seems to be a lot less crits and MV is less effective and seems to be doing less damage against mobs it does hit.


Early days, but could have been worse.

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my commando is only level 15, and i used to run up to a group and just lightning gun them all in 1 go.


after the patch, i couldnt do that :S


Sure, i only had to shoot each of the enemies once after, BUT I WANT MY ONESHOTGROUPMOBSDEADLUL back.


(not rly, it made it too easy)

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I tried yesterday with my healer commando setup and it was a complete wash.


Problems I had and the way I've been playing him.


I send in my tank companion do whatever damage I can do myself and then if he gets to 1/2 health start healing him letting him finish off the mob or mobs.




The companion will not hold agression mobs come off of him once I start healing him and attack me making the entire setup worthless.


I respected yesterday before I logged off as a tank/dps plan on using one of the healer companions to heal me while I tank/dps and give that a go.


So anyway the healer setup was worthless I couldn't do squat died to many times and they did something with the companions so they dont hold agression.

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Ya the PvP people seem pretty upset about the class changes. But then again, they are always upset about something, so... :)


I am a full heal spec, full rakata Combat Medic. My guild raided hard mode EV 16 last night, and checked out the story mode in the new raid a bit. My first impression is that they did exactly what they'd intended to do; made raids a bit more challenging.


After a night of raiding post nerf, my first impression is that the class basically plays the same (still tons of fun), although there is quite a bit more hammer shot, and kolto bomb is worth using on cooldown now.


I haven't gotten a parser going yet, so I'm not sure about how the numbers look, or how we stack up to the other healers, but from a "feel" standpoint, the nerfs are pretty minor.


If anything, you might consider running healer heavy for 16 man, like 5, maybe even 6!!! We likely will when we clean up our instances over the weekend. Not sure about 8 man though, we haven't had a chance to check one out yet.


Happy Commandoing!

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I am a PVE fan and only PVP to fill the time. If I were to build an ops or FP group I would never take a gunny or medic....I don't know enough about assault.


Low DPS, Healing, plus no interrupt = baggage. Sure a well outfitted team can overcome the weakness of the commando, but why bother. There are better choices out there for healing and DPS. From what I am hearing is that the smuggler is destined to be champ in heals and best dps/heal hybrid.

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PVE is mindlessly easy...why would anyone post about a portion of the game that takes almost zero skill to be effective in?


grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round.


I see your point, pvp is much more in depth.

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grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round.


I see your point, pvp is much more in depth.


Yeah that would be a pve player PVPing. You can tell when they get interrupted they stand there for 4 seconds doing nothing.

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I noticed the dmg decrease on my GR but the crits with Demolition Round seem MUCH larger as well so it ALMOST evens out from what I have been seeing. I Raid and PvP on my Gunnery Commando and granted I haven't pvp'd since the patch has been changed I can imagine its a different beast and will take some getting used to.


That being said I don't think any of the changes are end of the world for me and the free month sub will keep me around at least a little longer.


As far as the CB change I would like to hear from some of the Assault specced Commando's to hear what their thoughts and observations on the changes are.

Edited by JChrystal
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grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round.


I see your point, pvp is much more in depth.


There is like 7 or 8 feats related to grav round in the gunnery tree. Increasing DPS or survivability.

BW want us to change our skill rotation, and it's fine, but they need to revamp the whole tree, even nerfed to death, grav round will still be needed for HiB, charged barrier, demolition round damage increase, curtain fo fire....

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My raid runs with two Gunnery Commandos and this week we struggled to kill Bonesmasher on Hardmode Karagga's before he enraged, which is something we haven't had trouble with since we first downed him at the beginning of March. We take more damage and do less damage. My Sentinel is 47 though, so at least I can play him during my free month before I'm done with this game.
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The main problem with the nerf is we still have to use GR because all are procs are still tied to it and it's the only real DPS skill without a cooldown.


Went for HM EC with my guild last night and had the damage parser on.

Could still routinely get top DPS, GR is contributing to anything between 45(on a good try/rotation)-75% of the damage. The damage output of full auto is a lot better(up to ~40%) due to it procing more.


The survivability nerf from 10% damage reduction to 5% hurts a lot though, especially when the boss AOEs a lot and there is unavoidable damage.


Overall it doesn't feel that different, I'll have to rethink my rotation to conserve ammo to counter the increased CoF proc but that's about it.


BTW, I'm a gunnery DPS with full Rakata, ~2045 aim and ~20800 hp.

Edited by jesseleeca
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PVE is mindlessly easy...why would anyone post about a portion of the game that takes almost zero skill to be effective in?


This type of comment is not needed in forums at any point. That being said lets get back onto topic.

Has anyone run parcer on both specs in gunnery? Which are getting better numbers? I'm conserved because as officer/raid lead in my guild it seems all fights are taking way longer with my group who previously cleared NM content. I understand making ops more difficult and to tell you the truth I welcome it. I am unsure whether our gunnery trooper is pissed and not trying or if the low numbers he's getting now is the best we'll see due to the nurf.


Any input would be apreciated.

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Posted this in the other thread but



Annihilator Droid


Infernal Council



Full raid buff obviously, Exotech Aim stim, 4/5 Rakata modded, Columni Body with Rakata Mod in it, Columni Weapon with Rakata Mod and 41 Power barrel. Droid was on Hard mode but the other two were on Nightmare mode.



Crit rates on Grav Round seem to be appropriate with two piece set bonus, had some ammo issues but that might honestly be due to fixed Full Auto (experienced the same thing the first time they tuned Full Auto to be more responsive).


Haven't tried Assault Spec and honestly am not interested atm, but might go back and look at it later.


Make of it what you will.

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Sigh, he rolled heal. We just slotted one of our sage healers to dps. On a side note however. Trooper/sage duo is a killer healing combo..... Silver lining to every cloud. Insert Buddhist monk quote or some shi*t.
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My raid runs with two Gunnery Commandos and this week we struggled to kill Bonesmasher on Hardmode Karagga's before he enraged, which is something we haven't had trouble with since we first downed him at the beginning of March. We take more damage and do less damage. My Sentinel is 47 though, so at least I can play him during my free month before I'm done with this game.


I'd guess the reason has more to do with the grav round debuff no longer double/triple/etc. stacking.


Before, each commando's armor debuff was separate, meaning you could build up a 10 stack armor debuff with two.


Now, the same type of debuff can only be applied once, so no matter how many commandos you have, you can only stack 5.

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PVE is mindlessly easy...why would anyone post about a portion of the game that takes almost zero skill to be effective in?


PVP is mindlessly easy... why would anyone post about a portion of the game that takes zero skill to be effective in?

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Are you sure about that? I've seen anecdotal reports that that's still ingame.



Just tested it a few minutes ago. Gravity round armor debuff keeps stacking to at least some extent. 1 Commando vs. 3 Commandos stacking grav rounds resulted in (noticeably, but not incredibly) increased kinetic damage.


Demolition round was absurdly noticeable. Alone we hit for about 1.4k. One stack of grav rounds resulted in around 2k hits. Strangely enough, the commando who stacked the grav round had higher demolition round increases than the others (2.3k vs 2k). With three commandos the crits were sky-high; 7-8k, MUCH higher than with 1 stack of grav rounds.



So to some extent the more commandos you bring the more powerful all the other commandos become. I'm tempted to try rounding up all the Gunnery I can find on the server and see just high high demolition rounds can crit on that dummy. It was very strange that the Commando seemed to receive a smaller boost from gravity vortexes other than his own; more testing is needed for that I think.

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Yeah I checked again. There was a 300 damage difference in demolition round damage when using my own stack vs. another commandos. Very very strange. Can anyone think of anything that would cause this besides invisible mechanics they aren't telling us about?
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