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People are simply not caring about lore, sadly.


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Alright, fine. Let me elaborate. Who gives a **** about how well the game connects to everything that comes AFTER it? In the timeline that is.


Galaxies didn't stick to lore and that lasted long enough... Maybe too long, but still.


Keep in mind that most of the game isn't canon. Outcomes are different if you play imp or if you play republic. I think the Jedi knight light side story is officially considered canon in this game but who knows?

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Keep in mind that most of the game isn't canon. Outcomes are different if you play imp or if you play republic. I think the Jedi knight light side story is officially considered canon in this game but who knows?


I don't think that's entirely accurate. I'm fairly certain that it's intended that the various imperial/republic stories take place at slightly different times, one side's before the other.


For example, the Imperial Balmorra story happens before the Republic Balmorra story, and the Republic story follows up on what happens in the Imperial story. There are specific points which make it clear that the one actually serves as a continuation of the other. I've done quite a few different classes over both factions at this point an must say that generally it's fairly easy to tell for the quests on each planet which side's were first, and which continued the story from the other.

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I don't think that's entirely accurate. I'm fairly certain that it's intended that the various imperial/republic stories take place at slightly different times, one side's before the other.


For example, the Imperial Balmorra story happens before the Republic Balmorra story, and the Republic story follows up on what happens in the Imperial story. There are specific points which make it clear that the one actually serves as a continuation of the other. I've done quite a few different classes over both factions at this point an must say that generally it's fairly easy to tell for the quests on each planet which side's were first, and which continued the story from the other.


Yeah, the Balmorra story is blatantly obvious.

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I think it depends on your story.

The bounty hunter story.. lame


Smuggle story.. meh..


Counsular story: good


JK story: good


I've only been playing for a month and only on a BH. I've also loved the story. If it's lame I can't wait to roll an alt!

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From Holonet of the planets:


Since the Republic’s inception, Alderaan’s nobility has been at the political forefront, taking a stand in the Senate for peace, freedom and unity. While Coruscant has always been considered the heart of the Republic, to some extent, Alderaan has been its soul. In the aftermath of the Treaty of Coruscant, however, Alderaan withdrew from the Republic and soon became embroiled in one of the bloodiest civil wars in the galaxy’s history. The future of this once-proud planet is heavily in doubt.


Renowned for its captivating beauty, Alderaan’s verdant forests and snow-capped mountain ranges have always been a vision of utopia. Matching the landscape’s serenity, Alderaan’s political process has historically been smooth, though the crown has often been handed back and forth between several entrenched noble houses. At the height of the Great War, though, everything changed—Alderaan’s timeless tranquility was shattered. Seeking to sap the Republic’s morale, the Sith Empire invaded the planet with all its might, quickly overwhelming local defense forces and taking the royal family hostage. The reaction was equally swift and savage—Republic and Jedi forces tapped into previously unknown reserves of valor and rushed to Alderaan’s rescue. The Republic’s heroes obliterated the invaders and handed the Sith Empire a humiliating defeat.


The Imperial invasion was not forgotten, though. For the first time in history, Alderaan’s leaders became a voice for aggressive military action in the Senate. When the Treaty of Coruscant was signed a few years later, Alderaan’s crown prince marched out of the Senate in protest. Alderaan seceded from the Republic and became an independent system. The crown prince’s decision was met with mixed reaction at home; though many were supportive, others were outraged. Despite the controversy, order was kept until an assassin’s blaster took the prince’s life, and the queen died heirless just days later. Alderaan’s parliament soon became deadlocked on which of the noble houses should inherit the throne. When one of the houses sought to settle the matter through a show of force, civil war broke out on all fronts.


Adding fuel to the fire, one of Alderaan’s forgotten houses has now returned with Imperial backing to claim its rightful place, and the Republic has begun funneling support to the honorable House Organa. Though neither superpower has troops on the ground, Alderaan could become the tinderbox that sparks a return to a galaxy-spanning war. Still, no matter how violent and chaotic the political climate may become, the legacy of the planet’s rich history and its sheer environmental beauty make Alderaan a breathtaking place to behold. The question lies in whose hands this treasure will eventually end up…





That explains the lore and how it makes sense. Basically the war at Alderaan during old republic era made the people at Alderaan aggressive and decisive for military action with the surprise attack on their planet, and crushing defeat of the Empire. However, when the republic signed the treaty with the Empire it made them feel betrayed by the incompetence of the bureaucrats involved. The prince himself withdrew from the republic, and he was later assassinated which then lead to the other events leading to the current story of Alderaan and it being divided by Houses with different ones seeking support from either Empire or Republic to gain power.

Edited by VegaPhone
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I don't think that's entirely accurate. I'm fairly certain that it's intended that the various imperial/republic stories take place at slightly different times, one side's before the other.


For example, the Imperial Balmorra story happens before the Republic Balmorra story, and the Republic story follows up on what happens in the Imperial story. There are specific points which make it clear that the one actually serves as a continuation of the other. I've done quite a few different classes over both factions at this point an must say that generally it's fairly easy to tell for the quests on each planet which side's were first, and which continued the story from the other.


I had a feeling about that because

on my sage I defeated the very same governor my imperial agent romanced



Also, as far as lore is concerned there seems to be a wide gap between gameplay power and plot power, since consulars can blow apart thick durosteel doors in cutscenes while having trouble against certain elite mobs, while elite humans and machines could be nearly the same in difficulty. Plot power = the lightsaber cuts through the droid like butter.


Gameplay power = keep hitting the droid with it, and a flurry of pebbles can somehow damage it (normally they could if traveling fast enough, but these are alloys meant to withstand great speeds while traveling through space at faster than light! That's a lot of space pebbles they are resisting).

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BW disagrees with you, that's why they're rewarding spacebar players with free subs.


you don't need to space bar to get a level 50. i have 2 and have't missed a single conversation. i don't play during work hours (jobs generally get in the way of play) i don't play before 9pm or after 2am (normally). getting 50s is not that hard.


as for saying to a space bar player this is not their game. i disagree. if they are paying subs let em play how they want. more the merrier

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lets see alderaan... well it kinda dropped out due to a civil war, and i personally could care less if aldaraan was destroyed by an out of control lego explosion. i dont think that alderaan should have been an intital realease planet, as i think it focuses peoples attention onto the movies a time period that the game is not taking place in.


empire ruining all the work on taris... didn't know cause i have yet to play empire.

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In the other game, Theramore being wiped out have caused unending furor.


Here, I must say that for a game based on a much more fleshed out franchise, people don't say anything over stuff like Alderaan status (Alderaan out of the republic ? That's would have been almost like New York state withdrawing from the Union), the Imperials wiping all the work the Republic did on Taris, WTH people are even pretending there is peace anymore...



That is the point...peace is falling apart.


It makes sense to me. For Alderaan, they are not attached to the Republic because of their civil war amongst the houses (some rogue, some for the Republic, and some that supported an exiled house that returned with the backing of the Empire).


In addition, I thought the initial reason why Alderaan pulled out of the Republic was that they felt that the Republic was not in the best position to fully support them (with the Republic basically curbing to the Empire in the signing of the Treaty 30 years ago).


Over a long period of time (up to Alderaan's Destruction by the Death Star (...oops, Spoiler alert for maybe some people)), Alderaan is a strong supporter of the Republic. But that doesn't mean that there can be a time when that loyalty is tested...especially when the Republic is in a weak position and those who are still loyal are challenged by other factors (ie the Empire/Killiks/Ulgo).




I will end with one thing...History is always moving (it is like the ocean's current). The stuff on the surface is more noticable (such as the waves), but the lower you get there is still a current. Point is, history is not stagnant...on all levels, there is movement or change. To get frustrated over finding out that Alderaan (even though it is fictitious) was not always attached to the Republic; is similar to a American student getting frustrated over finding out that the US started out as a colony of Britian which led to a war between the two, even though they are allies now.

Edited by Akkela
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BW disagrees with you, that's why they're rewarding spacebar players with free subs.


Hardly... I never spacebarred through anything I wasn't replaying for the third time, and I had a 50 in Feb, accompanied by a 30+ on a separate server... And that was me playing about 3 hours a night, and averaging about 15 on the weekend (across both days).


After all, work, gym and social life tends to cut into game time (and I was also playing ME3 at the same time).


A co-worker was given the game for Christmas by his wife... He averages less time per week than I do (wife and two kids plus work and a social life), yet he digned level 50 the day after I did.


Had I been playing *only* 2 hours a DAY since release, I could easily have hit level 50. In fact, I was in the 40's when I completed act 2 and scored my Legacy, since I was doing EVERY quest that came along on every planet... Taris was the first planet I failed to complete eveything, and that was only because it was an H4!


Level 50 Consular Sage - enjoying the story

Level 37 Inquisitor Sorcerer - enjoying the story

Level 15 Smuggler Scoundrel - enjoying the story

Level 5 Inquisitor (making an Assassin)

Level 4 Imperial Agent - LOVED the story in Beta

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