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The "Maverick" 1/22/18 - The fun is back.


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perhaps you always dismissed it before 1.2 but not much have changed to a certain extent


I dont think 1.2 made the build that more viable apart from Quell which is off CD and PFT more reliable


Its pre1.2 highpoints were to get HO+short CD grapple/electro/quell with PPA.

after the 1.2, it is still the same expect that you can try to fit PFT now.


Utility is pretty much the same


damage wise, it was already decent pre1.2. Besides, if the pyro burst has been taken one notch down, so does the burst of this build too.


Um, no you missed the entire poin. It is better in 1.2 because of the changes to charged gauntlets. He doesn't have any points in PFT.

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perhaps you always dismissed it before 1.2 but not much have changed to a certain extent


I dont think 1.2 made the build that more viable apart from Quell which is off CD and PFT more reliable


Its pre1.2 highpoints were to get HO+short CD grapple/electro/quell with PPA.

after the 1.2, it is still the same expect that you can try to fit PFT now.


Utility is pretty much the same


damage wise, it was already decent pre1.2. Besides, if the pyro burst has been taken one notch down, so does the burst of this build too.


Ok I am sorry I assumed you actually "Looked" at my spec, but apparently you didnt. There is no PFT at all in this. Furthermore, it is VERY much upgraded from pre 1.2. Not only the gap is closer now that there are no back to back RSs from deep Pyros, but Charged Gauntlets has a chance to proc on EVERY tick for RB, mean you are now (post 1.2) pretty much guaranteed a crit RS, unlike before.

I did try to use PFT in an AP/Pyro spec and, to me, it wasnt as good as an AP's PFT (at least 15% less dmg), and the rotation felt VERY clunky because you already have your hands full with FB/RS/RP/RB. For the same reason why a NO RS AP spec is more efficient (by not incorporating RS), this spec is also more efficient by not incorporating PFT.

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Ok I am sorry I assumed you actually "Looked" at my spec, but apparently you didnt. There is no PFT at all in this. Furthermore, it is VERY much upgraded from pre 1.2. Not only the gap is closer now that there are no back to back RSs from deep Pyros, but Charged Gauntlets has a chance to proc on EVERY tick for RB, mean you are now (post 1.2) pretty much guaranteed a crit RS, unlike before.

I did try to use PFT in an AP/Pyro spec and, to me, it wasnt as good as an AP's PFT (at least 15% less dmg), and the rotation felt VERY clunky because you already have your hands full with FB/RS/RP/RB. For the same reason why a NO RS AP spec is more efficient (by not incorporating RS), this spec is also more efficient by not incorporating PFT.


well i had a look at your build.


I was merely commenting on the state of the hybrid AP/pyro in general where now with the 1.2 you can toy with the idea of adding (or not like in the spec that you posted) PFT.


I provided a link with a video of someone using a hybrid AP/pyro spec bc someone was asking for it.


the strength of this hybrid has not been changed that much with the 1.2 to me. It is still good at providing better mobility and utility than full pyro while retaining some decent DPS.


In short, Charged gauntlet certainly helps boosting the overall dps aspect of this build however, it has no real impact on its kiting ability (HO, Sweltering Heat and Degauss if you want another root breaker) which is the main reason, to me, of getting this spec.


i.e. while your burst will not be as intense as full pyro, your capacity to survive by remaining mobile is greatly increased and it has been the case pre1.2 et remains so post1.2


Anyway, I do not aim to dismiss your post as useless or off target; in fact it is very informative.

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I haven't had the chance to scrutinize the details in this thread but I would add that I really enjoy the PPA with at least 21 points in AP for the crit proc for RS. all the procs make it a really fun DPS that immediately stuck out where I'm used to the slower damage of the shield tree. Still undecided whether there's any good use for PFT, the value of HO is indisputable for warzone
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I have been running this spec for quite a while now, its amazing for kiting melee, but i still haven't decided on which armor set i should go for yet. At the moment im running with 2p, combat tect, and 2p combat medic... nice set bonus, but lacking in stats. I havnt swap out any mod yet, havnt been pvping that long...


suggestion would be helpful:)

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I have been running this spec for quite a while now, its amazing for kiting melee, but i still haven't decided on which armor set i should go for yet. At the moment im running with 2p, combat tect, and 2p combat medic... nice set bonus, but lacking in stats. I havnt swap out any mod yet, havnt been pvping that long...


suggestion would be helpful:)


4pc combat tech for this spec, works really nice. You already have a very high crit rate on RS, so it is nice to also get that 15% for Rocket Punch, since you want to use it all the time for a chance to proc Charged Gauntlets AND to vent heat when it is free.


If you can afford the remodding, do what I suggested in the beginning of the thread and use the PvE combat tech set bonus, which is 8% damage to RS.

Edited by Agooz
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How is this pre 50 leveling pve/pvp?


Level 38 to be exact.


I wouldnt recommend this spec for leveling because you need the entire talent points pool to make it viable. I would recommend to go deep pyro until you hit 50.


Not sure what I am doing wrong here, but am having serious heat issues with this spec. Any ideas?


An advantage of this spec over deep pyro is heat management. In fact I feel it is as good if not better heatwise than AP.

- Ok first of all, are you running in Combustible Gas Cylinder?

- Are you making sure that your target is constantly "burning", meaning applying FlameBurst or a free Inc. Missile before you use Railshot.

- Are you proccing the free Rocket Punches? if not you're not throwing enough FlameBursts in your rotation.


I highly suggest going on the Ziost imperial fleet station and practice on a dummy. Not only will it help you see how heat management works in this spec, but also get used to a rotation that is making use of Retractable Balde to proc Charged Gauntlets. That way you will get a feel for how often you need to refresh it, how many Flamebursts on average proc the free Rocket Punch, etc...

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^ yes to all


I think it is my pve pulling nature that was making it rough on me cuse i do chain pulls



In warzones wasn't having much issue as long as I didnt apply the incendiary to more than one target at a time and get off a railshot so the free and critted one could proc asap

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Nope really bad heat issues in Operations, maybe RNG just hates me


have 35% tech crit hit railshot when i get the guaranteed crit and whenever my free punch redoes its gcd for usage


Just can't run this spec in pve at all


I really have no idea what is the root of your issue. First of all, you do NOT wait for the guaranteed crit on RS to use it. You should use RS EVERY time it is up/procced. It just happens that in this spec, pretty much all your RSs will crit, but you do not need to watch out for it. That alone is the core heat venting mechanism, not just for this spec but also Pyros.

RNG is not an issue anymore after 1.2. You will always get an RS every 6-7.5 sec pretty much. That along with free Rocket Punches, which Pyros dont get, you should have better heat management than any other Pyro spec. There is nothing in this build that hinders heat management. How do you think Pyros do in Ops? And they dont get free Rocket punches every 5 GCDs.

All I can tell you is keep trying and see what it is you doing wrong. Practice on the dummies.

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On last fight on karraga was able to manage 3+ heat recharge consistently by working in 2 of my rapid shots after 2 flame bursts. is that just how it's supposed to work


Incendiary missile - rail shot - rapid while closing range - retractable blade - flame burst - rapid shot - flame burst til free punch or RS comes off cd from flame /its own cd?

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On last fight on karraga was able to manage 3+ heat recharge consistently by working in 2 of my rapid shots after 2 flame bursts. is that just how it's supposed to work


Incendiary missile - rail shot - rapid while closing range - retractable blade - flame burst - rapid shot - flame burst til free punch or RS comes off cd from flame /its own cd?


When you know PPA should be up(4GCDs), use Rocket Punch even if it is not free. Your target should be burning all the time, so why not increase your chances of proccing PPA while also trying to proc charged gauntlets.

Based on what you are showing, you should be at zero heat by the time you are in melee range. Then....RP>FB>RS>RB>FB>Rapid>FB> (should now have RS and/or free RP coming up)

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Thanks for posting this.

I have been an iron fist Pvp PT for about a month. After 1.2 I tried out several different specs. I have combat tech set so I have been unhappy with my results as Pyro. I work and go to school and have a toddler at home so I have limited time to farm another set. So I've been trying to find another spec that would benefit from my gear.


So I tried this out last night and I must say that I'm very impressed. It took me a few games to get going and get used to it but now that I have I really like it. In Pvp this plays quite a bit like pyro. As you say, it has less burst but more sustained damage. HO has proved invaluable.


Two comments I would like to make : first I hate how people remove my fire dot to prevent me from using RS. The RB dot is much harder to remove. I like that.

secondly, I have put the points from GAJ into Degauss because I just don't need the extra venting and the root-breaker is handy.


As a former st/if with combat tech 4 Pc and elim/medic fillers this spec gives me the most bang for my limited and already heavily invested buck.

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The no-RS AP build just wasn't working as I had hoped in PvP, so I switched to this. Wow, night and day difference. Wish I would have switched to this much sooner.


It's all a matter of playstyle. I am just now trying the CGC AP build, and it's fascinatingly interesting. AP is definitely not for everyone. It's a very in your face style of play and requires a certain level of commitment to get the hang of it. I haven't tried the Maverick, but may try it later.

Edited by TheOpf
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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the build, only difference between it and mine(I call mine the Roaring Chinchilla build - 0/23/18), is the point from ST, I put into lowering the cooldown of Electro Dart.


Kind of off topic, but how many different hybrid names are there? Ironfist, Carolina Parakeet, Giggling Turtle, Cross-eyed Gator, Roaring Chinchilla....


Back to the name, I dunno....I keep picturing Mel Gibson flipping the Ace of Spades when I see the name.


And back to the build. I was also wondering if taking that point from ST and putting it into the snare for Retracting Blade would be a good thing. How often do you utilize Retractable Blade would determine it, I suppose.


Roaring Chinchilla build - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301ZRsrrobckZfhrbzh.1

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This looks like a decent build but tbh is outclassed by 8/5/28 in top end gear, too much scaling and with eliminators deep pyro's are already getting 50% + crit chance on RS anyway.


But deep pyro is outclassing pretty much everything in terms of pvp damage so I expect nerfs, I just don't think its worth it to run this build while deep pyro does the damage it can do. The set up this build requires is what holds it back, deep pyro can open with IM > RS for good damage at 30 yrds and with TTK right now that is enough to put it way ahead.

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This looks like a decent build but tbh is outclassed by 8/5/28 in top end gear, too much scaling and with eliminators deep pyro's are already getting 50% + crit chance on RS anyway.


But deep pyro is outclassing pretty much everything in terms of pvp damage so I expect nerfs, I just don't think its worth it to run this build while deep pyro does the damage it can do. The set up this build requires is what holds it back, deep pyro can open with IM > RS for good damage at 30 yrds and with TTK right now that is enough to put it way ahead.


I think you are slightly missing the point of this spec. He states in his first post that this won't do as much damage as deep pyro. The point of this is to have heavy damage and utility without being deep in AP. There are some people that do not like to rely heavily on PFT to be their big damage dealer, so this may work for them.


If you are going for all out damage and burst, then you want to stay deep pyro. But if you want utility with your damage, then go AP or use this hybrid spec. Since there are a lot of big damage dealers in my premades, then I'm going either AP (Norse) or Maverick because with objectives being important in WZs (looking at you Huttball) then that is where I will shine with these builds.


I played this spec for the last few days, and I'm enjoying it. I'm going back and forth between this build and Norse to be my future build. Having those railshots is a lot of fun.

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from a pvp standpoint this spec looks subpar to full pyro.


Youre giving up 30% crit damage, you have no TD for the burst, no energy rebounder(i feel our best defensive ability), you lose the 9% damage on all targets pretty much across the board.


And you gain a shorter CD on grapple, a faster quell, crummy retract blade and HO.


grapple is situational. if youre running CGC, noone really gets away from you anyways. Its great in huttball and can be very useful in voidstar but situational. And the talent only takes 10 sec off.


Shorter quell is nice but it seems as full pyro i only need a stun and a quell if i pop cooldowns and time the TD/burst. If the healer is guarded, the faster quell isnt going to do it.... ill need another person assisting me to take down the healer anyways.


You are gaining basically 50% crit chance on your railshot... i get that. But its also hitting for quite a bit less. Youre also getting some free rocket punches but again heat really shouldnt be an issue unless youre button mashing or in a 5 minute battle. With automated defenses, using IM doesnt build much heat at all as a full pyro so i see that as a wash.


This is from a pvp standpoint, not sure how this would perform in PVE.


just my 2 cents.

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from a pvp standpoint this spec looks subpar to full pyro.


Youre giving up 30% crit damage, you have no TD for the burst, no energy rebounder(i feel our best defensive ability), you lose the 9% damage on all targets pretty much across the board.


And you gain a shorter CD on grapple, a faster quell, crummy retract blade and HO.


grapple is situational. if youre running CGC, noone really gets away from you anyways. Its great in huttball and can be very useful in voidstar but situational. And the talent only takes 10 sec off.


Shorter quell is nice but it seems as full pyro i only need a stun and a quell if i pop cooldowns and time the TD/burst. If the healer is guarded, the faster quell isnt going to do it.... ill need another person assisting me to take down the healer anyways.


You are gaining basically 50% crit chance on your railshot... i get that. But its also hitting for quite a bit less. Youre also getting some free rocket punches but again heat really shouldnt be an issue unless youre button mashing or in a 5 minute battle. With automated defenses, using IM doesnt build much heat at all as a full pyro so i see that as a wash.


This is from a pvp standpoint, not sure how this would perform in PVE.


just my 2 cents.


Actually, I would use this spec in PvP, not PvE. The loss of the 30% to surge, is on RS and CGC since TD is not on the spec and IM to me doesnt amount to any significant portion of a Pyro's dps. The Rain of Fire 9% is really only RS and RP. On RS it can be offset by using the pve set and gain the 8% damage to RS. Overall RB does make up some damage lost from deep pyro. As you can see in the OP, in total was about 12%.

But yes, this spec doesnt have the spike bursts of deep Pyro, but still good enough. I think this spec is very good for group queue. Trading some burst for a lot more control on the battlefield.

The spec is not for Pyros who feel they lack something, because I believe as a pyro you are pretty much a good package as it is. This is more for someone who wants something "different", without totally gimping yourself.


I do agree with you on Energy Rebounder. I dont understand why the vast majority of Pyros dont spec for it. I am currently running with Energy Rebounder and 18sec Energy Shield. 9 out of 10 encounters, even vs decked marauders, I win. I am totally addicted to Energy Rebounder+18sec shield.

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